About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #84 – Shopping and Lawn Mowing


Saturday, June 16th, 2018……   Lydia said she didn’t sleep well last night so she went to bed early last night. I took a Benadryl and followed a little later. I slept fine and she said she did too. But the white shadow was up and rarin’ to go at 5:15am again!  I took off and got breakfast and coffee/tea and then after that spent some time outside with Rylee, playing and checking out the grass to see if/when I could mow. I think later this morning will be good. So, I went out and worked in the shop and made Tim two fascia plates for the peaks of both the shop and the rv garage. One’s for the rv garage and the other one replaces the one on the shop. These get painted the accent color that’s around all the fascia on all of the buildings.  Lydia had mentioned that she wanted to go bra shopping so we decided to do that today and I would mow this afternoon.  First stop was Kohl's in Albany and they got close but not what she wanted so we decided to drive up to Salem to Nordstrom’s.  My sister was coming by to work on the blueberry cage so we asked her to check on Rylee while she was there. We went to the downtown mall which is shops connected by skywalks so you don’t have to go outside (helps in the rain and cold winters). We first went to Victoria’s Secret and still no luck. They also told us Nordstrom’s had moved out. So, we hit Penney’s where I found some shorts that I liked. No luck for her. We called sis and asked her to feed monster puppy and walked over to Macy’s. There she got lucky and found what she wanted so she picked up two for the trip. Now she knows what and where for next time. We got back home and Penny had finished her work and was relaxing on the porch and was ready to help with the lawn. I got both mowers out and fired up and she took one and I took one and we started in.  Lydia relieved me and  finished the lawn and Penny was out in the back field so I decided to go have a beer and rest.

It was short-lived though – the newly purchased 5-yr old tractor was having issues with the thick grass and was stalling out. I got it going while Lydia finished the lawn. I took the black mower and went out to help sis do the back field.  We made great progress until her mower quit! It was smoking and the blades wouldn’t engage. So, we parked it in the shop and I finished up and we were done for the day. She left a little later and we fed Rylee and Lydia went to Taco Bell and got us dinner and we ate and then relaxed from our busy day!  
Sunday, June 17th, 2018……  Happy Father’s Day!  Lydia wanted to take me out to breakfast and we left the house and went and picked up my sister and went to Apple Tree in town. Thanks, sweetie, for the treat! Nothing planned for today so I went out and looked at the tractor.  It fired up and so I took it out and tested the cutting system. It was engaging and working fine. I cleaned it up and put it away. I think the belts are out of adjustment so they won’t carry the load when they hit thick grass.  That must have been what got them overheated and smoking yesterday. I know the tractor has never been serviced (it was filthy and caked with dirt and grass before I cleaned it) so I will do that when we get back from our trip. But it’s good news that the whole system wasn’t blown up! We both vegged out today and tried to stay cool. It hit 85º here today so we didn’t want to do any more yard work. I got calls from both the kids. We had a nice visit. Later, we were seeing on the news that there was a storm coming down from the north and it was in Portland and they were getting thunder and lightning and rain.  The skies to the north did get dark and about an hour later we got it all too. I’m so glad that it doesn’t bother Rylee. She hears it and is startled but just ignores it after the first one. Lydia fixed ground turkey and made a sort of taco mixture but for burritos. It was really good. Later, we had a knock on the door. Lou, our neighbor down the street was missing one of his little dogs who took off running when the thunder hit. He said that he found him here in Walt’s garage the last time that happened.  We checked everywhere around the place but no sign. He left to go check the other neighbors. I walked with him for a while but we didn’t see him. He left to go the houses on his other side to check there. I’ll stop by tomorrow to see if they found him or not.  We settled back in and finished watching tv until bedtime.  

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