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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #79 – Three Weeks to Go! And Lydia’s Birthday!


Wednesday, June 6th, 2018……  Three weeks from today we’ll be on a plane to Maui!  Yaay!

With Rylee sleeping with us, we slept in again this morning – if you call 5:30am sleeping in!  That’s my normal time that I have been used to for many years, but Lydia likes to sleep a little later.  I get up with her most days but this morning Lydia took her out and played with her and fed her breakfast.  I got up and showered and dressed and then took monkey butt out for her little walk to get the paper.  I halfway expected to see contractors out there early but that didn’t happen.  It was 10:00am before anyone showed up. The insulation guys cancelled again (supposedly now tomorrow) but the tapers showed.  They were a little slow in setting up but the two-man crew got going and got 75% of the walls and ceiling taped.  They use what is called a bazooka taper which is a tool that dispenses mud and then rolls tape over that in one swipe. The other guy comes along and does the finish part and smoothes all of it up.  I’ve seen faster work but, hey, this is laid-back Oregon! Tim and Dana laid rebar for the rv pad and then formed up the man door on the east side for the pour. They won’t be back tomorrow because it is supposed to be busy. The tapers, the insulation guys and the electricians are all on the calendar for tomorrow.  We’ll see who shows up, and when! Meanwhile, we are continuing to get ready for the trip.  I still want to try and find another hard-sided carry-on to match our larger one. There are many brands and styles so I’m not worried about finding one. In all of the prep to get ready, I got a wrinkle thrown in. My sister’s housekeeper was telling us about one of her client’s upcoming estate sale that she will be working. It’s now this weekend.  I told her we are looking for another lawn tractor and these folks have two for sale.  She got back to me with a price and some more info and I called Kirk, and we decided to go in half and buy it together.  He can use it on any jobs he needs and store it here. I went online and looked at their ad on Craig’s List and saw pics. I will be going there on Friday with my truck and trailer to pick it up. It’s hard to spend money now before the trip but this is a bargain and something we can’t afford to pass up! Later, I went out and started pulling weeds in the blueberry cage. They have taken over and you can’t even see the plants! I cleaned up around one of the four but had to quit because it was causing me too much pain in my sore knee. But I think if Lydia and my sister help, we can manage to get it done.  Penny brought Quincy over earlier and they are doing really well together. We sat and worked on logistics for when Daisy has both dogs.  We are worried that Rylee will be hard to get settled down if Quincy is in the house all night with her. We had to come up with where each dog, and Daisy, would sleep. On top of that, Sis may have some help coming for a portion of Daisy’s time here.  If so, then Daisy would stay here with Rylee and Quincy would be at home. Another thing we’re thinking about is have Quincy stay here during the day and then sleep at her own home at night.  Penny says Quincy will be fine alone at night. We’ll figure it out.

Thursday, June 7th, 2018……  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA!!  We started the day as usual but when Lydia turned on her phone, she had tons of messages and tweets.  She heard from both the kids and from others who called to sing to her! – don’t quit your day job guys! She had opened her gift early because UPS dropped it and rang the bell so she saw what it was – sis and I went in and got her a garden wagon that she asked for to pull along when she works in the flowerbeds. This thing holds 265 lbs and has fat tires so it will roll easy on the grass so I think it will work well.  The mudders showed up first thing this morning.  He said he needed Tim’s scaffolding and wanted to be sure he was first on the job! They only took an hour or so and finished the job.  I’m guessing they will be back to sand because everything looks really rough! The electrician came back today as well and got his work 100% complete.  He was short one 50amp outlet but he made a quick trip and got one and installed that and was on his way.  No word on the insulation guys.  Lydia took off later in the day to get her mani/pedi.  Penny came over so we could leave for dinner when she got back. It was around 4:30pm when we left.  She returned Janie’s call on the way to Spoleto’s Italian Restaurant in Sweet Home. We had never been before and Lydia chose it for tonight.  I ordered the spaghetti and meatball dinner and both Lydia and penny got the Garlic Chicken Pasta dinner. I ordered a spinach and artichoke dip as an appetizer for all of us, which was really good.  I wouldn’t get the spaghetti again because I don’t like the red and green bell peppers they put in the sauce. But the girls liked theirs. We got back home and sat outside and watched Rylee chasing moths and bees and entertaining herself. Penny went home and we relaxed the rest of the night. Lydia went to bed early. She was up the night before and couldn’t sleep so tonight she was super tired and ready.   

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