About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #82 – More Cement Prep and a Decision is Made!

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018……  Today started out cloudy and drizzly but cleared up pretty quickly. Tim & Dana worked more on getting the approach pad ready for the pour.  They laid the rebar and finished setting the pour forms.  That pour is scheduled for Thursday. I finally made the decision to have them add material and labor (should be around $1200.) for the second guest pad. Rather than a cement pad (@$2800.) I went with the compacted ¾ stone and stone dust, which will hold the weight of any rv should we ever have the need to park more than one guest. I won’t have 30-amp there until way down the road but I have been using the 20-amp circuit for my rig which is parked next to the pad now with no worries. Dana will order the rock delivery for tomorrow. The garage door guy is still on his job and won’t be available until Monday, which means he can run his scissor lift over the new concrete with no problems. My sister spent the night with Quincy so we could see how sleeping arrangements would go. We gated our bedroom door (it never gets closed) so monkey butt couldn’t get out if/when she got off the bed (she didn’t). But after all day here with both dogs, sis has decided that Quincy should spend the nights in her own house. Rylee is just too anxious to play and she bothers Quincy almost all the time. Daisy will go to her house and take her to the river or the canal or bring her back here but she will sleep there. We also divided and conquered today. Penny and I tackled the blueberry weeding and Lydia worked on her backyard flower bed weeding. We each got about 3/4s finished before we called it for the day. While we were resting, sis got some more news. Her ex sister-in-law, Paula, who lives in Bend, said she is available to come stay at her house for at least a few days.  That means that Daisy will only have one dog to look out for as long as Paula is here. She can go over and walk with them to learn the area for when Paula leaves. Good news! Penny left a little while later and I went out and started my own project – I am transferring the existing flagstones in the guest pad area to various places around the yard.  Some went out front to give us access to water, or across the flower beds to the lawn. Most of them went back behind the workshop for use down the road. I got four wheelbarrows of stones moved before I called it for the day.  Lydia did go back out and pulled some more weeds, but she gave up after a bit and we came in and watched America’s Got Talent before we went to bed.  
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018……  Rylee got me up early wanting her chew toy. That settled her down for 30 minutes and by then I was ready to get up and feed her. I got showered and going. Lydia volunteered to make egg sandwiches which I took time to enjoy before I went to work. Today Tim & Dana got a delivery of rock and went to work on my second guest pad. Tim used the bucket on his tractor for the rest of the flagstones and we got those moved in a couple of trips. They got another load of rock later and by the end of the day, it was done!  I told Tim I wish I had made the decision to do that at the beginning of the project because I could have parked my coach there and it would have been out of the way for everything. I do remember how wet it was so maybe they couldn’t dig the site. Oh well, it’s good to go now. I also managed to remove the tire and wheel from the Husqvarna tractor so I could check it for leaks. Yep, can’t see it but I hear it. I will get it up to the Les Schwab tire store in town and see if they work on mower tires. If not, I think Coastal Farm and Ranch has them. I just don’t want to change the tube myself!  We did take a break and took off to go to Sweet Home. We needed to hit Dollar General for a new cell phone case for me and I needed to go to the Elks Lodge to correct my address. For some reason, they retained the old Calif. address on file and I just got the June newsletter re-routed from the Calif post office! They didn’t open until 3:00pm so we went to DG. They have a closeout sale on these cell phone cases and they are out.  We drove back through Brownsville to the DG there. Same thing. When we got back home, I took one of Lydia’s old needles and some thread and stitched it up until I can find one I like. We decided to stop at the A&W drive-in in Sweet Home and we enjoyed a tasty ‘linner’. Later, we had some cheese and crackers and that held us till bedtime.       

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