About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #141 – Dr’s Appointment, Penny’s Home, and Thinking About Christmas Already!


Thursday, November 8th, 2018…...  Today is Lydia’s appointment for her annual physical. But not until this afternoon. So, I spent some time hanging around the house and getting my checkbook in order. Then I headed out to work for a few hours on my shelving units. Of course, I do have to get the pooches out now and then. I took a few pics of the dogs together out playing in the field. The first one is in the west forty and they are ‘hunting’ field mice! The other two show them resting after running in the yard. It’s nice to have the space for that. I think Quincy has finally accepted the attention that Rylee ‘bestows’ on her. She actually wants to initiate the playtime every now and then.

Lydia is feeling about the same. So, Dr. Simmons had a chance to examine her closely and see her tenderness firsthand. Not much surprise to find she’s in discomfort when the colon is irritable and tender! Her UTI is almost gone now and her lab numbers looked good, so we just need to get that colonoscopy completed to see what is going on. That happens in a few weeks. Turns out it will be a consult so the Dr. is going to see if he can hurry that along. We did find out last week that our United Health Care Supplement HMO insurance plan won’t be available next year here in Oregon. I guess they don’t have that many retired Boeing folks here. The two choices are Kaiser and UHC Senior Supplement PPO Plan. We won’t go to Kaiser so we only have the PPO to choose. It will cost more for that one but we won’t have to change doctors. We like our primary care physician and Lydia likes her Nephrologist. 

Before our appointment, we took my sister back to her house. She had some things to bring back and she’s wanting to try a night there by herself. We will still keep Quincy so she can settle in and be ‘home again’. We did go over and get her to go out to dinner. She wanted to treat us. We went to The Point and had a really nice meal. We dropped her back home and came home to let the dogs out for a while. Then it was tv and relaxing until bedtime.    
Friday, November 9th, 2018…... Rylee got us up a little earlier that we wanted this morning (after already waking me up at 12:59am to let her out to potty!). I fed Rylee and walked Quincy and then fed her. We are definitely changing into winter here! It was cold enough last night and this morning for frost to be on the ground. Here are before and after of those same shrubs I took pics of only last month. Now no leaves and no color!

I went and got us breakfast/coffee/tea and then went back out again to head to Albany and Home Depot/Lowe’s to find a light sensor for that garage security light I had been working on. I found that Lowes carries one but they were out of stock. Salem shows they have 12 so I will stop there next week when my sister goes for her next appointment. Once I got back home, I spent a little time digging out the Christmas cards from our garage. We need to get the package ready to mail to Janie, who will distribute at the next Camping Squares (Christmas) campout. That comes up the first weekend in December, which is coming soon. We also did the other ones but will hang on to those to mail in December. But, hey, they are all done already! At the request of her doctor to have an annual mammogram, Lydia went to our local imaging center to sign a release form for her records from her last mammogram from down south. They have her on schedule for December for that scan. On the way home, she stopped and got Penny and brought her back to the house for dinner. She had a chicken and dumpling mix in the crockpot since early this morning. It was really yummy! We took Penny back home and came back and settled in for the evening to watch our taped shows.  I went out to the motorhome and watched a taped Nascar race because I had other things going on my recorder in the house. While I was there, I caught the SoCal news about the fires and evacuations going on. Devastating!  Sure wish we could give you some of our cooler weather!     

Saturday, November 10th, 2018…...  Nothing on the agenda for me today. I did my doggie routine and then and did my breakfast/tea/coffee routine. Lot’s of routines here! Later, Lydia left to go help Penny run some errands. She needed to go get meds plus she needed groceries. She’s going to stay at home now. I have Quincy but I think we can get her back over there later today so she can be back ‘home’ too.  I will plan on going there each morning to walk her, for at least the next week. She’s looking to get the ok from her doctors to be able to walk Quincy on her leash. Even if she doesn’t, she can still bring her over and let her go off leash here for her walks/runs.   Lydia got back and was pretty pooped from her morning out. So, she kicked back for the day.  I was hoping the sun would come out for the day and dry the lawn some more. It hasn’t rained here for a few days and that sunny day helps the soggy sections dry out. The sun finally came out around 11:00am and I waited until about 2:00pm or so to get the mower out and got the lawn started. I only got the west side of the driveway done. I had to stop because I was putting some deep ruts in the grass because it was still too wet. Plus, when I put the rake attachment on the tractor and then ran it over the lawn to pick up the clippings, I got more ruts. But I got that part of the job done at least. Just the main lawn to do now. The field grass is still good so I won’t have to do that section. We have rain forecast for Wednesday but sunny days after that. I need to get that one more cutting done!  If it follows the same pattern as last year, this probably will be it for mowing for the season. I didn’t want Lydia to cook tonight but she wants spaghetti for dinner and while she was out today, she bought bread and sauce - so we cooked. While she started dinner, I fed the dogs and then took Quincy home and then came home and we binge-watched 4 episodes of Guys Grocery Games and then we went on to watch our own taped shows until bedtime.  

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