About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #145 – Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 20th, 2018…...  Last night we had to close our bedroom door to keep monster mutt from harassing Quincy throughout the night. I got up at 5 something and let Rylee out to pee. She missed Quincy sleeping on the coach and went out and did her business. Then l let the Q out to pee and we all settled back in until around 7:00am, when I fed super pooper then showered and then took Quincy out then Rylee while Lydia fed Q.  Then it was time for us. I went and got coffee/tea while Lydia ate her breakfast. And then I made mine and we relaxed for the morning. Kirk came by as planned and worked for a couple of hours and took the lawn clippings with him. We will have him one more Tuesday this month, then, weather permitting, maybe one more time in December to do a final cleanup. I don’t think we will have much need as the winter shuts down pretty much every aspect of lawn and garden care. We’ll plan to start up again maybe in April. It’s sure been nice to have him work for us. With him and Caleb (when he’s available in the summer) doing the big chores, it makes it easy for us to do the small ones in the flower beds and garden and neither of us has to be tied down and ‘married’ to the yard work.
The girls got back from their travels and came by about noon. They visited for a bit then took Quincy home. Sis said she sure slept well last night without her nervous puppy all anxious and such from her creaking house. I think we will plan on more stays over here because Quincy doesn’t have issues at all sleeping here.          

Wednesday, November 21st, 2018…...  We got going early again this morning. I fed Rylee and then walked her. I always bring the paper in when I return by the mailbox. I like to read up on all the news, both local and US.  Right now, they are running a series of articles, done by a 14-yr old Lebanon girl, traveling with her family to Washington, DC. They are following the Capitol Tree, which was cut from Sweet Home and is on the way to DC, where it will be displayed. She writes each day as they go from town to town.  Most cities on the route have special events planned as they track the caravan and the tree is almost always in a local parade as folks celebrate it on its way to the Capitol building.
I also like the word jumble they have in the paper and even went online and bought some anagram tiles to help with them. Once I finished that, I went out and picked up breakfast/coffee/tea and came home. The paper had an ad that interested us. We had both wanted to get a pair of flannel-lined jeans and Cabela’s had them on their Black Friday sale, starting today. I had bought a pair last year and I love them! They sure do help take the chill off when I’m out with the dog(s) on those cold mornings! So, I wanted another pair and thought Lydia would like them as well. So, we took off and drove down to Eugene with that item on our list. Cabela’s wasn’t crowded and we both found and tried on our jeans and then got them paid for and got out and back home pretty quickly. Later, Penny and Cherrelyn came by to drop Quincy off. They stayed a while then left us for the evening. We watched Survivor and Hollywood Game Night and then called it a night.       

Thursday, November 22nd, 2018…...  HAPPY TURKEY DAY!  Last night we closed Quincy in the guest room (which keeps Rylee from pestering her) and she was fine until the wind picked up early in the morning hours. I opened the bedroom door and let her out and they both went out to potty. This time I closed our bedroom door so Rylee was in with us. Quincy did fine and the wind eventually died down and all was calm again. Rylee woke me up and I fed her then showered and then took Q out for her walk. Rylee came out and they played as usual and got their treats and then I took Rylee out to the street for our walk out there. Just like when we were in SoCal, the Thanksgiving Day newspaper is LOADED with Black Friday ads. I pulled those so everyone can go through them at their leisure.

Today’s word jumble:

And the Capitol Tree article:

We spent the morning getting some of the food prepped for the day’s feast. Lydia got the turkey and ham going and made the dressing, resting in between. We did Marco Polo with the kids (and the dogs!). Not the same as being together, but fun none the less!  The girls got here about noon. They had all of the rest of the yummy treats and we sure enjoyed the tasty meal!  Of course, I had to sandwich in the Thanksgiving football games before and after we ate. Yesterday, I got out the lights for the porch and checked them and then laid them out so I could get them installed (probably on Friday). I went out after dinner and checked on them, since it was so windy last night.  We’re good.  After hours of lounging around and enjoying the day, the girls went back home. We’re keeping Q, since they have to get up early so they can get Cherrelyn to the airport shuttle at ‘oh dark hundred’ tomorrow morning I did some clean up on my checkbook and then we watched tv until bedtime.  It was a fun day!    

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