About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #142 – Veteran’s Day & a Play

Sunday, November 11th, 2018…...  Happy Veterans Day (traditional)….

Today started bright and early. I got up around 6:30am and showered and dressed and fed Rylee and then headed out to get coffee and then go to my sister’s and walk Quincy. I stopped and got Lydia’s chai tea and then came home and walked Rylee. Then I could sit down and eat my breakfast. Later, we got cleaned up and fed Rylee her lunch a little early, because we were going to a play. It was a 2:30pm matinee in Corvallis and we decided to leave around noon so we could find a place and have lunch beforehand. We picked up my sister and drove to town and found a place to park just down from the theater. Penny asked a local couple to recommend a place to eat. They gave us a few names and we walked one street over where most of the little cafes were located. We chose a Mongolian BBQ place. You get a bowl and then go down the table and fill it up with whatever you like. They have all of the meats and some fish and shrimp too. Then you select veggies and then the sauces and finally the noodles. It goes next to a hibachi type round grilling station and the guy cooks it all up for you. It was all you can eat so we experimented with small plates each time. I tried pork once, then shrimp. Lydia and Penny had chicken and beef. After the second plate, we knew which things to add and how much (sauce, lemon water, etc.) to mix in. It was really tasty. And filling! We will definitely go back again!  Since we had plenty of time, we sat there after the meal and relaxed a bit. Afterward, we walked back to the theater and hung around the lobby until it was time to go in. The play we saw was Catch Me If You Can, and was terrific! The movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks was turned into a Broadway musical and they did an adaptation of that. Like I said, it was terrific! One of the best performances we have seen to date. We got out about 4:30 and headed home. We were a bit late feeding Rylee but it’s not like she was going to waste away to nothing. Not the big cow that she is! I walked her after dinner (ok, I let her out and she ran and I watched!) and then we came in and settled in for the night.           
Monday, November 12th, 2018…... Happy Veterans Day (observed)… Thanks to all who served! 

Went through round two of my drive-to-dog walking assignment. It’s ok though and I don’t mind. Quincy is no trouble at all and is very well behaved on a leash. I’m just surprised that she is not affected at all by the cold weather. It was 29º this morning and I had on my sweat pants and jacket and gloves. On cold days at home I can understand how Rylee isn’t affected, no surprise, her being a giant hairball, but Quincy is aerodynamic (skinny) and short haired. But she loves going out and walks on the frosty grass – no problem. I got that done and came back home, stopping for coffee/tea/breakfast along the way. I ate then walked Rylee. By this time, the sun was full out and the frost was drying up. Later, the temps got up into the mid 70s and we had windows and sliders open for a while. But when the sun goes down – it gets chilly really quickly! When I got back, Lydia had already received a call, telling her they had an opening today for her colonoscopy consult. So, she completed her paperwork and went off to do that. I stayed home and took care of the pooper dog. I can put her on a long rope and still be able to work in my shop. I do have to take time out every half hour or so and go out and play with her. Once I do that and tire her out, she is happy to lay out in the sun and rest for a bit. Lydia got back and told me that they said, just having examined her and listening to her and comparing her pain levels from last week until now, that she is doing well. They told her they don’t want to go in at this time and do the procedure since she is still in pain and has tenderness - they don’t want to pressurize her for fear of tearing something. They want her to wait a month before the appointment. She did go over to do labs and has another CT scan to do next week. But she looks better each day and says the pain is severe at times but not nearly as bad as last week, so that’s promising! She even suggested going to the local theater to see The Nutcracker. We looked up showtimes, and found there is only one 7:00pm showing. Since it’s a holiday today, we will rethink that for today and plan to go tomorrow evening.  We had leftovers of her (now my favorite!) crockpot chicken and dumplings and watched DWTS Juniors that we taped from last night.  Later, we saw the adults DWTS show. As I mentioned before, we tape these even though we (usually) watch on the same nights. I found that I can start an 8:00pm hour-long show, like Survivor, at 8:20pm and skipping the commercials, it still ends at 9:00pm. A two-hour show, like DWTS, we start the tape at 8:40pm and, fast-forwarding the commercials, we’re still done at 10:00pm.              

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018…... I had some trouble sleeping last night so I didn’t want to get up this morning. But I did and showered and went over and got Quincy and we did our river route today. It was a couple of degrees warmer but still nippy. I am wearing my sweat pants over my shorts so when it does warm up, I’m good to go! The sun never did really come out so it didn’t get into the 70s today.  The lawn is still too wet to mow. I went out to the shop and worked on the rack. Lydia headed out to drop off her lab test then stopped by my sister’s house to help with cleaning around her bandages, at least the ones she has trouble reaching. That done, she came back home and fixed us lunch. Later, we fed Rylee and ate a light dinner then went to the show. We saw The Nutcracker at the local town theater. Lydia had been there once before with my sister but I had never been. It reminded me so much of the theaters we all remember when we were kids – the one-screen old-school style. (These are file photos from their website)

It wasn’t crowded even though they only have one showing per day. Not my kind of movie but I was really surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Plus, it was $6.00 for seniors! There is another home-town theater in Sweet Home that we will now be going to check out soon.  Once we got home, I took Rylee out for a walk and then we settled in and watched tv for a short time before going to bed.       

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