About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #147 – Back to Salem, More Decorating, and Pics with Santa!

Monday, November 26th, 2018…...  This morning super pooper was ready to go early! I did my morning ritual, then after breakfast, I went out to get down all of the Christmas stuff. I usually get it all down, bring it into the house, Lydia goes through it to see what she wants to use this year, then we start decorating. This time I left it in the shop but spread the containers out on the floor. Hopefully, she will want to sort through everything out there. I did bring in the tree though, and set it up and got it plugged in and the timer set for the lights to come on and go off.  We didn’t plan on doing any more than that today. My sister has a Drs. appointment in Salem and she wanted us both to go. Since it was a 2:20pm appointment she wanted to treat us both to linner afterward. I dropped them off and parked close by and waited in the car. While waiting, I researched restaurants in the area. She asked me to look for a noodle house but the one we thought we might go to was closed. It was only about 45 minutes later when I drove around and picked them up when they texted me that they were finished. Sis got the last of the three drains removed today! She’s free to shower without any special wrapping and she’s sure happy about that! I told them what I found in my restaurant search, and we decided to head down to Corvallis to go to the Mongolian BBQ/Hibachi we visited last week. We did stop by Costco to do a little Christmas shopping on the way. The dinner was good. Lydia and Penny are pretty good about choosing their items for the hibachi. But I’m still learning which veggies, meats, and liquids to put into the mixing bowl to have them dump on the hibachi and cook up for me. You can get a different taste just by using either plum sauce or ginger sauce! On week nights, they allow seniors all you can eat and you still pay a lower price than a one-tripper for adults! Great deal, and I went back for another experimental bowl, but I ate way too much. Thanks for the treat tonight, sis!  After a nice meal, we headed home and fed muttley and then settled in for the evening.     

Tuesday, November 27th, 2018…...  Today I brought in all of the Christmas stuff. I decided it was probably easier to just have it all in the house so she could take her time and be out of the cold in the shop. I got the ladder back out and did the garland around the doorways and that was it for me. Lydia started with some of her table and mantle decorations and got them where she liked them. She only got about half of it done today because she went out and got her hair cut. So, tomorrow she will finish up and then we will work on the tree together. We made tacos together and ate while we watched yet another couple of Guy’s episodes (these are all taped in my room) and then she went off and left me to watch her taped shows on her tv until bedtime. Oh yeah! - before dinner, I had Rylee outside playing and we had a thunderstorm pass through.  The lightning hit and she has now heard her first thunder hit!  Even I jumped because it was really close! She took off at a dead run all the back to the house and we were done being outside! She settled down pretty quickly but stayed close to us while we ate dinner.   
Wednesday, November 28th, 2018…...  Today was picture day! Actually, it was in the evening. So, we had time to do some errands. I went out and got breakfast and then continued on to Albany and to the Home Depot. I needed some more rock salt for the water softener and I also needed some inline on/off switches for the star lights in the windows. That way, instead of unplugging four lights from the wall each night, it’s just one switch in each of the two rooms to turn them off. I got back and got those put together and then it was almost time for Lydia and I to go get our nails done. Jenny is working by herself (still looking for help) so I dropped Lydia off and then went over to my sister’s (just a minute from there) to get down all of her Christmas decorations. We managed to get all of the other seasonal decorations segregated on a shelf by themselves while we were doing this. Great for next season! After a while, I got a text saying they were ready for me, so I said goodbye and went and got my pedi and then a mani. I know most guys think this is a ‘gal’s thing’, but I have been doing these for years now and actually enjoy going. Plus, they can help alleviate one or two of my toenails’ that tend to become ingrown if left alone for any length of time. It’s worth the money and the time. Guys – if you haven’t gone yet – go and try it! After the appointments, we came home and each had a light linner. I had leftover tacos and Lydia ate - whatever she fixed (sorry, didn’t pay attention)!  That was done because we had to be at the Albany Carousel at 5:30pm for our Santa photo! We picked up Penny and headed west. We had received the invite from Aimee, our realtor, a few weeks ago. ReMax does this kind of thing a couple of times a year. Last year we did their fall picture. This year was a Christmas photo. This was a first for them to rent the carousel house for their special party. The carousel rides were free to all for the evening and they had cookies and hot cider and cocoa. It was a fun evening and we got our free picture with Santa Claus!  It will be emailed to us in a few days and we’ll share it then. Fun night!          

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