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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #143 – Mailing Gifts and Drs. Appointments

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018…...  My sister told us yesterday that she wanted to stay tonight here so we could go to her appointment tomorrow from one house. So, that got me to thinking (a dangerous thing!) that I should just go get Quincy this morning and bring her back here for her run and for the rest of today. Rylee misses her and sure likes it when she gets to run with her. So, I headed over and got her in the car then stopped on the way back and got breakfast and tea and then went home so I could take her for her walk. After feeding her, I rested a bit (it was still only 8:15am) before heading out to Albany. I wanted to go get paint matched for my angle iron shelving. I have a brace from the unit so I will have them match that. I also got a box so we could get our Christmas cards (for the Camping Squares) packaged and sent to Janie, who will take them to the campout the first weekend in December. The weather here is as expected – cloudy and overcast and a little misty at times. They say we will get a bit of rain late tonight. But 5-6 days of sun are in the forecast after that so I may get that window to be able to mow the lawn soon! I got back from Albany and started my paint project.  I only prepped the angle iron shelves today and will paint them tomorrow. Then I only have to muscle the whole thing into position. I feel it was a good project and I got some good use out of those extra uprights from the first set of racks in the shop. The pups were content to be on leashes outside the shop. Even though it was a crappy day, they like to be outside. Lydia had taken her ‘sample’ to the lab and they called today to tell her she still has an infection, this one in the colon. So, they called in a prescription and she went to go get that. When she got back, I already had the cards in the box and took off to go mail it. I found another box at the post office that is just the right size for the next mailing we need to do. Lydia is sending down her gifts for her ‘lunch ladies’ to Pat for their party next month. When I got back, we boxed and labeled that package and I went back to the post office to mail that one.  Now, we don’t that on our to-do list anymore! Not much else on the agenda for today. Just another day in the country! 
Now that we have made the decision not to travel down south for the holidays, we do want to decorate the house now. I have so many lights from the old house but Lydia will not let me on this roof! Last year we put out three of those green/red projectors on the house and it was just ok, but not what we really are used to.  So, in addition to the stars we had inside all of the windows, we have a plan this year to cover all of the front porch pillars and frame and all of the windows in lights. I can use a ladder to reach all of that. I am so glad I put those racks in the shop! Unlike the old tightly-packed Christmas boxes stored in the rafters in our Long Beach garage, here I can see and get to each and every box as needed without ladders. So, I can dig out just what we want to use. Of course, I can’t do anything until we take down all of her fall decorations, but, hey, they go back on those shelves easily too!  Lydia left around 3:30pm to go get my sister. They stopped at Jack in the Box on the way back and picked up dinner, while I fed the dogs. We settled in to watch tv until bedtime.
Thursday, November 15th, 2018…...  I got up early this morning. We don’t have to be in Salem until 8:40am but it’s 40 miles and there can be backups on I-5 so we like to leave early. Plus, I had the dogs to walk, so that meant I got up early. We left and stopped for coffee and that made us a few minutes late for the first appointment. Today she has two appointments with different doctors. My plan was to drop her off and then go over to the Salem Lowes, who had the sensor I was looking for. I found it with no problem and walked around the store for a bit. She texted me a while later and said she was done. After I picked her up, we went to Walmart and did some more shopping. I took her to her next appointment at her clinic. We were early but she had a prescription to fill so she stayed there for that and just went to her appointment from there. Meanwhile, I took off and headed west. No destination – just driving to pass the time. The road worked its way to River Road, and that lead me to Independence, a neat little country town of 9,650 that I had never been to before. I cruised around there a bit and found stores and restaurants that we may come visit sometime in the future.  I double backed the same way I came and got back to the clinic and hung around for about 30 minutes before she was done. It was a short drive back home and we rested. Later, Lydia went to the store and got stuff for chili dogs. I forgot that the Costco ad I was looking at expired today so we left Penny to rest and watch the dogs and Lydia and I made a quick run there. Once we got back, it was relaxing and tv until bedtime.            

Friday, November 16th, 2018…...  I slept in a bit this morning, then went through our routine: get up and feed Rylee then shower and walk Quincy.  Then we let Rylee out so they can run a bit. Then we feed Quincy and then I take Rylee up the street. Then it’s a breakfast choice – eat in, go get it and bring back home, or go out to eat. I ate breakfast at home today and then went out to work on my racks. I have the first coat of paint on the shelves now and the color matches perfectly. One more to go. No biggie – they are only going out to the storage shop – but, hey, I still want them to look nice! Then I will have to relocate the items on one wall in the shop to fit the racks in there. and I want to wait until a sunny day for that so I can move those things outside for a day. Meanwhile, Lydia took my sister and Quincy back home and stayed to help her with some personal hygiene and then came home. While she did that, I worked on putting that sensor back in the garage security light. It went back in easily and when I covered the sensor, the light came on! – but it only worked for a short time, then stopped. I’m not sure if I burnt it out already too or if it just needs more time to sense the darkness. I will have to wait until nightfall to check it out. Later, Lydia made us a nice dinner and we watched our taped shows. This is the season end for Nascar and tonight was the truck race so I watched that tape until bedtime.           

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