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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #144 – A Return Visitor and Getting the Lawn Mowed!


Saturday, November 17th, 2018…...  We didn’t have too much on the agenda this morning. Penny and Janice went to the Corvallis farmer’s market and stopped by to deliver some fresh ranch eggs they had picked up. I also showed Janice how to operate the miter saw that I had bought for her a week or so ago. I loaded that up and they left to go back so Penny could rest a bit.  This afternoon, we will be going to the Eugene airport to pick up Cherrelyn, who is visiting again. She was due in Tuesday but the fires caused her flights to be rebooked for today. The flight was due in at 2:30pm but she texted that they were laying over in Denver to de-ice the plane. We had an extra half hour so I went and picked up my sister at 2:30pm and we headed down. Further updates now showed the flight coming in at 4:30pm, but we were on the road so we took the backroads down to Eugene and made a stop at Jerry’s Hardware (to check out their impressive Christmas display area), and then went and cruised by the house on Fir Butte that we looked at to buy way back when. It has been repainted and a new garden added but the white fence out front is showing its age and made the place look tacky. We also drove by another house in that neighborhood that we looked at. That one had huge horse barns and the folks who bought it are using it for their stock. I wouldn’t have animals like that (it would be a giant rv barn!) so it didn’t work for us.  We think we made the right choice and are glad we are in this place. We timed it pretty good and only waited for Cherrelyn for a few minutes. The plan was to head back home, stopping by Coburg Pizza for dinner. It was as good as always. Once finished, we headed back to drop the girls off and then came home. I had fed Rylee half her dinner before we left so she got the second half when we got home. She was happy!  I finished watching the second of the three Nascar finals this evening. The big Cup race is tomorrow! 

Sunday, November 18th, 2018…...  I only had Rylee to walk this morning and got that done. Lydia cooked up some of those fresh eggs for breakfast and they were yummy! The girls came over later and brought Quincy for her walk and run with Rylee, then left for the day. I thought briefly about mowing the lawn but decided to wait until tomorrow and rest today. Between rounds of playing with Rylee outside, I watched the Nascar Cup race and then watched some Mecum Auctions (Las Vegas) and tried to get caught up on those. Then it was time for dinner. Oops, we didn’t eat dinner tonight! Lydia didn’t get anything out, and neither of us wanted to go out, so we just fixed light snacks and called it good to go!  Then it was tv until bedtime.   

Monday, November 19th, 2018…...  This morning Rylee was full of energy. She got me up early and we went out and walked after I fed her. It was cold this morning (29º) but it was sunny and it was forecast to get up into the mid 50s later in the day. Penny had asked if we wanted to go to breakfast this morning, either at Shirley May’s or Kevin’s. Shirley May is not open on Mondays so we headed off to Kevin’s and met them there. The breakfast was delicious as always. From there we went on to Albany to Fred Meyer to do some grocery shopping for the holiday. We got back and got everything put away, although Lydia did go to Safeway to get a bone-in ham. They will cut it in half for her there. The weather did actually turn really nice! My temp gauge got up to 63º!  I texted my sister that I would be mowing the lawn around 3:00pm and then we would eat dinner after that. At this time, I won’t let Lydia on the mower with her issues, but I got out both mowers anyway, one to mow and the other to tow the grassclipping sweeper. Penny and Cherrelyn came over to help. I got the mower going and did the curves and borders and tight areas and then turned Cherrelyn loose on it to finish the job. I came behind and got the grass clippings. She did a terrific job and said she enjoyed herself, although it did get chilly when the sun went behind the clouds! The only real issues we had was that the grass is still wet and soggy and it’s hard not to make indentations on the lawn with everything we rolled on it. Plus, the grass, being wet, doesn’t go into the catcher very efficiently. I will have to go back over it again when it dries out a bit to get the stubborn stuff!  With us mowing and Lydia and Penny picking up the grass clipping piles, it only took us 1 ½ hours to get everything done. They filled the trash can ½ full and then filled up 7 bags of clippings to dispose of. After the holiday, I’ll fill the can with whatever we have room for. My sister’s yard waste bin is full, but Kirk has told me he can take some when he comes tomorrow since he has a job coming up that will require him to go to the dump.

The girls stayed for dinner (crab-stuffed salmon and salad). They left shortly after, to go home and rest from the day. Thanks to all for the help! They left Quincy for another sleepover because they were heading out early tomorrow to Salem for her Drs. appointment. After they left, we rested and watched the DWTS finale. We were shocked and happy at the same time when Bobby and Sharna won it all.  No way he was the best dancer (shocked!) but Sharna finally got her mirror ball (happy!). The whole thing is a popularity contest and a lot of reaction from folks online is that they won’t watch it anymore. Instead of voting for your favorite dancer, I think the vote should be like Survivor, when they only vote for the person they want to eliminate. That way, the worst dancer leaves first, etc. Or, at least have the second night show so the west coast has a chance to vote too. That would help, because in this case, no one west of the Mississippi even knew who Bobby Bones was.  Almost all of his support came from the east!         

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