About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #94 – Visiting and Touring With Friends


Monday, Oct 7th, 2019……  Lydia is still hobbling around. I have severe itching on my forearms. They say that poison oak takes a long time to go away. I can’t wait! I got up early, showered and got dressed and walked Quincy and then let Rylee out to play with her. The weather started out cloudy and cool which was kind of nice. We have had the heater on and the house was actually too warm for me so the time outside was refreshing. Lydia showered and we both got ready. We were headed off to Albany to Elmer’s for breakfast with the girls. Jerith has been here before. It was the first trip for Luzmila. We had a nice time. Lydia stayed with them so they could run over to the pumpkin patch to redeem our free pumpkin, thanks to Aimee, our realtor. I took the Acadia to get the oil changed so they actually beat me home. I had them clean and polish the headlights because they were getting kind of cloudy. This place uses a spray product. The coating was sticky and needed to be in the sunlight so the uv rays could set it. I was skeptical when I saw it applied, but later, it looked like it’s dried pretty clear. The guy said to bring it back if I wasn’t 100% happy with it. I got home and the girls were at the house. Penny gave them the nickel tour and then they left to go shopping and spend the afternoon touring and resting. They came back for dinner later. Lydia was making lasagna. I went to Safeway and got dessert and then to the liquor store and replenished my supply of Fireball. Hey, I gotta be a good host, right?  They brought wine and were good for the evening. The meal was excellent!  Lydia’s lasagna is my most very favorite meal of all time. We make a loaf of hot buttered sourdough bread each time. The girls brought salad.   

Tuesday, Oct 8th, 2019…... This morning the weather was gloomy. It was supposed to rain but just stayed cloudy for most of the day. The girls did their thing today, while we hung around the house. I went out and took off the remaining parts off the trailer and got them cleaned up and the rust knocked off. I have one more piece to remove and work then the trailer frame gets some attention. Kirk and Cooper came by later in the day and they got some weeding done along the driveway plus some weeds whacked along our fenceline with Rich and Linda behind their house. I think Walt used to go along with his cart and sprayer and keep those weeds down. I have a backpack sprayer and will need to do that but probably won’t have to this season. The girls came by to meet Kirk and then we made plans for dinner. We left a short time later and picked them up and headed off to Skyline in Sweet Home and had a nice meal. We toured Foster Lake beforehand and they both liked it. We made plans for tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be nicer. Lydia has a Dr’s appointment and will stay home for that, but I am driving the rest of them up to see Silver Falls. It’s good that Lydia is not going since she can’t be walking too much right now anyway. We got back home and settled in for the night.

Wednesday, Oct 9th, 2019…...  I was up super early this morning. I think the itching got me. It’s still really bad. I showered and got Rylee out for a walk in the dark. She managed to bark at everything so we cut it short. I came back in and fixed my breakfast and then headed over to pick up the girls. The weather today started out chilly and overcast. But the forecast today was for warm and sunny so by the time we got about a third of the way, it cleared up and was nice. But still cold in the shade. The drive was nice for them and they really enjoyed the falls. Because of the recent rains, there is a lot of water in the river, so the falls were running well. 

Luzmila and Penny went down and did the loop. Jerith chose to stay behind so I stayed with her up in the sun at the top. After the girls got back, we took a pic at the sign,

and headed back the way we came. We had spotted a Chinese place (Happy Dragon) in Stayton on the way up so we stopped there and had a nice lunch (thanks, girls).  Once I got them back home safe and sound, I came home and rested. Lydia had her physical today (everything is doing well - dr. was happy - her ankle needs a lot more time before it heals) and took pics of my arms with her 

so Dr. Simmons could send in a prescription for me for itch cream (clobetasol). I already had some and it’s not the cure-all I wanted so I will still need to get help from the dermatologist appointment on the 21st. Since we had gone out to dinner with the girls last night, Lydia had to cook the salmon/crab she had out from yesterday. I ate a light lunch so it worked out well. Penny brought them over later with Q so she could stay the night.  We said our goodbyes and they left to go home and have their dinner. We really enjoy having folks come visit. I know these two ladies are special to sis, and we were glad to be able to spend time with them too!

I watched the Dodger game (sad time!) and then Lydia and I watched The Masked Singer (didn’t guess the eagle - Dr. Drew) and then Survivor and then the 1st. behind the scenes show of the Brady Renovation House. I let the dogs out one last time and we called it a night after that. I slept well.      

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