About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #98 – Movies & Drs. Visit and Taxes


Saturday, Oct 19th, 2019…… The weather today was nicer than yesterday. The rains are coming and going but there are bits and pieces of sunshine too. We decided it was time to move the patio furniture of the porch and get them stored away. I found some room in the rv garage and stacked up everything. I put the cushions in bags to keep them clean. Then I came in and rested and watched tv. Lydia came in and asked if I wanted to go see Maleficent, which was playing at our local theater. We went to the 2:00pm $6.00 matinee. We liked the movie. After that, we decided to order pizza for dinner, so on the way home Lydia called James Gang Pizza and ordered one for pickup.  We came home and I fed Rylee and then went back and got dinner. I went on to LetGo and OfferUp and found a few more drill presses I was interested in. I sent them questions about availability and I’m still waiting.  One lady was selling one for her friend and it was $125.00. I told them I was on a $100.00 budget and would pay that but she said his price was firm. We left it that I may call her on Tuesday when she’s back in town if I didn’t find anything else. But looking at others I am going to stick to my budget and just wait. After dinner we settled in and watched our taped programs until calling it a night.

Sunday, Oct 20th, 2019…...  Sundays are kick back days. We got some sun and some sprinkles mixed in again today. I had Rylee out when it was nice early this morning. Later in the day, I hooked her on her leash and we walked the property line behind our neighbor’s home. Last week I had Kirk string trim all of the weeds that were along Rich and Linda’s backyard fence. I saw Rich out at his mailbox the other day and asked him if that was ok. He liked it. But he asked about some vines or shrubs that were from our side that were kind of out of control on his side now and he wanted to prune them. I told him go ahead. This afternoon I found out that one is a blackberry bush that has grown from our side and is taking over one of his fenceline shrubs. There is another one (not recognized) that I will add to my list for Kirk to take out Tuesday when he is here.
The sprinkles continued throughout the evening but stopped overnight. We have one or two more days before we are expected to have good weather again.
Lydia made pork chops with fried potatoes and lima beans and we watched her tv and got caught up on the three episodes of The Blacklist that we were behind on.  

Monday, Oct 21st, 2019…...  Today was our dermatologist appointment. I had gotten up and showered and had Rylee out and fed pretty quickly. I headed off and got my breakfast and coffee/tea for us. Around 9:20am we left for our appointment.  I am a first-timer so I brought the paperwork they had sent me prior. We went into the same room and Dr. Horner looked at me first (Lydia’s choice). I showed him the spots on my forehead and cheek and he said they were pretty much age spots and wasn’t concerned. He froze the three areas and looked at what was left of my poison oak that is pretty much gone now - and I was done. Lydia had two spots he had worked on before and one new one. These were all warts and he gave her locals and then cut them off and cauterized everything.  They will get biopsied as procedure. She goes back in three weeks and I go back in a year. Easy peasy! We came home and she had lunch. I wanted to clean up some files on my laptop and import some photos from my phone so I spent some time and got that all done. Then I fixed leftovers for my lunch and kicked back and watched tv for a bit. We didn’t have anything else planned so we just hung around and relaxed for the afternoon. When I went out and got the mail, we saw we received our tax bill for the year. It always comes in October. This year we got reassessed because of the rv garage. Taxes went up $570.00.  Not too bad, I guess. The Oregon process allows you to pay in full in November, saving $180.00.  Plus, if you use a check, you save $115.00 over using a credit card. Lydia wrote the check and I will take it to the tax collector tomorrow.
We were both full from our lunches so we both skipped dinner.  We ended the night watching tv.  

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