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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #97 – Both Rain & Sun and Another Drs. Visit


Wednesday, Oct 16th, 2019…… No rain yet. I got Rylee out and walked and fed. Later, I took off and picked up breakfast/coffee/tea. After we ate, I headed off to Albany to Home Depot and Lowes. Kirk had given me some string trimmer cord off his coil for my trimmer. I used it up but saw how much stronger it was and made note of the brand. I found it at Lowes and bought a roll for my use. I also wanted to look for a lockset for the entry door from the garage to the house. I am slowly converting them all from polished brass to brushed nickel. The same key works the front door so I wanted to get a smart key system. The one in there now was made by Titan and neither store sells that brand. I will check with Jerry’s in Eugene next time we are down that way. When I got home it was raining pretty good. I couldn’t use the tractor on the soggy lawn to pick up the grass so I was done for the day. Lydia left a little later to go play bingo. I kicked back and watched some of my taped programs.  Later, she made steak burritos for dinner and we settled in and watched our programs until bedtime. 

Thursday, Oct 17th, 2019…...  Today, the weather was yucky. It started out cold but got comfortable without a flannel shirt a bit later. Still too wet to pick up the grass clippings. I got the monkey butt out and walked and fed and then fixed breakfast here. The winds came a bit later in the day. We have several trees that now have all their leaves on the ground. I will be going out there when it dries out to get those raked up. The large trees out back are dropping their leaves in mass right now too. I’m glad they are way out there and blow right off the property! No raking! 

Lydia came in this morning and said she was having an issue she needed to have looked at. She has found blood in her stool. So, she made an appointment to see our dr. this afternoon. We were both concerned that it might be a result from her colon resection surgery so she spoke with her nephrologist as well as her colon surgeon before going in. Our dr. had her see one of his associates who listened to her history and then did a preliminary exam and found it was only her hemorrhoids that had come back. He has referred her for outpatient surgery to band them. She’s had this done before and it is done in the drs. office. No big deal. We left there, super relieved that it was only a minor issue. Whew! 
Before we had left for the drs., she had a sandwich for lunch and I fixed the rest of the burrito meat.  It was filling.  Later, when it came time for dinner, she was hungry and fixed the rest of the stew. I had some crackers and cookies and that was it for me for the night. We watched Guys Grocery Games and got caught up on those and then went to bed. The rains came just after dark. It came down really hard for a short time and then just off and on drizzle for the rest of the night.

Friday, Oct 18th, 2019…...  What a big difference from yesterday!  The weather is really nice today. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining brightly. This morning, my sister came over to walk Quincy and, after walking Rylee and after we fed both of them, we took off to go to Shirley Mays for breakfast. We got out there and found it was closed for the day so we ended up at Kevin’s. Once we were done and back home, Penny took Q home and we rested for a bit. Even with the nice sunny day, the lawn was still too wet to run the mower and grass catcher over. So, Lydia and I took Rylee out for a car ride. In the past, we have just had her out in the back of the Acadia, with the seats down, leaving her that whole large area to be in. She’s ok for the most part but doesn’t have anything to brace her when I stop or corner hard. My sister had given us a harness that gets hooked up to the back-seat belt so she is locked in. So, we tried that out today. The harness is a bit small but works and she got used to it but shook for a while since this was all new to her. We drove to Corvallis (I needed to go to BofA) and to a park by the river. Lydia walked for a minute or two but since there were no benches she came back and sat in the car and rested her foot. Rylee had a nice walk and ride back home. This time we left her loose in the seat. She did ok with this as well and laid down all the way home.  When we got back, I had looked at a few emails that I had sent for drill presses I had previously found on letgo, and OfferUp.  I decided to wait until next week to go look at the one I’m really interested in.  Later, we met up with sis at Tony’s Tacos for dinner. It was another of their half-price-combo special days and, even though it was just after 4:00pm, it was packed!  But we waited in line anyway and got seats and had a nice meal. You should have seen the walk-in line and the drive-thru line when we left! When we got back home it had just started to sprinkle and by the time we went to bed it was raining pretty good.     

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