About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #95 – Colder Temps and Going to the Movies


Thursday, Oct 10th, 2019…… I slept in late this morning. I did wake up super early again and almost got up (again) but didn’t and was able to go back to sleep and found it was 7:45am before I woke up again. I got Quincy out and walked and then Rylee joined us. It was chilly! The morning temps have sure dropped in the last few days. This morning it was 32º! We fed them and I headed off to get breakfast. Neither of us had any plans today. I wanted to move the boat into a corner of the shop garage so I could get my truck in there at night. As I said, it is cold at night. There was frost on the truck this morning so today was a good day to move stuff around. While I was out there, I got all of Lydia’s fall stuff down so she could get it all set out. She spent some time working on that, resting her foot several times, until she had it all done. I came in and worked on my monthly bill spreadsheet and then went back out and took the last part off the trailer and cleaned it up. Next was the fenders. These won’t get the bedliner paint like the trailer – they will be spray painted a different color, so I sanded them down to bare metal so I can put primer on later. After doing all of that, I came in and rested and watched the first showing of Mecum Vegas. We decided to have leftovers for dinner. We both had French dip sandwiches the other day at Skyline and we each brought half home. Lydia also had my sister’s baked potato so dinner was easy. We watched tv until bedtime.

Friday, Oct 11th, 2019…...  Wow, it’s cold outside!  It showed 33º outside at 7:30 this morning. My neighbor had his lawn service already here when I was out with Rylee and he was ready to mow even with frost on the grass!  Of course, monkey butt doesn’t care about the cold. She walked along with her breath frosted but didn’t care.  I came back in and fixed breakfast. Then I answered an ad on OfferUp for a drill press. No response yet. Lydia and I decided to go to Eugene to the show to see The Adams Family. We also wanted to go to Costco so we did that while we were there. It was time again to go to Newman’s for seafood. Our treat in Eugene! We knew they had another restaurant in the downtown area and we wanted to go find that one. Turns out it was almost as small as the newer one! You still order from a counter and seat yourself at an outside patio table. This place did have a nice store though. Plus, there were tables in the store to eat at when the weather is bad. It was nice and we ate outside. Once we got home and got butthead fed and walked, we settled in and watched tv until calling it a night. 

Saturday, Oct 12th, 2019…...  Not much planned for today. The weather is just ok. Not rainy but not warm enough either. Lydia’s ankle has been achy at night, causing her to not sleep well. I left her in bed and got my shower taken and slipped out with butthead to do our walk. When I got back, she was up for the day. After doing the rest of my morning ritual (reading the paper, doing the jumble, and sending a pic of the jumble to sis), I headed off to get us breakfast/coffee/tea. The dr. had given Lydia a couple of elastic bandages to wrap her ankle but I wanted to find the ankle wrap we already have. I searched and searched but no luck, so I went off to Walmart to get another one. This way, she can change them out and use whatever is more comfortable. I also picked up a bunch of stuff from her list for dinner tonight and for tomorrow too. Tonight, we’re having steak sandwiches and mac and white cheese. We hung around the house and got caught up on programs we had taped.  Later, she started dinner. She doesn’t want any help and has figured out she can use her office chair to sit on in the kitchen between stirring the food. The meal was great and I got everything cleaned up and we settled in. Around 8:00pm, I got a text from a guy in Portland who was interested in the oven. He asked a few questions and I went out to the shop and took a few more pics of it to send him. More to follow, I hope.   

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