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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #52 – Yard Sales and Projects Around the House


Wednesday, July 1st, 2020……  Today I had some more paperwork to take care of. Plus, I had to call my bank and set up an appointment to go there and take care of the transition of my account. But first I headed out and loaded up my truck with 6 tables and took them over to my sister’s house for her yard sale. It’s tomorrow so they want to load up the tables in the garage so they are ready to be carried outside tomorrow morning. I left there and we met up at The Apple Tree for breakfast. We had to wear our masks until we got seated. Not too bad.

I came home after that and called Prudential because I had two investment accounts there that needed to have the beneficiaries changed. I also needed to do the same for our long-time Prudential insurance policies – one gets paid out to me and the other gets a beneficiary change. They were able to email me the requisite paperwork which I printed, completed, signed, copied and then mailed out today.  I keep thinking of more places where transition paperwork needs to be completed and I need to get those done asap.  Most are straightforward and none are hard but just time consuming!!! 

Penny and Jody came over later in the day and dropped off Quincy for a sleepover and a play day tomorrow. I volunteered to bring McDonalds breakfast over in the morning for the ‘sales’ team at the yard sale so I got their orders before they went home. 

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020……  I got up this morning only to find Quincy cuddled up to my backside. Rylee was asleep on her bed on the floor next to me. I got showered and dressed and then got them out for their walk/run and then fed them breakfast. Then I left to go hit McDonalds to get breakfast for everyone. I got there and dropped off the food and then parked the truck down the street. I hung around and watched folks come and go this morning.

(l to r - Maraglee, Jody, and Penny) They all did a great job getting the stuff put out  

Being a Thursday, they got the retired ladies and gentlemen and those home with their kids today. It was going well and a lot of stuff went early. I left and came home to work on my trailer painting project. But first I moved the cars out of the (house) garage and used my leaf blower to clean out all of the debris and leaves. I already have most of the photo bins back up on the cabinets but I do want to rearrange everything in there in the near future and cleaning the areas will help with that. I finished all of the first-coat painting on all of the smaller trailer parts. I will get a second coat on them later today or tomorrow and then will only have the trailer to do. Next up was insurance quotes. I gathered my vehicle info and called AARP (Hartford) to get a quote from them. But before that, I called Travelers/AAA back and spoke with someone new. I told them about my bad experience and that I was waiting to hear back from Lori for a week. Tammy got to work and called me back 45 minutes later and said she had the underwriter revisit my policy and they reduced it back to last year’s rate, with no increase.  I am ok with that because this year it went up even with Lydia on the policy plus they said that my credit score had all to do with the rating and since I am in the process of paying off our credit card which, along with helping me with monthly payments and saving that interest, will also change my credit score, thus lowering the auto policy rate even more. Car insurance - go figure! 

I needed to cut short that call and head over to Corvallis to make my bank appointment to provide them a death certificate (copy) in order to change that account. I also asked about either adding the boys as beneficiaries with access after providing a proof of death (POD) document vs adding one or both of them to my account.  Either works but logistics play a factor so I will have to figure that one out. I also heard back from Ed and Glover in Wisconsin  that they received the box of photos today, safe and sound. I always worry.  Ed gave me his outline on what he plans to do when he sorts through them. I knew he was the right person to send them too!  They have many hours ahead of them!

I got back home and fed the dogs their dinner and then let them out to play a bit, then fixed myself some pork tamales that I had taken out from the freezer. These are the ones we got from our church around Christmas time and then froze. Quick and easy and yummy! And I’m making progress on the frozen food!

After dinner, I had some time and went back out and did some touch-up painting on the trailer parts and got a second coat on almost everything in the shop. I have the back side on two or three items still to do and that will be done.  All that’s left after that is the trailer itself. Maybe tomorrow.

I heard from Stan (Lydia’s brother in Bakersfield). He said Joy is now getting a hospice nurse on call 24/7 but who comes in every other day to just sit and visit with Joy. He was worried when he heard the word hospice but was ok when they explained to him that she wasn’t at any risk.  They are there right now more for comfort than anything else simply because he can't get in to visit her right now.. She seems to be calming down a little as she gets used to her new place. Stan is also able to relax and says he’s starting to get used to life at home by himself now. Still not easy. He also said there is no word yet on the cause of death of his daughter in Prescott. Autopsy is still pending and they say it could take several weeks. His granddaughter told him that the service for her mom was very nice.  

Friday, July 3rd, 2020……  I got up around 6:00am and got showered and took the dogs out and got them pooped and pooped out and then fed. Once that was done, I headed back over to the yard sale for a few minutes to drop off another box of stuff I found in the garage. Then I left and met Teri at The Apple Tree for breakfast. It was nice to get out of the house and enjoy a nice meal and good conversation with a welcome friend.  After we ate, she followed me back to the yard sale and visited for a bit there before she left and went on to work.  They have really done well with the sale. There were a total of 5 families that brought stuff over and all of us sold quite a bit of what we brought. The girls have put a lot of effort into pricing and arranging and staging things and the crowds were pretty constant the times I was there. I really do appreciate all the effort they made in keeping all of the monies straight.  I came home and worked on some things in the house garage. I pulled out both cars and put up the new lights that came today. These just screw in to the fixture like a regular light bulb, but they put out a LOT of led light! 

It doesn't really show the difference in these photos but this is a big improvement from just the two bulbs.  I found them online for a little over twenty bucks for two including free shipping! I also decided to move my card table chairs up on the wall with bicycle hangers and got that little project completed. The more stuff off of the floor, the easier to keep clean! I am still going to do a couple more things out there in the near future to help remove some of the clutter.

I got the requested check from my investment plan today and immediately took it to the bank to pay off the credit card. It has been way too long to have this card balance hanging over our heads so it was a great relief to finally pay it off. No more monthly payments and no more interest! 

I stopped by the yard sale and picked up my tables and came home to rest. Later, I went out to Jack in the Box and used a coupon and got dinner for tonight and lunch for tomorrow. I also tried their new tiny tacos – 15 for $3.00 - pretty tasty and something I will get again. Once I finished dinner and fed the dogs, and let them out to run a bit, I settled in for the night and watched tv until bedtime.    



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