About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #54 – Neighbor’s Yard Sale, Painting, Mowing, & Birthday and Anniversary Wishes!


Wednesday, July 8th, 2020……  Nice night of sleep last night. Some days are better than others so I’m glad when I can sleep through (or mostly through) the night. I got up early and got monster puppy out and walked and then fed. The girls got here around 8:00am and we got Jody’s luggage transferred into my car and we headed out to Eugene.  We left early enough so I could take them out to breakfast. I wanted to buy dinner after the yard sale. They had sold all of my stuff and made me some money but they were too pooped out and ate in, and then last night they had stopped and ate so I missed that one too.   We went to Elmer's and had a nice meal and then headed from there to drop her off at the airport.  It is always fun for her and Penny to get together and I love seeing her as well. On the way home, I wanted to stop at Cabela’s and check to see if they had the same boat seat in the store that they still have on backorder for me.  Nope. I will just have to wait until they ship me that seat. Bummer!
We got back home and I went out and worked some more on my blueberry cage. I ran short of wood and will need to get a few pieces more.  I came in and made some quesadillas for dinner and then settled in to watch tv until bedtime.

Thursday, July 9th, 2020……  This morning I was up early and showered and took Rylee out for her walk and then fed her breakfast. She wasn’t too interested this morning and just nibbled. Penny came by and dropped off Quincy because Linda was cleaning her house today. She picked me up and we drove out and around to the corner to So. Main St. to get to our neighbor’s yard sale.  These folks share my southwest field property line.  Below are realtor drone photos back when the house was listed to highlight our property.  In this first one taken from So. Main St., their house would be in the lower right....

 In this one, taken from the cul de sac, their house is upper center.....

As I said, these are old photos, so the rv garage hasn't been built yet.  

It turns out they are moving to Waco, Texas. I didn’t ask why they were selling and moving, but I was glad I did get to meet them and talk with them a little. I wish I would have made friends sooner. Tracy and Terry built their home while Walt was building his. They know more about my property and told me things I didn’t know about the neighborhood. I asked if they knew who bought their place. They said that they only knew that two ladies from Corvallis bought their house, but nothing else about them. After missing out on meeting Tracy and Terry, I learned a lesson and will for sure make a point to go meet these new folks when they move in.
After the sale, we went to Kevin’s for breakfast. After that, she dropped me off at home and then I came in and really didn’t do too much the rest of the day. I don’t know – I guess it was just one of those days to rest and not do anything. Ok, later I did something. I drove over to Albany to go to Lowes and picked up the rest of the wood for the blueberry cage. Didn’t work on it – just bought the material. I fixed dinner and then took Rylee out for a while to play in the water and in her pool. Before we came in, I did remember to turn off the auto sprinklers for tomorrow as I hope to mow.  Then it was tv until bedtime.

Friday, July 10th, 2020……  I planned today to paint the trailer and then mow the lawn, so I got up early, showered and then went off with my three 5-gal. gas cans to fill up with non-ethanol to stock up for the tractor. I also got coffee and breakfast while I was out. Once done with that, I started in on prep work for the trailer. I put out a large tarp under the trailer and got the paint out and poured into a pan for the roller. Sis was coming later to help. So, I spent that time working on the cage. I used up all of the wood I had bought and still need a few more before I wrap it with netting. 

Sis came by and we got started on the boat trailer. I painted the underside and she worked on the top. We switched off between the roller and the paintbrush - when we needed to – to get into the crevices where we were each working. Once we got that done, we stopped and rested and cooled off on the back porch. From there, we came up with a new plan - since Cherrelyn is coming up tomorrow and will be staying with sis until she finds a place to rent, she wanted to get her guest room ready. So, I followed her home and we moved out the dresser and the bed from that room and put it in her office for now. Now, Cherrelyn can put her own dresser and bed in there, along with a desk and chair (that Cherrelyn ordered and had delivered in boxes, waiting for assembly).  I decided to just go ahead and assemble that stuff for her.  She will be working from home and will start next week so we wanted to surprise her and have it set up and ready for her to add her laptop and monitor and be ready for Monday. I got home from there and rested and then made dinner

Saturday, July 11th, 2020…… Happy 50th Birthday Jeff!!!  Wow, 50 years!  It seems like yesterday when I was changing his diapers and feeding him and burping him and, being the first kid, afraid I’d drop him!  But he turned out alright!  I am so proud of him and so glad to have both my boys and see them both happily married and loving life!  Sis came by this morning to help with my projects and we decided to go on over to Sweet Home to Skyline for breakfast before we started in. On the way, I called Jeff so we could wish him a happy birthday and also a happy anniversary to him and Krista!  I also let him know I had added $$ into his (credit union) savings account – just like his mother used to do!  I think he was shocked that I knew how to do that!  He said they were leaving shortly and heading off for a weekend getaway.  Enjoy!  Since we decided to do the mowing today, I was able to reach Kirk yesterday evening and ask him if he could bring the other tractor over so we could cut the time in half.  He said he would bring it by this morning, so, once we got back from breakfast, while we were waiting for him (and the grass to dry out a bit – it is supposed to get to 75º), first up was picking blueberries. We got two colanders full and brought those in to the house, then went on to the next project - the second coat on the trailer. We finished that up and admired our work.  Yes, it’s rolled/brushed on instead of being professionally sprayed, but I think it still turned out really nice! 

I still need to paint the fenders and the winch and then get everything re-assembled with new stainless bolts and such, but that won’t take long.
Kirk came by and we got the second tractor unloaded and sis and I started out on the lawn and the field and made quick work of those before it got too hot. While we were doing that, John my new guy from Pointe Pest Control, came by to do the quarterly maintenance. I stopped mowing so I could meet him since he’s new to our house, replacing Eric.  After I showed him around and he got going, I went back into the sun to get back on the tractor. During the summer if there are no clouds out, it can get your neck and arms so, today, we needed sunscreen.  Once we got everything blown off and cleaned up and put away, we came in and rested and had a cold beverage. I decided to fix tilapia and corn and Texas toast for dinner and got those out and defrosted and ready for later. It turned out to be a quick and easy meal. I have Quincy tonight so I used some of the leftover fish for her mix-in and got them both fed. Penny had heard that Cherrelyn would be getting in later this evening and left here and went home to make both the beds. Cherrelyn’s son Larry, had driven down to SoCal and he drove the U-Haul and Cherrelyn drove her car up here. Larry lives up by Portland so he would stay the night and tomorrow they would meet up with the movers to unload the truck and then they would drop it off and she would take him back home. Since her bedroom didn’t have a bed in it yet, sis came over to my guest room and Cherrelyn and Larry stayed there tonight.  

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