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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #53 – Celebrating the 4th & Working on the Blueberry Cage


Saturday, July 4th, 2020……  Happy 4th of July!  Last night I had Quincy here again because Penny’s neighbor told us he was going to shoot off some of his fireworks last night. It was ok at my house until about 10:00pm (that’s when it gets dark up here), but a half hour later we heard some pretty loud bangs. Both Q and R were on the bed, panting, and nervous. It took us all a long time to settle down but we managed a good night’s sleep anyway. I expect tonight will be more of the same…

I slept in a bit and got up and got going with the dogs and then breakfast for me. I don’t have any chores planned for today.  The girls will be coming over with ribs for me to bbq. I wrapped up some potatoes to go with them.  I spent most of the day watching the two races today - Indy Cars and Nascar – both from Indianapolis Speedway. The cup cars race there tomorrow too.

We got the ribs on and cooking and relaxed and drank some beer and wine while that was going on. Dinner was really good. After searing, they needed to cook on indirect heat for 1-

1 ½ hours. I didn’t really think about this and set the timer for 1 ½ hours. Next time I will cut back on the cooking time on the ribs to just 1 hour. They were still delicious.

After a nice meal and some time to rest after doing all of the dishes, the girls left for home. They were expecting a rip-roaring street scene at home. And they got it!!!  They said it was nuts! There were folks out everywhere and some even shot off the large super loud show-type aerial fireworks. I can’t imagine how much money they spent. But Quincy was over here and drugged up so she barely heard the Cheadle Lake fireworks show. But Rylee and I did. It started about 10:00pm and lasted 31 minutes but once that was over, the locals started in and we had to wait until around 11:00pm before things quieted down. I ended up with both dogs on the bed until Rylee got too hot and moved off to her bed by the door. Through all of that, I still slept well.

Sunday, July 5th, 2020……   I slept in and then got up and showered and dressed then took the dogs out for their walk in the yard/field. Last night, the younger girls next door had been out with their dad and some friends in the cul-de-sac shooting off small fireworks. They didn’t start any fires and left no remnants. Yaay!  I spent the day relaxing and watching tv. Penny and Jody stopped by and picked up Quincy.  They said her neighborhood is still littered with firework trash, left out on the streets. It’s a nice neighborhood so that is surprising to me! 

Today, the girls decided to have a seafood dinner at their house, so they took the 4 lobsters I had back home with them. They will be cooking them and would add them to the scallops they already have. Later, Jody worked on the twice-cooked potatoes and sis made veggies. It was a really good meal! 

I had brought Rylee over and she and Quincy hung out in the yard and we joined them outside after dinner. After a while, I brought butthead back home and we settled in for the night and I watched my taped Nascar race. While watching tv, I also spent some time working some more on my scanning project. Probably just less than two thirds done now!       

Monday, July 6th, 2020……  Not much on the agenda today. I left a message with Lydia’s contact/friend at our credit union in Calif.  I need to work on changing out that account in regards to beneficiary/account owner changes.  But while I was waiting for her call back, I went out to the shop and finally did that last coat on the last three trailer parts.  While those parts were drying, I worked on the other parts and removed all of the painter’s tape on all of the rollers and then started to clean up the nuts and bolts for reassembly.  But instead, I think I am going to take those to Lowes or Wilco, and swap them all out for stainless steel hardware, which will look better and will not rust.  Before I was done and ready to come in and rest for a bit, I gathered up all of the parts and put them on the table for assembly later.  It was then that I found out that I have not yet addressed the boat winch. It was in the corner and I had missed it. It is pretty rusty and will need some tlc before I can paint it. Because of the gears, I think I will just spray paint it the same navy blue as the fenders and then lube the moving parts.

I heated up the ribs and the green beans for dinner. Quick and easy and very tasty! Then it was a little more photo scanning and logging before relaxing and watching tv until bedtime.   

Tuesday, July 7th, 2020…… The plan this morning was in my head. I walked and fed butthead, had breakfast and then headed out. I have a Lowes gift card (birthday gift from the Cali kids) and I needed some lumber to repair my blueberry cage, so this was a good day to go do that. I got what I hope is enough for everything plus a couple of 2x4s for another project and tied it all down in the truck and headed home. It was a nice day so I immediately went to work out there. I got about ½ done and then Rylee and I came in to take a break. Kirk and his guys showed up and I gave them their assignments for the day. Today Carter was back on the flowerbeds around the house and Caleb was finishing the other side of the driveway from last week. I rested and took a couple of calls and then went back out and finished up the back side of the cage. I still need to do the ends and then stiffen up the whole thing with braces in several areas throughout the center before I can get a net over it all. I have to hurry, though because the blueberries are starting to ripen and the birds and the deer will pick them clean!

We are taking Jody to the Eugene airport in my car in the morning so I took it down to the carwash and then stopped for dinner on the way home. Where to go….?  I saw that Stick a Pork In It was working their food truck/cart so I stopped there and got the Cuban stuffed mashed potato balls. I liked them so I got three. But this time I think they cooked them a bit too much and they were not as flavorful as they could have been.  But I still liked them. After that, I took Rylee out to play in the grass. She was really interested in the activity at the neighbors to the southwest of us. That is, out in the ‘west 40’ just south of the property line. Their address is actually on So. Main.  Anyway, I had noticed on Zillow that that house was for sale (already with an accepted offer with contingencies) and was curious. I saw it is way bigger (4,200 sq. ft.) than mine (2,500 sq. ft.) - this is actually a three-story counting a walkout basement – but the price was less than what Zillow shows mine is worth right now. That makes me happy!  Rylee can hear some kids playing in that yard but I’m not sure if they are there with a work crew just visiting or what. Later, the mystery was solved when my sister sent me an email notice about an estate sale starting on Thursday, which is at that address!  So, I’m guessing that the kids must be there while the adults from the estate company are setting things up.  After tiring monkey butt out, we closed up the garages and came back in the house and settled in and relaxed and I watched tv until we called it a night.  

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