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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #55 – Moving In and Finishing the Blueberry Cage


Sunday, July 12th, 2020……  I wanted to pick up the grass today but wasn’t in any hurry. Sis left to go home but stopped to pick up Cherrelyn and Larry some breakfast.  Cherrelyn has texted that the movers cancelled on her. I guess they didn’t know she was in Lebanon. They were in Medford! Anyway, it was now up to her and Larry to unload the truck. I was going to go over in an hour and help but when I got there, they had everything unloaded and in the house. They did have some furniture that I would be taking back to store at my house and left those on the truck. We worked on getting things arranged and then they followed me back and dropped the stuff off and we stored it in the corner of the rv garage. They left the truck and Cherrelyn drove Larry back home. After she returned, her and Penny came back over and we took the truck back to U-Haul and then we went out to Game Time for dinner. They dropped me off and headed home so she could finish making her bed and getting clothes and things put away. She also had to make sure she had the internet up and running so she could work tomorrow. Meanwhile, I relaxed and caught up on all of my races from yesterday and today. Mecum Auctions are now up and running again (they are in Indy for a week) and I have all of them taping starting yesterday.  I decided to let the grass dry out one more day. Will plan that for tomorrow.     

Monday, July 13th, 2020……  With Cherrelyn working from home, my sister gave her some quiet time this morning and went with me to the recycle place in Albany to help me run my bottles and cans through the machines. I picked her (and her two bags) up and we went and prepared to wait in line. They are only letting in so many people at a time into the building. But once we got there, there was no line, so we got everything run through (I made $52.30), and then stopped by Lowes on the way home so I could get a few last pieces of wood for the blueberry cage. By the time we got back, the lawn was dry enough to pick up. We made quick work of that and got everything loaded in the truck and took it to the yard waste place to dump.  Easy peasy!  I dropped her off at home and came back and rested for the afternoon. Later, I wanted to work on the trailer a bit. I got all of the parts together and lined up where they went.  I had taken a bunch of pics so I kinda knew where all of the pieces would re-attach.  Once I figured out what I needed, I went to Wilco in search of some replacement stainless steel nuts and bolts. I will wait until tomorrow to get those started. Tonight, I fixed tamales for dinner and then settled in and watched tv until bedtime

Tuesday, July 14th, 2020…… I didn’t get all of the stainless yesterday so the plan today was to go to Coastal Farm and Ranch and see what they had. I found almost all of what I needed – at least for the time being – and also got netting for the blueberry cage and brought all of that back home. I pulled the trailer into the shop and went to work on the trailer ball assembly. And then I put the rolling jack assembly together and got that on. I started replacing all of the bolts that we had previously painted with the new stainless ones. I managed to cross-thread one of them so now I need to grind it off and start again! What a waste of a fastener! I went off to Ace Hardware and found some more of the stainless that I needed. On the way I stopped off at the local lawnmower supply company in town and looked at the zero-turn mower that I want. I missed the $100.00 off sale and asked if they would honor it now. The owners were not in and the guys there couldn’t make that happen so I will go back next week and check again.  I got back home and started in doing some cleaning in the house. I vacuumed and dusted and straightened up everything because Aimee was coming by for a visit today. She stayed for a couple of hours and we had a nice talk. She was working for our friends, Paul and Alice, to maybe find them a home in the area, but they chose something in Dallas (just east of Salem). She tells me they bought an owner-owned house under construction and it won’t be done until November. Dallas is not that far away so it will be nice when they get in and settled and we can go back and forth for visits. It was nice to see Aimee again. I went back to work on the trailer but had to take a break and stop to let Rylee play in the pool and chase the water hose for a while. It was a nice break because it’s been hot up here this week. 85º today and then a few cooler days with sprinkles. But in the 90’s next week!      

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020…… I got up and walked Rylee and fed her, then made scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. Then I headed out to Walmart to stock up on groceries and sodas. I always tell the landscape guys to help themselves to the drinks in the fridge in the garage and that supply needed to be restocked. After I got everything home and put away, I went out to work on the blueberry cage. 

I got the last of the braces up and then laid the net out to see how I was going to install it. I will wait until sis comes over because it’s a two-person job.

Nothing much on the calendar today. I did make a call to the credit union and they are going to email me a form for my account changes. I stopped by the DMV to turn in Lydia’s handicap placard and her license. They stopped me outside because everything now is by appointment only. But they took the placard and said they were already notified by the state and the license info is in the system and I could just shred that now.    

Thursday, July 16th, 2020…… I was up early and showered and walked and fed Rylee. Sis came by and brought Quincy to run and after that we got the net up and stapled all around the posts so the blueberries are now caged up and are now safe from the deer (and hopefully from the birds too). 

We have already made the first pick off the bushes and got about 50% of them. Some still need a few more days. Penny had taken a bunch of blueberries home and made a “crockpot cobbler”, which came from Lydia’s recipes. She brought some of it over yesterday and it’s on my menu for tonight!  After getting the cage done, we cleaned up and headed off to Kevin’s for breakfast. After that, we came home and she got Quincy and left. I rested for a bit and played with the butthead.  Still working on the trailer. I find that every time I want to put a part on, I need to get another fastener. So, I took off yet again and went to Wilco and got a few more items. I tried to print out he credit union forms on the printer, but I needed ink cartridges so I will need to go to Walmart tomorrow for those.

Dinners are not memorable so I struggle to remember what I had last night!  Tonight, I wasn’t hungry so I had swiss cheese and pepperoni on crackers. I know but I got to eat the cobbler for dessert! I must say it was tasty but I think I prefer the old-fashioned baked cobblers over the crockpot type. I finished up watching my Mecum Auctions until bedtime.      

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