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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Oregon Living 2020 – Blog #58 – Good Old Family Time!


Thursday, July 23rd, 2020……  The only thing on my list for today was to pick up the grass and take it to the mulch place. Randy helped me with that. Then I worked on wet-sanding the fenders and then put a finish coat on those. I went to install them later in the afternoon and found I needed yet two more stainless steel bolts!  Tomorrow. We decided to go to Sweet Home to Skyline for dinner, which was good. I usually don’t eat a lot of red meat and hardly ever order steak, but tonight I saw their top sirloin with mushrooms was the special and it just sounded good! Randy had it too!

After dinner, we drove around Foster Lake on the way home. I wanted to check out the boating activity so we can plan a trip there next week. Plus, we had a nice drive. Sadly, there was a boating accident there this Monday.  Two little 6-year-olds were in the water at the swimming beach and a jet ski going by lost control and the rider fell off and the unmanned jet ski hit the kids. Both were air-vac’d to Portland.  The little boy died this morning. The little girl is hanging on at this point. Investigation is still in progress but the 23-year-old rider is not being held and no drugs or alcohol were said to be a factor.  Sad day for the locals.

Friday, July 24th, 2020……  The kids took of early this morning and headed up to Black Rock (west of Salem) to go mountain biking for a few hours. I had doggie duty but left them for a bit while I went to get breakfast and hit the hardware store and then drop off some documents Cherrelyn asked me to print for her work. I got back and got everything on the trailer. I think I am done now – except for the tires and wheels. I want to replace them so I took one off to take to the junkyard, just to see if they have anything I want and get a price as opposed to new rims. I also stopped for a while and called Tractor Supply to confirm that my order was in process. It was, so I called Angela at Cascade Supply and cancelled my order with them and threw myself on the sword. I get it – they are a ma and pa company and can’t compete with the big box stores. But I think she understood that I was going to be saving almost $500.00 (plus getting a larger tractor) and had to go with that deal. But I will definitely be taking my Pro series craftsman (and the new mower) to her for service now that I know they can work on both of them.  I also finally got confirmation today that my credit union account has been updated. I needed to spend some time online with the chat folks to have them give me visibility for the new accounts and I needed to identify and rename all of the accounts until I get everything squared away and can close those old ones. I think I’m at 99% of getting through all of the transition paperwork. I still have to finish my letter of instruction and chart all of the account numbers and passwords (more than I want to do!). Frances has a document to sign when she comes next month but that’s about it.  The kids brought back rotisserie chicken for dinner and we ate early again.  I have leftover steak if I get hungry later.   Maybe lunch for tomorrow….
Once we ate, they showered and we sat out on the back porch. Aunt Penny came over later for happy hour. I broke out the fireball and we all had a very ‘relaxing’ evening. 

Saturday, July 25th, 2020……  No worries from the fireball – everything’s good!  We hung around the house for a bit and then I asked if they wanted to go to breakfast. I chose Skyline and we went and got Penny (Cherrelyn was working 4 hours today).  Once we got back, we dropped her off and stopped and I got the Acadia washed and then we stopped at BiMart so Randy could pick up some rafts for tomorrow.  Once we got home, Randy and I put the trailer tire in the truck.  We also loaded five tables that my sister was loaning her neighbor for her upcoming yard sale, and we took those over and dropped them off. Next stop was the Pick-A-Part in Albany. I am looking for tires and wheels for the trailer and wanted to see if they would have anything that would fit that I liked. Nope. Randy is also going to buy some four-wheel-drive suspension parts for his truck and wanted to see if they had anything here in Oregon and what the prices were. Nope. Nothing. We stopped on the way back at the local tire dealer and I got his estimate for the tires and wheels.  When we got home, we found that Maryanne had gone out earlier today to So. Main and took a couple of trash bags with her and picked up some litter along the road and in the ditch on Main and on my street. Thank you, Sweetie!   I mention this because for a long time now I have been wanting to go out and pick up cigarette butts along Oak Creek Way (my St.). They are all of the same brand and are strewn all up and down from my house to the beginning of the block. I think (since we can find no one on this street who smokes) that they belong to the paper delivery guy. So, I went through the bags Maryanne got and fished out about 25 of these butts and put them in a clear baggie and enclosed a note asking if they belonged to him. I taped it all on the newspaper box and will wait and see what happens when he comes tomorrow…
Maryanne went to the fridge and found enough stuff to make chicken and cheese nachos for dinner. I had eaten the rest of my steak for lunch but these were still yummy!  Tonight, both Penny and Cherrelyn came over and we moved the party to the front porch where it was cooler and used up a bunch more of the fireball. They went home and we called it a night.  

Sunday, July 26th, 2020…… When I went out with Rylee this morning, I found that the cigarette baggie was gone!  I’m hoping he got the message and will help us keep the street clean from now on! 
Today the kids were going rafting on the Santiam. They had heard from Sis about a put in spot and from there you can ride almost 45 minutes down to near where she lives. Cherrelyn wasn’t up to going today and I had already passed so I stayed home and watched the dogs and the three of them went. They said they had a great time. Penny took a fall on the rocks going down to the water but she’s ok. They said the water was super cold but refreshing on the 90º day!  They still owe me pics which I will post when/if I get them.
Meanwhile, I counted up the remaining items on the boat. I need just one more bolt and then I have to wire in the new undercarriage light bar (if I can find it in the garage). But that’s it! Job will be done. We were going to take the boat out tomorrow but the kids decided to head back for home tomorrow morning. Their cat-sitter bailed and they had to call around to get someone else to fill in, so they will cut the time short up here by one day. No worries for me though – I still needed to check out the boat and charge the battery, check the gas, and then clean it up – that would have put me on it as an all-day job. I’m ok with next time. I had a late lunch today and the kids brought back a meal for themselves from Carl’s Jr so all was good. Maryanne had gone out and picked a BUNCH more blueberries and we munched on those and were good for the day.  We sat around and watched tv until we were tired and they headed to their motorhome and Rylee and I went to bed.  Oh yeah, good news!  The little girl in the boating accident was released from the hospital and is home today and doing well. Thank God!  

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