About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #101 – More Power Washing, Shopping, and Dinner With Friends

Wednesday, August 1st, 2018……   This morning Rylee woke me up from a sound sleep. Dammit, that dog! I got up and let her out and fed her then went back to bed.  She’s then content to get up on the bed with us and snooze. I got up after about ½ hour and Lydia got up as well. Penny came by to walk Quincy and let Rylee harass her for a while outside. They really are getting along – it’s just that Quincy is an energizer puppy and Quincy’s batteries run at a different speed. But it’s fun. Rylee took a dip in the pool and we dried her off and they all came in to rest for a while.  After eating breakfast, I took off and went to Walmart and got the cleaning solution for the gutters. I chose Mr. Clean because it’s not too sudsy and it’s also not harmful to the plants. I put it into my Hudson sprayer and spritzed all of the front gutters. I let it soak and then hit it with the power washer. Wow, it worked well! The gutters are sparkling clean and good for another season now! I continued on with the walkway. Now this is another task altogether. Even though it’s not like working overhead, the sidewalks and driveways here have never been washed and it shows! The walks are roughed up for non-skid, so there are a lot of porous areas where the dirt is really embedded. It comes clean, but only with the wand being an inch or two from the cement so it’s slooowww going! I did about half of the walk today (with breaks in between) before Lydia told me to call it a day. More tomorrow. Meanwhile, she started in on her blueberry cobbler. She got it in the oven and was really upset when it came out. Even though we have a rather high end Dacor oven, she hates it!  The stovetop works fine but the oven gives her fits.  Even though she watches it, it manages to either underbake or overcook. This time the edges of the cobbler were extra crispy. But we cut that out and the rest was fine. Brian – if you’re reading this blog, please help! You and Jeff need to come up soon to visit and take a look at it for her!     

Thursday, August 2nd, 2018……  I decided that, today, instead of my normal walk up and back Oak Creek Way, that I would put Rylee in the car and take her to the new dog park in town.  It’s really the old dog park that they just renovated (benches, water fountains, etc.). It was empty all the time we were there so she didn’t get to play with any new friends. I’m not sure I liked it though. It seems that no one up here is caring enough to pick up after their dogs! There was dog crap everywhere! I picked up what I could but gave up after a bit. I put her back in the car and we went on to get breakfast and coffee/tea before going back home. Rylee went straight to the back yard and jumped in and sat in her pool! 

Later, (after toweling her off and letting her back in the house) we decided to take off and head to Corvallis (to the bank) and then on to Albany. We needed to go to Petco to get some more nylabones for Rylee. We found they now have softer teething ones that she really likes and she’s gnawed it down to the point we’re worried she’ll soon swallow it so we needed another one.  We bought two, plus another real bone (to fill with peanut butter for special treats. We also got a watering bowl that has a reservoir so we don’t have to fill it three times a day! We also stopped at Harbor Freight to get stuff I just had to have! Then we went to Big Lots to look at their recliners. I already have one from there in my room and I love it. My sister has two of the swivel recliners that are the perfect size for the motorhome so we ended up buying a couple of them.  They are now stored just outside the rig in the rv garage. We still need to have the house carpets cleaned and we want the motorhome done as well. We’ll wait until then before we put them in. We got all of our chores done and rested until it was time to go to Sweet Home to meet with Tim & Dana for dinner at Skyline. We forgot that this was the three-day weekend for the Oregon Jamboree, which is held in Sweet Home. It’s a really big event and they have some mega country stars appearing there. We had previously discussed the possibility of going but we just don’t want to fight the crowds. Plus, they only sell three-day passes and they are upwards of $338.00 just for general admission. So, we’ll pass! Tim and Dana live just up the hill from the site and they said it’s a drunk fest so they always go to the coast and spend the weekend there on their boat to get away from it all. Tonight, they had a free concert (one local band playing) so we expected the whole town to be busy but Skyline wasn’t. We had a nice dinner and a nice visit with them. They are planning on coming back over soon to see how monster puppy has grown.  They were there when we first brought Rylee home and she loves them like family - and they miss her too!  We got back and gave Rylee the first of her new bones and she immediately headed outside with it to lay in the shady grass and chew the ‘new’ out of it! 

Eventually, we got her back inside and settled in for the night.   

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