About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #102 – A Trip for Lydia and Yard Work for Me


Friday, August 3rd, 2018……  Today was get-away day for Lydia. She has a 4:50pm flight out this evening. This is her trip to Henderson NV for our friend, Lee’s, celebration of life. I have chosen to stay home and watch Rylee, plus the garage door guy is supposed to come on Saturday. Yes, I could reschedule and my sister could watch the dog, but we thought we’d just have one of us go, plus Lydia can visit with her girlfriends while she’s there. Sandie and Typhanie are driving in from California and are picking her up at the airport. They are sharing a hotel room so it works out for everyone.
Forgot to mention this yesterday - I went online last evening to register for my upcoming jury duty. Yes, I got chosen after only a year in Oregon! It’s pretty much the same here except you have a two-week window that you have to call in to see if they need you or not. I will know more soon about where I have to go.
We got on the road about noon, after feeding Rylee. The drive is about two hours but we wanted to stop and have linner before I dropped her off. We found Shari’s in Oregon City, and ate a nice meal. I got her to the airport shortly after that and then headed home. Actually, I made a detour. I wanted to go find the Portland International Raceway and cruise around it. Not much to see. I also planned to drive back past the Pittock Mansion. This is on our Oregon Fun Card, so admission is free for up to four people. I decided that since I was in rush hour, I would do that drive by on another trip. The Oregon Zoo is also on our card and we plan to go there too but I already know where that is.  I headed home and got stuck in the usual Wilsonville traffic zone.  Wilsonville is a fast growing upscale burb just south of Portland and for some reason (maybe too many folks exiting and entering) there is always congestion going both north and south on the I5 through there. I made the stop-and- go adventure through there and got home about 6:30pm. Penny had fed Rylee and played with her so I got a bit of rest when I got home. Later, we went out and butthead jumped in the pool and then got out and did the Rylee 500 around the yard. I ended up wiping her down twice before we came in for the night!  Lydia didn’t call so I texted her and she texted back that she got caught up in visiting and forgot to call. I didn’t sleep well so I took a couple of Tylenol PMs. I ended up staying up until about midnight. When I did come in, Rylee slept in her usual spot on the floor but got up on the bed with me around 3:45 or so when I got up to pee.              

Saturday, August 4th, 2018……   I had a few things on my plate today. After our usual pee, poop, walk, read the paper, shower, get dressed routine, I ate breakfast and went out and worked on the inside of the motorhome a bit. There were some things to be picked up and some things I needed in the house. After that I came in and rested for the morning and into the afternoon and caught up on my latest Mecum Auctions I had on tape. Lydia called and said they were getting ready to go to the celebration of life that the Hand family had planned.  Later, when it cooled off a bit, I went out and got the string trimmer and did all of the areas I can’t reach with the mower. After a brief break, I got the tractor out and mowed the yard. This time all I did was the yard – not the field - so I was done in less than an hour. Tomorrow I will use the catcher and get the excess grass picked up. That was it for the day. Lydia didn’t call me. I ended up going to bed early. I needed to catch up on my sleep from last night.     

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