About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #115 – Rylee’s Recovery and Jury Duty (Terry)


Thursday, August 30th, 2018……   Rylee did well last night and slept very peacefully. She did whimper a bit but the vet told us that’s from the meds and should wear off later today. I got her fed and skipped her walk this morning. They told us to minimize activity for a couple of days. We are looking forward to a couple of quiet days (!) although we want her feeling better and moving around and back to normal as soon as possible. I got going early and left to get breakfast on the way to report to jury duty. I made my way to the courthouse early because they said there is limited parking. I had a parking permit and used it for the ‘court business only’ parking lot that was right across the street. After a bit, I found out things that things are done a little differently in the courts here in Hicksville! Well, ok, not really that different. You still get signed in and get an orientation in the jury assembly room. But the Albany court clerk is a happy guy! Not like the jury clerks in California – you know – the ones with zero personality who think they are army generals and like to bark out directions and orders! Our guy even sends out personal emails to his people, reminding them of their start day. Once we were there and the orientation was completed, we had about fifteen minutes wait and then we were sent up to courtroom five. I’m guessing there were about 35-36 of us in total. The judge did his thing, explaining in brief what case was being tried today, then the clerk called twelve people to the box, and then another twelve were seated in the next front row section. I was number thirteen. The judge asks each of the 24 to tell a little about themselves. They still use names up here unlike my experience in SoCal when we were just numbers. Then the attorneys get to ask questions. I was called on to answer a few. Then this is where it got different. The judge called a recess – but no one could go too far – just to the restroom if necessary – and he and his clerk and the two attorneys went into his chambers. They came out a few minutes later and the judge had the first row of jurors get up and move center court. Then he called them back, this time replacing them with other folks. Same thing for the back row. Apparently, the attorney challenges are done in private and agreed upon as well. So, those twelve, including a couple of folks chosen from my group (13-24) were seated and sworn in. He let us go – with instructions from the jury clerk - to call again after Friday for possible service next week. Remember, this is a two-week service.  But they do not call you back again for a full two years.  By then I’ll be over 70 and that excuses you here in Oregon. Since we have Labor Day next Monday, I’m not sure if they will be needing us but we did hear they had full dockets so maybe I’ll get called back in again.  I got back home and found that Rylee was doing very well. She has perked up and is about 60%. She wants to play but we have to calm her down. No running or jumping on the bed (which she wants to do). No walks this afternoon/evening but I will take her out for sure tomorrow. My sister came by for a short visit. She has some friends visiting her and wanted to bring them by. She also dropped off a thank you gift and note from our new friend, Daisy. She had sent us, vis Penny, a couple of containers of chips from the Katella Deli (yummm!). Thanks Daisy! We made a good friend!
I ended up running a few errands this afternoon and got back and rested prior to a really good spaghetti dinner, which we watched while catching up on the last two episodes of The Great American Food Truck Race. We still have other shows to watch together but at least that one is done now. Good show.            

Friday, August 31st, 2018……  I’m putting drops in Rylee’s left ear for the infection the vet found, but other than that, she’s not needed any pain meds. I took her out first thing this morning and we had a nice walk. Penny brought Quincy over later but walked her out in the west forty, away from the house so super mutt wouldn’t get excited and want out to run after her. After breakfast, we decided to take Rylee out for a car ride. We chose to go to McDowell Creek Park. We had heard that they have three separate falls there and were worth seeing. We stopped at the first of the three parking areas and walked a bit to see the first one. Now, we knew that there is not a lot of water running through right now so we weren’t expecting much. Lower McDowell Creek Falls was pretty much nonexistent. Not much water, remember!  

We then drove up the road and finally found a sign to Majestic Falls. Turns out this way just a part of the trail to get to those falls!  On the way there, we walked through a parking lot and picnic area we missed (no signs) on the way up. So, we kept walking, saw the falls (now Majestic Falls is nice!), 

and then I left Lydia at the picnic tables and Rylee and I walked back on the trail to get the car. We didn’t make it to Royal Terrace Falls on this trip. I’ll take Rylee another time and if it’s worth seeing, I’ll bring Lydia back.  We drove back home and rested for the afternoon. Kirk came by to pick up the tractor for his Monday job. Lydia fixed dinner and later, I took Rylee out for another walk. We watched tv and called it a night.   

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