About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #117 – Labor Day and Motorhome Goes in to the Shop

Note: two posts today to get caught back up. Please read #116 (Sat-Sun) first!

Monday, September 3rd, 2018……  Today was Labor Day Holiday. We didn’t have anything planned although there were a few things going on around town. We chose to pull out the motorhome and clean it up a bit. Lydia had previously done pretty much all of the inside and we had already put the new recliners in. I added a twelve-foot runner so when we take it in tomorrow they won’t mess up the newly shampooed carpet. While we only power washed the coach (no soap and water) I think we got most of the grime and grit off of it. It will still get detailed sometime down the road but at least it was ready for tomorrow. We ended the day with a nice bbq at my sister's house. She invited one of her friends (Janice) over and we had a nice meal. 

We ended up staying quite a long time and enjoyed the conversation. We even made plans to go to Portland in the next few weeks to use up our Portland Fun Pak coupons.  We left and went home to watch tv and then hit the sack.

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018……  I got up early and got moving. I skipped the dog walk this morning so I could get the coach ready to move to the shop. Lydia was looking to go to play pickleball this morning so I decided to just hook up the Honda and tow it so she could make her start time. It’s hard to believe but I haven’t hooked up the tow car in sixteen months! But no worries. I had it hooked up and drove to Sweet Home RV and unhooked and got the rig parked in their back lot and then drove the car around to the front and checked in. I found out that their chief mechanic had recently left and that the owner would now be doing the work. Never met him so we’ll see what we get…
I got back home after stopping at Home Sweet Home Café for breakfast. I found Lydia was on the phone, talking to her brother, Eddie, in Wisconsin. Eddie just had heart surgery and is doing well. I took Rylee out for the walk we missed this morning and fed her treats. Lydia was still on the phone. I found out later Ed called her right after I left with the motorhome and they had been talking all this time. The call lasted two minutes short of three hours!  So, she didn’t get to go play pickleball. But no worries. They needed to get caught up. Hopefully, they will be able to travel soon and will come visit us.
Next up for me was working more on my license plate project. I just worked on the nails this time. Kirk came by and dropped off our tractor and he and Caleb went to work on more weeding around the front yard. At the end of their allotted work time he pulled the trailer around behind the rv garage and I helped pitchfork all of the weeding clippings into their trailer to go to the dump. We filled up the first of two loads total and they left for the day. We’ll get the rest next week.  
After cleaning up and resting for a bit, Lydia said we were having leftover noodle casserole so all that was needed was a quick heat up. That done, we took off in the car to give monster mutt a car ride. We drove into Albany and I showed Lydia the courthouse and where to park when/if she has to report next week. After that, we drove to Monteith Park and let Rylee explore a bit. She sure enjoyed that! Once we got home, we watched America’s got Talent and then crashed for the night.          

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