About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #126 – Dirty Dog, New Screen and a Clean Dog!

Wednesday, September 26th, 2018…...  Rylee has been in trouble lately. The other day she was off leash and took off to investigate the freshly mowed field. No worries about that but the problems start when I want her to ‘return’. She just buries her nose in the ground and ignores me. I had to go out with the leash and drag her back to the house. We had been tying her up on a long rope when she’s out in the yard but I thought I’d give her some slack. Well, now she’s back on the rope again! Another problem we have is the doggie door. The weather is really nice right now and the slider to the back porch is open, giving her access to the door in the screen. If we don’t put a chair in front of it when we don’t want her going out, she escapes and goes exploring. Well, sometimes we forget the chair, and this afternoon she made it out and then headed for the front yard ‘ditch’ out by the street. There is water in there right now (overflow from the sprinklers) so she romped through it and turned it to mud and came back in before we even knew she was out!

Needless to say, she got hosed down before she was allowed back in. Bad dog! 
Today I did a few small errands around the house and at my sister’s. Then it was just hanging around. I did have to run the vacuum and mop the wood floors to clean up the mud prints but it was still a quiet day.         

Thursday, September 27th, 2018…...  Rylee has really been good about sleeping later. She sleeps on the bed for most of the night but gets down when she gets too hot and wants to cool off by the slider. Plus, one of us can get up, let her out for a bit, then feed her and then come back to bed. Of course, she joins us but at least we get to relax for a few minutes longer!  Once we do get up and moving, we make the bed and she’s out of there for the day. Today, I walked her and then took off for Albany and the Home Depot and Lowes. I was looking for a replacement screen for the living room slider. That’s the one that has Rylee’s doggie door in it. The screen was scratched and torn in one spot plus I installed the doggie door where she could get through as a puppy. Well, she’s still a puppy but she’s 62 lbs. now (we took her to the vet to get her flea meds renewed and they weighed her) and the door is too low for her. I found the pet screen I was looking for and brought it home. I took the slider off and removed the screen. Problem was the longest screen was 84” and our windows were bigger than that! So, I had to take it back and look for a longer one. You can buy regular screen by the roll up to 25’ but it was not pet screen. So, I came back home and went online to Amazon and found some and ordered it. Meanwhile, I took the sliding screen off the bedroom door and put it in the other spot so we can use it.
That done, I was done for the day. We heard back from Tim and Dana today. They were back in town and were going to come over to look at the concrete cracks I’m experiencing. They volunteered to bring elk steaks to bbq. We set it up for tomorrow since we are going to Brewfest on Saturday. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing and watching tv until bedtime.   

Friday, September 28th, 2018…...  For some reason, we both woke up early this morning. I didn’t have anything on the list for today so we just spent time cleaning up the house a bit. We decided that since it was going to be warm today, I would give Rylee a bath. I have a stool that I can take in our walk-in shower and the spray head is on a flex line so I can reach her to wash and rinse. She is now sparkling white again and smells a lot better than yesterday!  Later, we headed off to Walmart to get some things for dinner tonight. My sister called and said she was going to go get presale tickets for Brewfest. She had heard they were on sale in town. We had heard nothing about presale and we were shocked to find out that the vip tickets we bought last year at the gate were already sold out as presale!   No worries, we didn’t use the vip seating last year and we both already have t-shirts and we can buy extra beer tokens as needed, so we’re good. It might even be a little cheaper all told.
Tim and Dana came over and brought the marinated elk steaks and some cut-up fruit. Lydia made green beans and rice. I fired up the bbq and we cooked the steaks. They were very tasty! While I was cooking, we had monster puppy out loose and exploring the back yard. She looked up and spotted Ollie across the street. Turns out he was out too and they were trying to get him in so they could leave to go to the local high school football game. Well, Rylee saw that and the chase was on! I turned over the bbq duty to Tim and headed off with my leash to help out. We got Rylee with no problem and they coaxed Ollie into the car just to get his leash on him to take him to the house. So, all was well and I got back to the grill. Tim came up with a possible solution to my concrete issue. Problem is there’s a 1-2” drop off from his new approach pad and my existing blacktop.  When the motorhome crossed over it the first time, there was a hairline crack in the cement. I want that addressed before the piece chunks off. As I said, he has a possible solution. I asked him to think about it for a bit and get back to me and we can get it going. They are busy but at least they will get it fixed. They also need to contact the garage door installers. I am having issues with the smoothness of the door opening and closing. It’s an adjustment so he will call them to schedule.
After the meal we visited for a awhile and they headed home and we relaxed and watched a few shows before calling it a night.   

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