About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #2 – Getting Out & About and Getting an Assignment


Friday, January 4th., 2019……We are both much better today! I can actually speak! Still kind of croaky but much better! I got up early and got showered and dressed and had Rylee out for our walk. The rains are back but it wasn’t raining while we were out. I left later and got breakfast. Meanwhile, Lydia was getting ready for her day. She had a nail appointment at 10:00am so she headed off for that.  I needed to sit down and pay some first of the year bills. For 2018, I only had one more bill to pay, for Kirk for last month, and then I can wrap up the year’s expenses. We started our new medical coverage this week. Boeing, our provider, shut down the United Health Care HMO in Oregon and we had to move over to the UHC PPO. The monthly rates went up so we have to adjust for that. But we, like everyone else, got a slight increase in our Social Security this year, so that helps a bit. We now have to make sure that we give our new cards to the dr. so they can update their records. Our mail-in prescription service (OptumRx) stays the same so that’s a good thing. We’re told we may even get a break in those rx prices but we’ll have to wait and see when our prescriptions go in again.
Even though the weather was yucky, I went out with Rylee to the shop and worked out there for a while.  Later, we just had leftovers for dinner and then watched tv.  Lydia spent time in her craft room, catching up on some shows in that room. We have DirecTV but have opted not to use Genie, where you have a master box and small slave boxes in other rooms. With Genie, you can tape and watch in any room you choose. The reason we don’t use that and have full size boxes in each room is that we want to take 1 (or 2) of those receivers to use when we travel in the rv.   
Saturday, January 5th., 2019……  Today was pretty nice. No rain and the sun was out for a bit. I had Rylee out and back when my sister was here with Quincy. Of course, Rylee always zeros in on the Quince and wants to be let off her leash so she can go play. It’s so good that they can run even though the grass is soggy and they come back to the house a mess! After they went home, I left and got breakfast. Then it was just kicking back time. We usually don’t go grocery shopping or to any of the big box stores on the weekends even though it’s no way near the crowds you would get in the stores in Cali on a weekend. Besides, neither of us had anything on the agenda so we just stayed around the house. If you know me, you know I keep logs of the races and the car auctions, complete with dates and times. That way I can make sure to get them all recorded for later viewing. I have been getting all of those  schedules off the websites and getting them printed and in my book. Motocross starts tonight and I’m ready! Lydia has been catching up on all of her saved shows now that she’s watched all of her taped Christmas movies. So, we were both kicking back most of the day. Later, we ate a nice bbq rib dinner and settled in for the night.
Sunday, January 6th., 2019…... Again, nothing on the schedule for today. It was really windy last night. Butthead was super nervous so I took her out to the yard where she could watch all of the leaves swirling around and the branches moving. Didn’t help. She wouldn’t go off the porch. We settled in bed later and she was ok but got me up about two hours later and had to go out. Our plastic lawn chairs that were out by the rv garage ended up next to the house and that spooked her. So, I got shoes and pants and a jacket on and took her back out there and showed her and she was ok after that. We got back to bed and luckily, we were able to sleep in a little later this morning. It rained a bit last night but it was nice and dry when we went out for our walk. When I came back in, I got stuff out to make egg and cheese and ham sandwiches for breakfast but Lydia said she could make scrambled eggs so I deferred to her. Duuuhhh, that’s a no-brainer! After I cleaned up, she got showered and dressed and we hung around the house and watched tv. Later, in the afternoon, our neighbor, Lou, came by to ask for a favor. He is leaving tomorrow for a week in Hawaii and asked us to feed his dogs until Friday, when his daughter is supposed to take over. We are glad to help out. I went over with him and he showed me everything and I was set. We will start tomorrow afternoon and then go over twice a day after that. We talked a bit and I came home and later, took off and got us dinner (Taco Bell) and came home and we watched more tv until we called it a night.         

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