About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #3 – Birthdays and Taking Care of Dogs and Cats!

Monday, January 7th., 2019…...  We had some rain last night and it puddled up in places on the driveway. The temps came down to 30º and that was enough to make all of that water freeze and make black ice. Even though the sun was out, the driveway and all of our street was still really slippery. Monster mutt started out and did the slip and slide for a foot or so and that got her attention! But she didn’t blink after that and was fine for our walk. The temps came up and we only got a few minutes of rain all day.  Lydia and I left a little later and went first to my sister’s (to help her move some furniture) and then to Walmart for some shopping. Among other things, we got some ciabatta bread for bbq sandwiches for dinner tonight. Once we got home and got everything put away, I got caught up on some of my taped shows and she did some swiffering around the house. We have decided to try another location for the dog’s food and water. We had it under the window in the dining area, off the kitchen. It was on our hardwood floor and we are seeing some delamination of the varnish coat. We’ve got the feeding area covered with waterproof carpet but she’s got a pretty good sized ‘slop zone’ after she drinks. We’ll try the laundry area because that’s laminate. Around 4:45pm we drove down to Lou’s and I showed Lydia how to feed Bailey and Lucy. We checked their water and fed the cat on the way out and we were done. We will do that each day until Friday afternoon.      
Then we came home and she put together our bbq sandwiches and she headed off to her tv and I settled in to watch the College Football Championship game. Go Clemson!
Tuesday, January 8th., 2019……  Happy Birthday to my Sister Penny! She shares the same birthday as Elvis! (and David Bowie, Bob Eubanks, and Kim Jong-uh among others!). Imagine - Elvis would have been 84 today! She and Quincy came over for their walk and then I took her down to Lou’s to help me feed his dogs. After that we took off to Kevin’s for breakfast. But when we got there, it was closed. Not sure why – will have to check. I drove us to Brownsville and to the Pioneer Truck Stop out on I5. I had been there before and I liked it. They have the best bacon! Nice and thick! We came back home and after Penny and Quincy left, we hung around the house for a few minutes and then we left and took Rylee with us and headed off to Corvallis for Lydia’s gastro dr. appointment. She’s doing better but they are still concerned that the area is still sensitive and she’s still passing a filmy substance (which is coming from the inflamed area). So, they are going to try stronger antibiotics (flagyl). Lydia has had a reaction to the flagyl in the past but she’s willing to try it again if it will knock this thing back! As of this evening we’re waiting for the pharmacy to fill it and call us.  Later, Penny came back and we left for Coburg to have Pizza for her birthday. Plus, we each have scratch-offs and can win free food or even cash. Problem was when we got there it is still closed for renovations. They were supposed to be finished by now but guess not. So, we went to Bronco’s Saloon, just down the street. Lydia and I had been there before and liked it. The meals were really good and we even had room for bread pudding for dessert! We drove back home and stopped at Lou’s house and fed the dogs again. They are happy to see us and both dove in to their dishes pretty quickly. I’ll take pics tomorrow morning. Then it was back home and tv and quiet time (sorry – that’s not possible with monster puppy in the house!) until bed. 
Wednesday, January 9th., 2019…...  This morning I got up a few times – just couldn’t sleep – and went into my office to watch tv and/or try to sleep. I did this a few times. Back and forth from bed to my recliner! I feel fine for now but I will probably be taking a nap or two sometime today. I did all of my duties this morning, though. Fed Bailey and Lucy, walked Rylee, and went and got us breakfast.  I even stopped at Walmart for a few things and got the truck gassed up on the way. Once home, we settled in and ate breakfast and I started watching Mecum Auction Kissimmee which starts today. I broke it up by going out to the shop for a while. Lydia left and went to get her prescription and then to do her labs. The weather is just ok. No rain but it’s cloudy. Forecast is for rain today only then sun and no rain for the next seven days. Yaay! We like the sun! We decided to go to Costco today and get a few things. While we were there, we saw my sister, who just got her new tires installed and was headed off to Corvallis to get the front-end alignment done. While we were in Costco, we ran across some outside security lights. We had seen them at Lowes and were going to buy two there (at $75. per light) but we saw these. They were virtually the same thing and they were $29.99! so, we added those to our shopping cart. We got back home and I took Rylee out to the shop with me. She needs to get out and I had some more of the Christmas stuff I needed to get put back up on the racks. My sister called later and gave us an update on a missing lady in the area. The story has been on the news for a few days now. She went to work early Monday morning and never made it to work. Her truck was found in the Willamette River, just across the road from the HP facility in Corvallis. They think she hit black ice (same as we had here on Monday) and skidded over the embankment. Penny said on her way to Corvallis, she went by the site and they were finished with the recovery. Boats are now out on the river, and divers are searching. They think she drowned but no body as of yet. Sad.
We didn’t eat lunch so Lydia got an early start on dinner (spaghetti) and then we went over to feed Lou’s dogs and check the house. Then it was back home and rest and tv until we called it a night.    

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