About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, January 25, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #8 – Doctor and Dentist Visits and an Afternoon Out


Tuesday, January 22nd., 2019…...  Yesterday afternoon I got a call from my doctor’s office about my infusion. They had phoned in a prescription for me for Vitamin D and Calcium Citrate. Turns out my labs showed my vitamin D at 8.7 and it needs to be 8.8 before I can do the infusion. It also turns out that the meds wouldn’t take effect for several days. So, I was told to call the infusion center, which I did. Final result is that they got together with my doctor and it’s still a go for the infusion.
So, this morning I headed over to my sister’s. She had her doctor’s appointment and I went over to walk Quincy. I got her walked and fed and then headed back home, stopping on the way to get coffee/tea/breakfast. Once I got home and ate, I walked Rylee. By this time, the sprinkles were just starting. I got her back before we got too wet. Then it was time to head to the pharmacy and then to the hospital for the infusion. This place is inside the hospital but runs independently. They really have a nice place and they put me in a treatment room, with a view of the garden. A few minutes later, they put in an iv and started the infusion. It took 30 minutes. But you have to wait 30 more minutes before you could leave. No issues in the office so I was free to go. I have a list of possible side effects to watch out for. Once I left, I stopped back at the pharmacy and then went home and was done for the day. Later, Lydia came in and said she was heading to Walmart. I went with her and we got a few things for dinner plus fruit and chips and crackers for snacks. She fixed steak burritos and that was our day. We had a nice dinner and then settled in to watch tv for the rest of the evening.    

Wednesday, January 23rd., 2019…… This is the week of appointments for me. This morning was my dental cleaning. I go every four months and today was the day. I sure like Amanda, the hygienist. She is young and friendly has a nice disposition and is very gentle. We talked about gardens and flowers. Of all things!  She was a good friend of our next-door neighbor lady before she passed so she knows our house. I invited her over anytime to take a tour and maybe give Lydia and I some advice about our plants and shrubs. She seemed excited and I think she’ll drop by.  I was good this time with just the cleaning. Next time I get x-rays and an exam from the dentist. Since the weather is still on the cold/cloudy side, I didn’t have anything planned. Lydia got out her swiffer and went around the wood floors, trying to pick up all of the dog hair. I thought dogs only shed in the summer! Guess not!  Later, I took Rylee out to let her run but kept her close by so she couldn’t make her ‘drag strip run’ and get soaked. Lydia got some leftover lasagna out of the freezer and we heated it up for dinner. I have all of my races and auctions watched so I started in on the other taped shows that are building up. The other day we bought a puzzle while we were out and we got that out and going on the kitchen table. Good for a rainy day. 
Thursday, January 24th., 2019…...  The weather has turned for the better. We are supposed to have a week or more without rain. They are saying this is unusual and that this is more like Spring weather. A lot of the flowers that shouldn’t bloom until April/May are starting to open up. I like the rain and all but I get tired of it lasting for several days in a row. So, this is good news! I got Rylee out and walked and then took off to go do my Habitat tour. I took the Acadia so I could get it vacuumed and washed. Albany has the closest full-service (Thurs-Sat. only) car wash and we needed the interior vacuumed to get rid of the other puppy that Rylee shed in there. But before that, I stopped at Roger’s, a ma and pa restaurant in town, and had breakfast. I stopped at Lowe’s and bought a new doorknob for the shop door. I also stopped by Petco. I’m looking for another leash but they didn’t have what I wanted. After I got the car done, I sidetracked on the way home and headed over the bridge and on down to Corvallis. They have the local PetSmart. Still didn’t have what I wanted, so I came home. I didn’t make it to the Habitat for Humanity or Harbor Freight, so those will be saved for another trip. I got home and changed out the doorknob. Butthead was on her rope out there with me so she was happy. Lydia finished her swiffering project and will save the dusting for another day. Later, my sister came over and we headed down to Coburg Pizza. We each still had our scratch-offs plus we also had a coupon sent in an email that gave us a free classic salad with our pizza. Our scratch-off (done in-store when you order) was for a free dessert pizza and sis got a free slice of her choice of one of six specialty pizzas for her scratch-off. We did have to go to the other location (in Springfield) but that was probably only 8-9 miles farther. Our location is still in remodeling stage. We hope it looks as good as the Springfield store. The pizzas and salads were good (same as the other place) and we had to take most of everything home. 

We got the cherry dessert pizza to go. I had found a new way to get to the Springfield/Eugene area and we also drove back that way. It’s a longer route, going through the local towns and farmland, but it’s more picturesque, with some covered bridges and river crossings on the way. We got back and sis went home and we settled in for the night. But not before I had my dessert. I just had to warm it up a bit in the microwave and it was the best!                     

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