About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #4 – Helping Neighbors and Friends

Thursday, January 10th., 2019…...  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDIE!!!  Lydia called her this morning and we wished her a happy birthday and they talked for a bit. I had already been down to feed the dogs and had Rylee walked and was settling in to watch an hour or so of Mecum Kissimmee. Today, the sun is out and there’s not a cloud in the sky. My kind of day! After a while, I went back out to the shop and worked out there for an hour or so. I checked the ground around the apple trees and grapevines to see if I could go back out and work on the vines again. No luck, it’s still too wet. It’s mostly grass under and around the grapes and apples (blueberries are in a fenced-in cage). But in the patches of dirt around the grapes, there are tons of deer prints! We don’t mind seeing the deer and they haven’t affected the screen around the blueberries like we were told they would do, so we’re happy to give them a snack when they show up.  With the warmer weather, I was able to take super pooper out for a good run today. We have to go out to the field though, and it’s still almost too wet out there. But she enjoys her time out. We have a low area out there that holds about 4-5 inches of water if it rains for a few days. Rylee has found it and now it’s her ‘drag strip’. She takes off and runs 50 yards to the other end and then runs back and then plops right down in the water!

Of course, we have to hose her down afterward because she’s half white and half brown! But she has so much fun, we just can’t keep her from it. She’s definitely a water dog!  
I got Lou’s trash cans back to his garage and went back later and fed the pooches. Here are a couple of pics.

Lucy is the little one. They are both sweeties and are now meeting me at the door. They are 11 and 12 and they don’t run and play but I know they miss Lou so I try to give them some attention before I leave. His daughter, Taylor, is due in tomorrow to stay at the house so I have the weekend off. I’m assuming she will go back home on Sunday so I will take the duties back over after that. Lou is due back sometime Monday.     
Friday, January 11th., 2019……  Both of us had a great night’s sleep last night. Lydia is doing well with her new antibiotic. But, it’s only day two. She last had flagyl seven years ago and got violently sick so, naturally, she was concerned. As directed, she’s taking the pill during a meal, and so far, so good. Sis came over to run Quincy and I went down and fed the dogs and left Taylor a note with info for her. Then we all went to Kevin’s for breakfast. After that, I headed off to Albany to go to Habitat for Humanity. I bought one trash container and three bags of rock salt. Total for all was $3.61. I also stopped by a house where the guy had these big white 55-gallon containers out front for sale. I have the same one at the house and they are really sturdy. He said his were from car washes and had soap in them. He wanted $10. ea for them so I bought one. I still have to figure out the best way to cut the top off. Once I do that and it goes well, I may go get some more. Later, we decided to have leftovers for dinner.  
Turns out Taylor didn’t get here until sometime after five so we headed down and fed the dogs one last time. She texted me that they got hung up in traffic coming down from Portland.        
Saturday, January 12th., 2019…...  This morning I walked Rylee and was ready for my day. I was going over to Janice’s place while Lydia and Penny took off to go to Albany to go shopping. Janice had asked me to cut and install some plywood as a top for a workbench in her garage. She had already bought two cabinets from Habitat for Humanity and had them set up where she wanted. I just had to measure, cut and screw two plywood pieces on as the new top. It wasn’t finished carpentry - it’s in her shop - and was exactly what she wanted. It only took an hour and I was done. I was glad to help her out. Then it was home and after putting my tools away, I ate some lunch and watched Mecum and then football for the rest of the afternoon. Lydia got back after a bit and brought some teriyaki for me for my dinner that she had picked up when they went to their lunch this afternoon. Then, later, since the weather was so nice (mid 50’s), I took Rylee out for another walk before settling in for the evening.     

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