About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #9 – More Grapevine Work and Some Cooler Days


Friday, January 25th., 2019…...  It’s been a few days since the infusion and I’m doing fine. I had none of the side-effects that they listed, and only some additional minor stiffness which they said is common. Lydia has finished the last of her high-test antibiotics. She says she feels better but is nowhere near 100%. I expected more positive results but she will discuss with the Dr. next week to determine next step. This morning I got to sleep in and Lydia got up to feed the monkey butt. I walked her and then went off to get us breakfast. After that, I evaluated the weather and since it was partly sunny and warming up, I decided to go out and prune some more of the grapevines. I filled up the second barrel and then, with Lydia’s help, finished smoothing out the cut I made on the new white barrel I just cut the top off of. I think I have one more day’s-worth of cuttings to go. Then I can start to think about cutting down the apple trees. On the way out to the vines, I let Rylee off-leash for a while and, sure enough, she went out to her runway and made a few mud runs! I tied her up and went about my little task, and when I was done, I hosed her off and toweled her dry and brought her in with me and we both called it a day. We heated up the chicken and rice and then cleaned up and watched tv until bedtime.   

Saturday, January 26th., 2019……  My sister came by this morning to walk Quincy. I was barely up and showered and was just bringing the butthead out for her walk. The weather is crisp and cloudy but the sun is due out later this afternoon. Rylee did her mud run again and we had to hose her off and dry her up again. Oh, the life of a golden retriever!
Ok, it’s later this afternoon and no sun. Actually, it’s downright cold out there! I was going out to work on the grapevines but not today! We only went out once and that was to run to Jack in the Box to get dinner. Rylee liked the ride even though we were back in a flash. Then it was dinner and tv. I am watching the Rolex 24 hours of Daytona road race. I find this the most fascinating of races. You have a team of 3-4 drivers who take turns going around the speedway/road course from 11:00am on Saturday until 24 hours later on Sunday. This year they have rain predicted to deal with starting early tomorrow morning.
Sunday, January 27th., 2019…...  Weather is still cool here. Overcast and kind of foggy. Again, we didn’t plan to go out. I had my flannel-lined jeans on when I walked Rylee and then changed into my sweats and socks to hang around inside the house today. Lydia went to Walmart and said it was cold but not too bad. That’s saying something, coming from her! She worked on the puzzle we have going and I watched the Rolex. Those rains did hit and it caused a ton of wrecks and carnage. It was dangerous driving and they ended up stopping the race an hour or so short. Driving up here in the sprinkles and light showers is bad enough. I can’t imagine having to race in driving rain. Lydia’s trip to the store yielded makings for dinner - Mexican Crack - which was really tasty. This is a casserole with tortilla chips, diced tomatoes, chicken, and other spices. Throughout the day, the pooper dog managed to get me to take her out a few times, but I succeeded in keeping her far away from her track, so she managed to stay dry. 
The other day, when I went to Albany, I had an unexpected delay. I was going through my photo file and saw the pics and it reminded me that I needed to post these. I made a turn to go down a shortcut side road (which I usually take), and found it was blocked up ahead. A lady in a pickup was outside her truck and was talking to the two cars stopped in the road in front of me. She came back and told me that they were running sheep from one field to another and could I hang on for a few minutes while they brought them up the road? Of course!  So, I had to get out and take a few pics of this!..... It was so cool. The little guys are only three weeks old!    

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