About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #6 – Some Assembly Required and Lab Appointments

Wednesday, January 16th., 2019…...  Nothing on the agenda today. I walked Rylee and then let her run with Quincy once they were done with their walk. I went out and got breakfast and then decided to go ahead and get that cabinet assembled. It went together pretty easily and is now awaiting installation. I think we’ve figured out which towel bar style we are going with so now we just have to go get those and get them put up. Another day…
We needed to catch up on some taped shows and since the weather is kind of cold and the sun is not out right now (sprinkles are forecast for tomorrow) we stayed in and watched America’s Got Talent and then The Blacklist. Lydia had a huge roast in the freezer and she’s cooked that up for tonight, along with potatoes and carrots. The good thing is that there is plenty leftover for other meals. I think tomorrow we’re having burritos.     
Thursday, January 17th., 2019……  The weather is now officially back to gloomy! We’ve had overcast days and today the rains are back and are expected thru the weekend. Oh well, that’s life in Oregon!  I did get monkey butt walked and ran in to Lou while we were out. Today is trash/recycle pickup day and his recycle bin had got knocked over and he was out there picking it up. He said he had a great time in Hawaii and told me he appreciated us taking care of the dogs. He said he has plans to come by later this evening. Later, I went off to the hospital to do labs prior to my infusion next week. The process, done only once a year, is for my osteoporosis. I took Lydia out with me because afterward we wanted to swing by Bi-Mart and then Walmart for a few things. Bi-Mart had a couple of end tables that were just the right size for our living room. We liked them and they were on sale so now I have another thing to put together. Walmart had a few things she needed for soup for tomorrow night. I picked up ink for my printer. When we got home, we were able to get lunch fixed and then we relaxed for the rest of the day. As I said, she whipped up some of the beef into burritos. Yummy! I’m in the process of watching the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auctions, going on this week in Scottsdale. It always amazes me how much people love to collect cars. These are always some of the best cars and some are in the millions. Way out of most people’s league but they sell. There are also some good bargains to be had if you know what you are looking at. I do have room for a car now… hmmm!  Nope, just dreaming. I have other things to spend money on besides a collector car.     

Friday, January 18th., 2019…...  This morning we got up and got an early start to our day. I took Rylee out for a quick walk and we were on the road by 7:00am. Lydia had an 8:15 appointment at her gastrologist in Corvallis so we loaded up butthead and took her with us for her car ride today. The visit was short. They are still watching her tenderness and with the heavy duty antibiotic only working for a week, will wait another week to reevaluate. She has to go in tomorrow for more bloodwork. But that’s local. The weather here is back to Oregon winter – that is rain and/or cloudy skies. We got back before it rained this afternoon. But that doesn’t stop us from going out. I asked if she would like to postpone her homemade soup until tomorrow and we could go to Skyline for dinner. She was up for that! My sister was coming over anyway so she went too. It rained on us both going and coming but it was worth it. Dinner was really tasty. My sister picked up the bill. Thanks Sis! We got home and fed muttley and Penny went home to feed the Quinz.  Then it was relaxing and watching tv until bedtime….     

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