About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #51 – Our Strawberry Festival & Mowing the West 40

Friday, May 31st, 2019…...  Chuck came by today to ask about the mowing. Even before I had a chance to call him! Apparently, he had heard about what I needed from his wife through my sister. He’s got other haying jobs coming up soon so he wanted to verify if/when I needed him. I told him he can come by any day and time he has free. My sister came by this morning with Quincy and after her walk we discussed the Lebanon Strawberry Festival. The city really is proud of this day and really advertises it up! They use the recreation area at Cheadle Lake for the booths, rides, and stage. They also have two parades down the streets of town, one scaled-down for the kiddies on Friday and their big parade on Saturday. It really is a big deal for the city and the sidewalks are filled with chairs for those staking out their spots. Neither Lydia or I are anxious to sit for over two hours on the side of the road to see a parade. But we decided to go to the festival tonight, so sis came here and drove. We paid the $7.00 parking fee (this was a sign we thought was funny!)

and parked and went in – no admission charge. 

We spent some time walking around the food and booth vendors and then left. It was too early to eat at the festival. We had chosen Casa de Reyes in Sweet Home for dinner and Penny had called Janice and asked if she wanted to go with us. Turns out she was at Walmart so we drove there and picked her up and drove to Sweet Home.  Dinner was nice. Except when they gave me a ‘short fill’ on my 28 oz beer because they were changing taps – but then brought out another full one later to make up for it!  Yaay me!

Saturday, June 1st, 2019…… I got up and walked Rylee and then went and got breakfast/tea. Afterwards, I was sitting watching tv when Chuck pulled up with his tractor! Like I said, he is busy so he wanted to squeeze in my job today. No worries. I went out and we grabbed the two root balls that I had left lying there from the other day and he shook the dirt out of them and hauled them out to the woods. Then we strapped up the last trunk stump and he yanked that out, shook it off and hauled it away as well. That left another hole to fill but that’s for another day.

Then he set out to start mowing. That took a few hours because the weeds were really high. But he will only have to do it one more time before the season ends and it won’t be as tall next time.  I came in and kicked back until I needed to pay him before he left. 
The last couple of days Lydia has been talking to her sister, Marcia. Marcia is Judy’s half- sister. Judy is the daughter of Bernie, who married Lydia’s mom. Lydia and Marcia were close to the same age when Bernie married Lydia’s mom and they were pretty close. But something happened and Marcia and Judy did not speak after that. So, Lydia lost touch as well. Last week Judy called Lydia and said she found Marcia and was attempting to contact her. Good news to this story is that all parties are good and everyone is talking again. Lydia has really enjoyed talking with Marcia and getting caught up again. Turns out she lives in Temecula, where we have been to many times when we were in Calif. I’m not sure when and where but I assume they will be getting together as soon as they can. Good stuff!
As I mentioned, we didn’t much care to see the parade but sis went. She sent me these pics….    

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019…... Not much planned for today. We hung around the house and watched tv and just relaxed. Lydia didn’t get anything out for dinner so we did head out to get bbq. We forgot the place is closed on Sundays so we settled for burgers at Jack in the Box. I got caught up on almost all of my races and Lydia watched some shows on her tv in her craft room.

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