About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #56 – Touring, Father’s Day, and Enjoying our Friends


Saturday, June 15th, 2019…… This morning the plan was to head off to Corvallis to the farmer’s market. We left around 8:00am and stopped at Lydia’s credit union and then on to Rick’s Chase Bank readytellers to get cash, and got back on the hwy and got there after waiting a few minutes for an accident on hwy 34 to clear. We bought a few things then headed off to Elmer’s for breakfast. Then, we went by Pet Smart for them to buy dog food for Daisy and Little Bit. Then we drove back home. Rick was wanting to get another splitter for his water hose so we set off to go find some. He was looking for the guillotine-type shutoff which I had previously found only at Kmart, which, for us up here, have all been closed down. So, we stopped at eight different stores, including Home Depot, Ace, and Fred Meyer, among others. Nothing. So, when we got back, we went looking online and he found some that he’s ordered shipped. Should be there when they get home.  Lydia was going to go get pork chops but we got back before they left. I had seen that our friend, Brian, had his Vietnamese food truck out at Rife’s parking lot, so we headed back there and picked up food to bring home.  It was tasty but none of us could finish. After that, I came in to work on the blog and everyone else crashed in the living room to watch tv.  
Sunday, June 16th, 2019…... HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!  I heard from both my boys and enjoyed that.  Today was a planned a trip to Oregon gardens. 

We always try to take our visitors up there to see this wonderful display of flora and fauna. I think they have one of every plant and tree that will grow here in Oregon!  The place is too large to walk through so you always jump on the tram and take the ½ hour ride through the park. Our tram driver was the same one we had last time we were there. He is very informative and very thorough.

Wild Bill…

Afterward going through the store and then to the garden store (we bought another fishing rod plant), we headed over to The Home Place Restaurant in Silverton and had lunch. I had remembered it from our trip up there in the rv back in 2012 and thought we should try it again.  It was pretty good and we got in and out in no time. We headed back toward home and when we got back to town, we stopped at the new Rife’s furniture store in Lebanon to check things out. We found a nice dining room table that I think we will go back and get soon. I had to measure the table (it’s exactly 9 feet long) and then see if we have enough room for it in the room. We do.  Later, we were watching tv and Lydia said that she and Janie would like root beer floats from A&W. none of us was hungry enough for dinner but we had room for treats! I drove us over to Sweet Home, stopping by to show them the boat I’m interested in, and then went on to A&W. After that, we headed out to Foster Lake and made the loop around it and then headed home. Once we got back, Rick brought over some Jack Daniels with honey and he and I finished off the bottle. It was good! We then came in and watched the latest stage on the Great Food Truck Race. When that was over, we were all about done for the night.     

Monday, June 17th, 2019…... Nothing planned today. We each got some expected paperwork from Boeing and Lydia’s Macy's gift card showed up. Glad to see that! Nothing yet from Penney’s. I went out to their rig and fixed a couple of bent door knobs and we sat out there for a while. I texted Jon and asked if the boat was ready yet and he said he was testing it today and would let me know.  Meanwhile, Janie brought a load of laundry in and got that started. They went back out to their rig and tore apart their bed and found a missing earring.
Later, we went over to my sister’s for dinner.   

During dinner I got a text from Jon saying that the boat was ready for me to go look at. I texted that we would be there tomorrow morning. We sat out on her porch and then went back inside to talk for a while. Once we got home, we watched tv for a while before calling it a night.     

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