About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #55 – Visitors


Wednesday, June 12th, 2019…… Rick and Janie are coming in this afternoon. They decided to combine their trip to visit Janie’s niece/cousin in Monterey Bay area. They left Gilroy area and headed up and stayed in an rv park around Mount Shasta last night and took off headed north this morning. They are due in around 3:00pm or so. Meanwhile, Lydia and Penny and I went out to Shirley May’s for breakfast. I drove by myself because the girls were headed over to Albany to Costco afterwards. I went back home and ran the vacuum to pick up after butthead. I always get a vacuum cleaner with enough dog hair to start another puppy! I also went out and got another bag of dog food and also bought a rainbird type sprinkler on wheels. We have that spot next to the driveway by the house that doesn’t have sprinklers installed (yet). It was getting a little brown so I needed to fix that. I got it set up where it covers everything from one location and got it going. The girls got back a little later and we unloaded the car. Sis went home but left Quincy to relax here because her housecleaner was working over there today. We also left and went to Walmart for some last- minute things. When we got back and got everything put away, we just hung around until they turned in our driveway. I got them parked and Rick hooked up the rig. Janie was telling us about some issues they were having with the coach since we’d seen them last. Nothing serious – just a couple of things that will be addressed when they get back. We sat around and talked all the way through dinner time – our dinner time. It was after 6:00pm when we decided to go up to Pizza Schmizza for an easy meal.  They insisted in treating us. Thanks guys! We drove around a bit after that and made some plans for things to do and see while they are here. Once we got back home, we settled in on the back deck and had a few drinks and relaxed and talked before calling it a night.
Thursday, June 13th, 2019…... Today was one with nothing planned. I am waiting to hear from Penney’s. We have some drapes on order that might be available later today for pickup at the store in Eugene. Our glider on order from Ace is supposed to come in today so we will need to go get that if they call. My guy with the boat is working on the gearcase and is installing a new thermostat. Not sure if call to tell me it’s ready for me to come see it again or not. That doesn’t mean we have to stay home. We took a drive to Albany. Rick liked our hallway carpet runners and asked where we got them. So, we went to Wheeler Dealers to see what they might have.  They found a set and bought that. Next, we headed over to the Albany carousel. We always like to take folks there to see how nice this place is. Plus, it’s fascinating to see how the figures are carved. We went down to the workshop and the docent gave them the tour. I had been following the progress of Gino, the whale, since it was a slab of wood down there. It is now almost complete and it upstairs in paint. Next step is the polyurethane coat that they have put on at an auto body/paint shop.

We took the obligatory picture in front of the carousel, plus the attendant took one for us as well inside the ride.

When we got out of there, we had decided it was too late to fix dinner so we stopped at Loafers and ate linner. It was good!  We got back home and sat outside for a while then came in and watched The Great Food Truck Race and the first part of the Master Chef Jr. finale.   

Friday, June 14th, 2019…... Rylee has a vet appointment this morning. So, we left Rick and Janie to rest and relax in their rig while we headed out. The vet had nothing but encouraging words to say about monkey butt. He did find a little dirt or something in her left ear. He used maxi-otic, which we have at home. We will use that until or if we need more. While we were there, I got a text from sister who was at a yard sale at the big blue mansion (ok- just a nice big house) near her home. It’s recently sold and we wanted to see the inside so we decided to go over there afterward. I walked Rylee around the neighborhood while Lydia toured the home and looked over the stuff for sale. Then I went in. My sister had bought a few things and was interested in a garage storage cabinet, a yard storage box, and a file cabinet. She asked that if she bought those, could I help her move them to her house. So, we went home and dropped off Rylee. And then Rick and I took the truck and Janie drove Lydia back over in their car. We got everything unloaded and sis gave R & J a tour of her home. The last time they saw it was the day she got the keys. After that, we came back home and rested for a while. Then I fired up the bbq and got the ribs going. My sister came over with her dish and we hung around while the ribs cooked. I guess they were ok because we didn’t have too many left! We had potato salad and cole slaw which got eaten up too!  Later, we settled back in the house and watched the rest of Master Chef Jr. I wasn’t too shocked when they crowned this year’s winner. Then we started in on this year’s Master Chef and watched the first of the auditions/eliminations before calling it a night.

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