About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #54 – Patio Furniture & Another Trip to Portland


Sunday, June 9th, 2019…… We didn’t have too much planned for today. I walked Rylee and Lydia made breakfast. I put out the patio rug on our back porch. My sister found it at a yard sale for $5.00 and it works great out there. While she was here, I got the pool out and filled it up – with help from the monkeybutt! She sure likes her water! We had seen some patio furniture at Ace Hardware that we wanted to go take a look at, so we took the truck in case we bought it. Our Ace in town was closed today because they resurfaced their parking lot. We drove over to Sweet Home to the store their but they didn’t have any. We’ll have to check our store tomorrow. The weather here is getting warmer by the day. It’s been in the 70s and beautiful but now will get to the mid to high 80s in the next few days. And no rain in sight so we need to think about the sprinklers.  I first went out and set up the sprinklers I used last year to water the blueberries and grapevines. That was just three spinning heads linked with garden hose all the way to the shutoff spigot. I have a timer to set up but I need batteries for that.  I also ran the yard sprinklers to test the heads for both the flowerbeds and around the yard.  I had some adjustments and some repairs to make before I was, oops, I meant before Lydia was happy.  I even moved one of the main pop up sprinklers that was very close to the back steps and if/when I ever expand those steps, this one would be in the way.  So, I dug it out and extended it far enough away.
Lunch was leftover Chinese food and dinner was leftover Red Lobster food. Before we came in for the evening, we sat out on the back porch and planned out our week. Rick & Janie are due in on Thursday and we have a drs. appointment in Portland on Tuesday. Plus, tomorrow we have to go get money out of the bank or credit union for the boat. Still no deal made but we want to be ready, and cash in hand means I can bargain better! 
We ended up drying off butthead three separate times. I think tomorrow we will tire her out in the pool and then take her in the house for a regular bath! TV until bedtime.              
Monday, June 10th, 2019…... I got up early and got showered and got going. I fed and walked Rylee, then headed off to my sister’s house. She had ordered two headboards and needed help putting them together and installing them. One was in several pieces requiring assembly. We got that one put together and went in and installed the other one, which was only three pieces. Then we planned on using some of the included hardware on the other one, but the bolts were way too long. So, we headed off to the Ace Hardware store in town and got some bolts. While we were there, I looked at the patio furniture that was in their ad that we wanted. Turns out they only got in the loveseat and the table for the four-piece set. And they were sold out on the gliders. But I will still bring Lydia back to show her and see if she likes what they have. We got the bolts and went back and installed them and everything was done in time for her to shower and leave for an appointment. I came back and Lydia was just leaving to go to the credit union to get the money for the boat. She returned to tell me that the computer system for our credit union in Calif. was down so we would have to try again later. She came back and got me and we headed off to Ace and ordered the glider (for possible pickup on Thursday). They only received a few of the complete sets on the wicker 4-pc.  They don’t expect any more to come in this season. So, we made a deal on what they had on the floor - the loveseat and table. I will go back later with the truck to pick those up. We then headed off to Albany to America’s Finest to have her glasses repaired. The screw for the side earpiece had come out again so she needed that fixed again! This was the second time on the same side!  I went in with her this time and we made sure to let them know what was happening. They made the repair and said that if it continues to give her problems, they will replace the frames with whatever she wants. Now that’s customer service!   We got back home and I worked on the sprinklers again. Turns out I only had one more to replace and I had that one in my parts bucket so I made quick work of that. The other system on the other side of the driveway didn’t need any repairs so I can now turn both of the systems back on and run the sprinklers again for the season. We will need them because it’s climbing up by 5-10º each day, with no rain in sight.  By the time Rick and Janie get here, they will think they are still in Calif!  We let Rylee loose in her pool but just ended up drying her off. Maybe when we get back from the drs. appointment tomorrow, we can get her in the bath. I ate a late breakfast and a late lunch so I skipped dinner. Lydia had leftover burritos. I had the Nascar race to watch today because it was postponed by rain yesterday (in Michigan).  Lydia is still watching her Hallmark channel shows and got some of those watched before we shut down everything and went to bed.  

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019…... Today we have an appointment (2:20pm) with her surgeon in Portland for a follow up. We decided to drive up early because we wanted to check in with a couple of the Ace Hardware stores in the towns on the way up to see if they might have any of our chairs in stock. Before we left, she tried again at the Oregon State Credit Union and this time got the funds out ok.  We are now ready when they get the boat work done and call me in. My sister was going to come over with Quincy and spend the day and will feed the monkeybutt because we will definitely get caught up in rush hour traffic on the way out of Portland!  
The drive up was long, since we made a few stops at Ace stores on the way. We also stopped at a local building supply place. These guys have architectural pieces - doors, hardware, barnwood, etc. salvaged from old houses. We are still looking for some interesting barnwood for the sliding pantry door. None of the Ace stores had anything except one in Portland who said his system showed one set left at the store in Olympia, WA. Yeah, right!  Oh well, I guess what we have is what we have.   
The drs. meeting was just what we expected. He was glad to hear Lydia was doing so well. I asked him how many inches of colon they actually removed, and his answer was, “just the right amount!”.  He is so funny! He said they actually removed about 12 inches but not to worry, ‘you have plenty!”.  No more follow up with him.  We left there and actually had a relatively easy trouble-free drive back home. We stopped and got Taco Bell and brought it home and we were done for the day. Except for Rylee. I had to empty and clean and refill her pool again. She really likes chasing the water shooting from the hose too! Today was the first day this year that we have run the house AC, but it was definitely hot! Portland is expecting 100º tomorrow!  So, Rylee is taking advantage of the cool water when we let her.

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