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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #52 – Drs. Appointments, Haircuts, & Mowing Again


Monday, June 3rd, 2019…...  Today was filled with appointments for Lydia. First up was her gastrointestinal doctor here in town. He wanted to follow up with her after the surgery. His team and the surgical team are linked so he could see what they did. He also explained that the biopsy showed pre-cancerous squamous cells in the polyps they removed during the first colonoscopy but they were benign and were part of the 7-inch section that was removed anyway during the resection. No worries.  Next up was her dermatologist. She had a large wart on the back of her calf that was starting to irritate her. They burned it off and took a biopsy. That will come back in a day or so. When she got back, I took a quick shot it. Of course, Rylee wanted to see…

While she was off doing that, I worked on the apple tree area. I moved dirt and packed it down with one of the tractors but I didn’t get it close to level. I need to work it some more. But at least I can mow through that area now instead of string trimming everywhere there. 

Tuesday, June 4th, 2019…… Kirk came by today to do his thing. His big job requiring the lawn tractor is gone. The folks have sold the house and moved. He’s asked that they give the new owners his card and a referral so he can keep that job going. But until then, he’s not had the requirement to take the mower each week. Our yard needs another mowing so I’m glad that its out there when I need both mowers. Like tomorrow. We have rain in the forecast starting Thursday so I will mow tomorrow morning. We left Kirk to his task and left the house.  Today was $12.00-Tuesdays at Rumors, the place where we go get our haircuts, so we headed off to get that done. After that, we drove on to Albany to go to Costco. This run was just for vitamins and supplements. I’ve had some serious hay fever lately so I’m going to try Flonase to see if that helps. Costco sells packs which are much cheaper so we added that to our list. Last night Lydia made steak sandwiches and tonight was pork chops and mashed potatoes and gravy and veggie medley. We watched our own shows until it was time to watch America’s Got Talent. This is only the second week but they have found some incredible talent already. Looks like a good season. Then it was time to call it a night. I ended up not being able to sleep. I had some aches and pains in my ankle so I took some Tylenol PM. I sat up and watched my shows until I felt sleepy enough to try it again.  Lydia ended up putting some cream on it and so between that and the Tylenol, I was able to settle down and go to sleep.  
Wednesday, June 5th, 2019…... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARYANNE!!!   After walking Rylee, I made myself some breakfast sandwiches and then set out to get things ready to mow today. Sis was coming by so we can use both mowers today. I only needed a few minutes to string trim around the sprinkler heads and garage and driveway and then we could mow. It only took about two hours total and we were done for the day. I’m not sure if I will be able to pick up the grass tomorrow or not. It’s supposed to rain later today. Sis went home and after I showered and got dressed again, I rested for a bit then we left for Lydia’s drs. appointment. This one was with Dr. Simmons, our primary doctor. He was pleased with everything he read prior and the first thing he said to her was that she looked really good!  Her next appointment with him will be her regular physical in Oct/Nov. He told her to get out and walk, walk, walk! I’ve got some plans to get her going a bit more. Our motorhome association, FMCA, is having one of their regional outings this weekend at the Linn County Fairgrounds, just 15 miles from us. Back several months ago, when they were taking reservations, we weren’t in a position to book a space.  But we thought we’d go as walk-ins and check things out. We’ve never attended a rally like this before so it will be interesting. Plus, some of the local FMCA clubs may be in attendance and we can meet some of those guys and see if we’re interested in joining one of them.  Later, Sis came back with our egg lady, Denise. Denise and her husband have a pretty good size farm just out of town and they have free range chickens and the best eggs around! Sis got to know her and she invited Denise to come to her house and later, they drove on over here so she could meet us and get to see Rylee and our place. She told me her and her husband are race fans and go to Willamette Speedway regularly and said I should meet up with them at one of the Saturday night races. While they were here, Lydia got a call about her biopsy. It is squamous cell carcinoma and they made an appointment for her to come back in so they can make sure they have got it all removed. We called Maryanne to wish her a happy birthday. Her and Randy are out in their rv up in Yosemite. They had been up the coast and cut over and wanted to go through the park. They said it was beautiful. Randy remembered being there only as a young boy with us. We talked for a few minutes until they got in a bad reception area and we lost them.  Later, Lydia fixed spaghetti for dinner and we caught up on a few shows and then later watched the Amazing Race before going to bed.

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