About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #72 – Mowing and Weeding & an Old New Recipe

Friday, Aug 2nd, 2019……  We had mowing plans for today. I had Rylee out early. My sister came by and brought Quincy and walked and fed her. Then we headed off to Kevin’s for breakfast. It was crowded and only Corina and Rick were working. So, we waited for a bit to get our meals. After that, my sister dropped me off at the house and she and Lydia headed off to Albany to go to Hobby Lobby to get something sis had found there a few days ago. I did some posting and then went out and got the weed whacker going and trimmed up before getting the tractors out.  We didn’t need to mow the field this time so it went quickly. Lydia did some more weeding around the front porch and once we had that done and cleaned up, we were done. I came in and started watching the Mecum Auctions. I’m wishing now I would have built the rv garage a little bigger – I would sure like to have a classic car to play with. Oh well, maybe in another life! Later, Lydia made hamburgers and fries for dinner and we settled in and watched tv until bedtime.

Saturday, Aug 3rd, 2019…… Plans today called for finally picking the blueberries, plus I needed to get the tractor and grass catcher out and do the lawn. I also wanted to install the new sprinkler heads today too. I walked Rylee and then headed out to get coffee/tea. Lydia made omelets for breakfast and after she had eaten, she just vegged in her chair and watched tv. My sister asked me to text her when I started on the lawn and I did that. She came over and bagged up three bags of grass and we were done. She left to go home and shower and I went in and showered. By this time, it was too hot out to go pick berries or dig in the grass so we put those off til tomorrow. It was also too hot to cook. Lydia had got out some chicken for an old recipe she found and wanted to try, but since she fell asleep this afternoon, she said she didn’t have time to make it today. So, we took butthead for a ride and went to Stick a Pork In It and brought back dinner, which we ate while we watched our programs. A quiet evening…   

Sunday, Aug 4th, 2019…...  Nothing on the plans for today. So, I decided to go out in the morning while it was still nice and cool and get those sprinkler heads installed. I turned on the system and tested the heads. This time I could only see one that wasn’t working correctly, so I just fixed that one. Of course, the monkey butt water dog was there to help me. Our timers are set to water the lawn and flowerbeds early in the morning so she doesn’t usually see them in operation. That’s a good thing! She loves to chase the water and goes from sprinkler to sprinkler to ‘eat’ that water!  But at least she had a chance to run and cool off.  I came in and had a cold soda and cooled off myself and watched my races and relaxed for the rest of the day.  Later, Lydia started that new dish she wanted to make. It’s just called baked chicken but it’s made with apricot/pineapple jam, Russian salad dressing, stove top stuffing, and chicken breasts. It took a while to bake and then we ate. Turns out neither of us were fond of it at all. Oh well, sometimes they are not all keepers!  
I took Rylee out for another run in the water and in her pool, dried her off and we came in and called it a night and watched tv until bedtime.         

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