About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #77 – More Baseball and a Little Yard Work


Saturday, Aug 17th, 2019……  I walked super pooper and then headed off to get breakfast. My sister came over with Quincy and I brought back breakfast and we ate. Then it was time to head in and start the Saturday little league games. Plus, I had the Mecum Auctions, Motocross, and Nascar to watch today. It was nice and cool this morning but the sun came out and heated up before the day was over. I think Rylee has a cold from getting in and out of her pool so I kept her out of it today. She was pissed!  I had ordered a new stern light to replace the one on the boat. It was fixed and I wanted one that would fold down when I put the cover on and ordered one on eBay and it came today. It’s riveted down so I will have to drill it out but that should go ok. Maybe tomorrow.
We ate leftovers for dinner and watched tv until bedtime. Quiet day.

Sunday, Aug 18th, 2019……  Another quiet day. The weather is getting warmer here again. We are in between leaving the windows and doors open and closing up and turning the air on. The nights are nice for sleeping though. We leave the bedroom slider open partway and that gives us a nice breeze. Rylee likes it too. She has found her spot on the floor in front of it and only gets up on the bed for a short period then moves down there to cool off and stays there till morning.
I made my breakfast run and then I settled in for the day, just lounging around and watching tv. Lydia got outside for a bit and worked on pulling weeds in the front flowerbeds. When she worked her way to the sunny spots, it got too hot and she got too sweaty so she was done. I brought butthead out and we helped her with the deep-rooted weeds and with the cleanup. But, for the most part we just stayed in.
Later, we had grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and cantaloupe for dinner and settled in and watched our programs until we called it a night.       

Monday, Aug 19th, 2019…... Neither of us could go to sleep right away. But once I did, I slept soundly and didn’t get up once all night. Our alarm clock (the Rylee dog!) woke us up right at 7:00am. I showered and dressed and took her out while Lydia showered and got ready. We left for Albany to have breakfast and run a few errands. We stopped at America’s Best to get her new glasses adjusted again. They are still kind of tight but she figures if they make small adjustments a few times, it would be better than going too far and have them too loose. Next, we went to Pop’s Branding Iron for breakfast. It’s a ‘B’ grade at best. After that we hit Harbor Freight. I was looking for electrical wire and found a storage container with 12 rolls in it. I used a 20% off coupon from my phone and got it for $31.00. I’m set now for a while!  We discovered that I didn’t feed Rylee before we left so we did that as soon as we got back home. Bad Grampy! She went right for it (after Lydia gave her some bacon that she saved from her BLT).
The rest of the day we stayed in again. I am still watching the LL world series and catching up on the Mecum Auction.
For dinner, Lydia got out some steaks and I cooked them out on the grill. She made a veggie medley and also a hashbrown casserole. It was with frozen hash browns and was just ok so I had only a small bit.
I had Rylee out earlier for a run around the pool, chasing her water hose. It was super hot out and she enjoyed the cool water. I think I am forgiven! That was it for the day. We watched tv and plan to turn in early.    

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