About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #74 – Trip to Gresham, More GFI Issues, & a Nice Gift


Thursday, Aug 8th, 2019……  This morning we got going early. We were driving up to Gresham (about 15 miles east of Portland) to Mt Hood College. Bobby and Dianne’s oldest was doing her swim meet. We met Dianne at the entrance and brought our lawn chairs in and went to their saved spot and set up. It was earlier than Bethany’s heats, so we talked a bit with Dianne. Bobby was down at the pool helping out with timing. He monitors his assigned lane and uses a stopwatch to backup timing in case the touch pads don’t register the finish. The meet was well attended. These are swim clubs and they had representatives from all around the western states. They have age groups up to 16. Bethany just jumped up an age group so she’s no longer dominating the races and didn’t make it to the finals in the 50 IM and the 100 IM.

Her next heat was the relays which wouldn’t go off until after the finals and that wasn’t until 6:00pm or later. So, we headed off with them to go eat teriyaki and so Bobby could bring her back some. He decided to go get her so she could eat with us. Bobby was going to take the rest of the family back to the hotel and then go back with Bethany to rest in the van and wait for the later heats. We volunteered to drive Dianne and the girls back to Portland on our way home. We dropped them off at their hotel and said our goodbyes and headed home. It was a nice visit and a good day outing for us. We told them about a few spots to hit while in town and they shared a few places – namely Voodoo Donuts and The Grotto with us. We have heard about Voodoo Donuts from the food channels and knew where it was but had never been there. We drove by and found a line of 60 or more people outside the building! We definitely have to go back there!
We headed back and got home about 4:30. My sister was there and was moved in for her stay with us. Problem was she had just got a call from her doctor’s office. They had a small elevator fire in the Salem hospital that morning and it shut everything down. So, they postponed her surgery. She hadn’t got a schedule yet and was very upset. So, she packed up and went back home. We kept Quincy for the night     

Friday, Aug 9th, 2019……  I woke up later than usual this morning. My sister was already here and out with Quincy.  When I went out through the garage to do my walk, I couldn’t get the garage door to work. Turns out, that pesky gfi had tripped again. I spent a few minutes testing it and found it would only stay on for a few seconds before tripping. So, I had Lydia come out and hold the button down so the garage door could open. It rained a bit last night and I never had an electrician run a ground test but I’m sure the system is damp enough to trip the breaker. A few hours later it tripped in minutes, then even later still it didn’t trip at all as it dried out. I am told that I can just remove the gfi. But that scares me. I don’t want to, but I am going to call an electrician to come look at it.  
We went off to Kevin’s with my sister for breakfast. After we got home, Lydia took off to go meet with Penny in town. This week starts The Quirky Turkey contest. Several businesses and/or organizations decorate styrofoam turkeys in whatever theme they choose. They are displayed on pedestals on Main Street. Folks are asked to check them out and then to cast their vote for their favorite. Lydia voted for hers - done in purple, Duuhh!

While she was gone, I drove the truck out to the woods at the back of our property and dumped the tree branches from the other day. I got the truck bed cleaned out and I was done. Once she returned, we were pretty much done for the day. She did head off to Walmart later to get some groceries for dinner and for the next few days.  
We got a package from UPS today. The grandkids had sent us a little gift!

We called later to thank them. I told them that Rylee was scared and barked at it (but not really!). It was a nice treat!
Later, Lydia fixed dinner and we each finished up the night watching our own taped programs before going to bed.

Saturday, Aug 10th, 2019…... We had no plans today. I have all of the Little League regional finals taped, some of which are on the tv in the motorhome, so I went out there with Rylee and we watched those. Lydia had a nice relaxing day, lounging around and watching her programs. The weather has changed in the last few days, from hot to mild. It is supposed to go back to hotter days starting on Monday.  Poor Rylee, she doesn’t like it when I don’t take her out for her pool party!  But maybe soon. Because of the electrical ground fault issue, I have left the sprinkler connection unplugged in the garage but that’s ok because we will be mowing on Monday so the grass will have a chance to dry out.  Lydia started dinner. She had bought some nice fresh buns yesterday when she was out and she made garlic cheese bread to go with spaghetti. Yummy! We ate and watched the rest of our games/races/programs before calling it a night.   

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