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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #73 – Baseball Time! & More Tree Trimming

Monday, Aug 5th, 2019……  I had only one or two things to do today. First up (after breakfast) was to clean up and prep the house to dust and vacuum. I got that done while Lydia worked on the bathrooms. Once I finished vacuuming, I was done for the day. Next up was baseball. Today starts my favorite time of the year – Little League Baseball playoffs! I already have the schedule and have got all the games for this week ready to record. Eight regions have their playoffs and the final three games in each region are televised (ESPN) this week.  The winners of each region go on to Williamsport for the LL World Series which starts next week. The international games have been played so those teams have time to make travel arrangements to Pennsylvania for the series. The Northwest region has Salem LL representing Oregon so I’m anxious to see them play. No matter who goes, it’s always fun for me to see how well these kids play ball.
I helped Lydia prep the meat for dinner. Lydia made steak burritos and I got that cut up and went back to my game. After cleaning up, I finished the first game and went on to the second. More tomorrow….
I also spent some time monitoring a new Windows download. I just didn’t think it would take 3 hours!  I knew it would open or maybe have to have me open it when it installed so I decided to just stay up. It finished at 11:32pm! But I wasn’t sleepy, so it was ok. Plus, everything seems to be working fine.  

Tuesday, Aug 6th, 2019…… I got up this morning about 5:30 to let Rylee out. But I was able to go back to sleep with no problem! I awoke feeling fine. Lydia said she did not sleep well. That was a problem because our financial manager, Bobby, was coming to see us this morning. He and his family are up in Oregon for a swimming competition for their youngest daughter and he wanted to drive down this morning, before they had to report in for check in. They got here about 9:30am and we gave them the grand tour. The kids all liked Rylee, especially Brookelyn, the youngest. She had her iPad and was taking tons of pictures of everything. After that, Lydia and I sat with them and talked about going up to Gresham to see Bethany swim. They had to leave but wanted to take us to lunch before they left, so we took two cars and split everyone up so we could each show them the town on the way to Pizza Schmizza. We had a nice meal and finalized our trip up to the meet. Brookelyn made a collage of pics of Rylee and I had her dad send it to me.

It’s too cute and she is truly talented! Then, we had our waitress take a group picture and then we said our goodbyes and they headed north, and we headed home.

l to r, The Garcias: Bobby, Dianne, Breleigh, Brookelyn, Bethany (and us)

Good thing. Lydia said she was really getting sleepy at lunch! But she did good and once we got home, she settled in and took a nice nap. I rested too until Kirk came by. He dropped off Caleb and went and did my sister’s house and then came back. Once they left, we relaxed again and then later went out and got dinner (Jack in the Box) and brought it back. Later, we watched our tape of America’s Got Talent and then Lydia headed off to bed. I stayed up a while and watched some of my programs before calling it a night.   

Wednesday, Aug 7th, 2019…...  This morning I let Lydia sleep and got up early and got dressed and went out with Rylee. I went off to Starbucks and then to McDonald's to get us breakfast and coffee/tea. My plan today was to go back out and finish trimming one more smaller tree out front, on the east side of the driveway. I had noticed yesterday that one of the branches on the other tree that I had trimmed last week had cracked and was hanging down. It wasn’t even close to the part I trimmed and was above those that I did remove. So maybe it was supported by one of them and just gave way. I only needed a trim saw and got that tree evened out and then went on and got the smaller one done. I decided to just load the brush on the truck today. I left it full and, have it planned for Friday, to drive it to the back of the property and dump the branches in the back woods.  I was done for the day and came in and watched two of the final regional games (Southwest and Southeast). Those winners will now head for Williamsport for the World Series. Game one of each of the remaining six regions start tomorrow. I have those on schedule to tape. My sister made a couple of trips here today, dropping off some clothes and food.  She will stay with us, starting tomorrow. Her reconstruction surgery, in Salem, is early Friday morning. Lydia made steak sandwiches and steak fries for dinner and we settled in and watched our own programs until bedtime.     

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