About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #82 – Saying Goodbye & Getting Chores Done


Sunday, Sep 1st, 2019……  Last full day with family. We slept in this morning. Sis came by and was here when I took Rylee out for her walk. She fed Quincy and stayed a while but needed to go home and eat and shower. We were leaving when she got back here. Raymond (with a little help from Oma) made us grilled cheese and ham sandwiches for breakfast. They were very good! Frances set up our crockpot and put a roast in to get going for the day. Once we had everything cleaned up and sis got back, we headed off to Foster Lake. We had heard that the fish hatchery there was a good place for kids so off we went. We were not disappointed! They had every tank filled to capacity with chinook salmon. These little guys were probably only 4-5 inches long. We were lucky to be there right on time for the daily feeding. The guy let Raymond throw feed into the tanks. The fish boiled on the surface trying to get some food!

He told us they would all be released in the Santiam River in November. As they head downriver, they will smolt, which is a stage in their life cycle where they begin to adapt for life in salt water. Eventually, they will return up the same river to this very hatchery. There are two fish gates/ladders that they swim up to. Some are captured and used to breed new hatches of eggs as the cycle continues. The fish gate on the other side is open, but the one on our side of the river is closed - they have a big iron grate blocking it off. But that didn’t stop the salmon from trying to get in.

We also got to feed the trout, which twenty or so are held in a couple of smaller tanks. I think these are just for viewing. There are more contained in a large glass fish tank out in front of the office. All of these guys were huge!

We took a few more pics... 

and then we left there and headed back to town for lunch (Taco Bell). We were all going next to the Albany Carousel. But the girls had also talked about going wine tasting while Frances was here. I came up with an idea – Frances has been to the carousel so Lydia and I would take Raymond there and Penny could take Frances to the wineries. We came home and split up. Our trip to Albany was fun. Raymond picked out two of his favorite animals (Zulu the cheetah, and Cheyenne the horse) and rode both of those. Aunt Lydia picked a short one that she could get up on!

Next, we visited the souvenir shop and he also got to smash a penny in the machine. He liked that so much that we bought him an album book to collect any future pennies he gets. We came back and later, the girls got back. We rested a bit and then they finished up the crockpot dinner. It was tasty! They both went in to pack their suitcases and prep for tomorrow. Their flight out of Eugene is at 6:00am. They need to check in and go through TSA and then board at 5:25am, so we needed to have them there closer to 5:00am. It’s close to an hour’s drive so we needed to leave around 4:00am!  So, we all made an early night of it.

Monday, Sep 2nd, 2019……  I don’t know about Frances and Raymond, but Lydia and I couldn’t sleep for hours. I think I remember looking at the clock at 1:30am! But we got up and going and made the drive down to the airport and had them there at 5:05am. We said our goodbyes and then headed home to rest for the day! Raymond kept saying that he didn’t want to go home. I think he had a good time. Frances texted later saying that they got home a little after 10:00am. She sent me one more pic she took of us with the tractor.

Like I said, we kicked back the whole day and did nothing else. Both of us had leftovers for lunch so neither of us wanted dinner.
One other thing to note – we FINALLY got our Directv blacked out CBS channel back! Nexstar and Direct signed a multi-year agreement. It was just one or two days short of 8 weeks! Thank goodness it was rerun season. We are now ready for all of the fall shows to start. 
Tuesday, Sep 3rd, 2019…...  This morning I got up and going early. I stopped and got my breakfast and then went to pick up my sister. We both needed to go to Home Depot. I needed to get some self-closing hinges as replacements for the broken ones on the door going out to the garage; and she needed to get the 12 x 12 pavers that Kirk and Caleb will be installing in the near future. We got back to her place and unloaded those and I came home and installed the hinges and was back in business in no time. I also went out with a cutoff saw and knocked down that big spike I used in the garden last week to tie the tree to. Kirk and Caleb showed up later and this time worked for a few hours on the weeds in the flowerbeds and along the French drain. I set up a date for next week with them. Instead of working on my yard, he will come over with his truck, hook up to my new old trailer and follow me and my boat up to Foster Lake. That way, I don’t have to make two trips plus I have two extra guys to help unload the boat and try it out on the new old trailer. We will test fit it and then move it all back and bring both back home. If the new old trailer works out, I can then move it into the shop and tear it down and clean it up and repaint it. Once that’s done, I can then go back to the lake and make the changeover permanent. Kirk and Caleb get paid for their normal time with me, but don’t have to pull weeds. They just have to change into shorts and water shoes!
Sis came over later and brought more clothes for when she stays here. Her surgery is now set for Sept. 13th.  She anticipates she will need to be here for 4-7 days.
Later, Lydia made baked chicken and we settled in and watched all of the Master Chef episodes so we’re now caught up. I wasn’t sleepy so I stayed up and watched a few of my taped shows before calling it a night.       

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