About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #81 – Family Time!

Thursday, Aug 29th, 2019……  It rained on us last night. The weather forecast was for rain in the Portland area and not much anywhere else. Well, that wasn’t true! It started in the early morning hours and only lasted through the morning. And then the sun came out and it warmed up. But, it’s all good – we need whatever rain we can get! Of course, I had just turned the sprinklers back on after picking up the grass clippings yesterday!
We needed a few more things for Frances and Raymond so I hung around the house and waited for the lighting guy, while Lydia headed off to Walmart to get everything. Clint showed up and for the most part, we talked about the house and the neighborhood. I showed him around and then he went in and took a look at our present bath lights. He knew we had to leave to go to Eugene but he left us with a huge catalog to look through. I was surprised that he didn’t have any sales pitch or pressure us at all. He left and we took off a bit later. We drove to the airport in Eugene to meet their 1:20pm flight but first we stopped off at the Eugene Costco on the way. The Albany store had their bathroom fixtures in stock but none on display and we thought we’d see what the Eugene store had. Turns out they had one fully lit. I was ok with it – just not sure if it’s our style or not. The big boss will tell me that, I’m sure. We made it to the airport and cruised around a couple of times and they walked out to the street just as we were driving by. Good timing!  We headed home and listened to Raymond’s stories about the day. I think he’s happy to be here finally. We played with Rylee outside in the water and he got to sit on the tractors. We will drive them later.  They didn’t have lunch and we skipped ours so Lydia got dinner started early. We had tri tip, baked potatoes with cheese sauce, corn on the cob, and salad. It was our first meal at our new dining room table! Yaaay! I cleaned up the dishes while they headed off to Big 5 and/or Kohls looking for shoes for Raymond.  Once they returned, everyone settled in and Raymond got his teeth brushed and headed off to his bedroom. I think he was sound asleep after only a few minutes. It was a long day! We made plans for tomorrow and settled in and watched tv and talked until bedtime.

Friday, Aug 30th, 2019…… The plan today is to go to The Enchanted Forest. It’s on the kind of scale of Santa’s Village, if anyone remembers that. But we thought we’d go check it out and see if Raymond would like it. Sis dropped Quincy off here and then we loaded up and stopped at Shirley May’s on the way for breakfast. Raymond had one pancake!

After the nice meal, we headed up the 25 miles or so to the park. The weather this morning was super nice and all of the schools up here started this week, so we thought it would be a good day to go.  We parked in real close and went in. 

They have a regular admission price (adult, senior, children) and then you can either buy ride tickets for $1.00 each or you can buy a bracelet for unlimited rides. I paid the admission and then got only Raymond the bracelet. We went in. First, you go through the storybook path, which takes you to nursery rhymed dioramas. This park has been here since 1971 and is a nice place for kids but it shows its age just a little. It’s cute the way they have interactive displays that you can walk through or view from a window. The path takes you through a western street then on to the amusement area. Raymond rode the bumper cars a few times and the carousel but wouldn’t go through the haunted house! I was coaxed into buying a ride ticket for the log ride. It was similar to Knott’s Berry Farm but on a smaller scale. Then I bought another and this time Frances went with him on the bobsled. After that, he got back in line and rode it two more times by himself!  He also rode one other ride with another little boy and his family and they then all went back up to the log ride to go together!  I think he had a great time and so did we!

We headed back home with the idea that we would let Rylee and Quincy out and then go to the carousel in Albany and then to dinner. I changed the plan and it worked better. We went to Pizza Schmizza in town and saved the drive for another day. We got back home and fed monkey butt and Penny took Q home. We settled in for a while and rested, and then went out to take the tractors out. Raymond is a little too short to hold the brake to start the tractor but once I started it, he was off to the races. Frances got on the other one and they did a few laps! I think we ran out a few gallons of gas today!    
Saturday, Aug 31st, 2019…...  I got up and got going early and walked monkeybutt. Today we were headed to Silver Falls. We thought Raymond would like hiking the trails and walking under the falls. Our plans were to go Kevin’s for breakfast first but sis called and said when she got there, they were closed for the holiday weekend. So, we went to Appletree and had a nice meal. Penny left to go get Quincy to bring to the house, and I left Lydia and Frances at the restaurant, and Raymond and I went home to get drinks and pick up Rylee and sis. We went back and got the girls and headed off. It’s about 40 miles or so and it’s a nice drive through the country and then into the forest above Salem/Silverton.  Rylee usually whines in the car but with Raymond back there she did ok. Everyone walked to the top viewing area of South Falls and then Lydia took Rylee back to the visitor’s center (dogs aren’t allowed on the canyon trail) and the rest of us headed down.

Even though there wasn’t too much water in the creek, the falls were still pretty impressive. We did the downhill just fine and took all of the pics we could. We even took the loop trail this time on the way out. I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one who got winded on the uphill! We made it out and found Lydia and the mutt and headed back. But we weren’t done! I detoured to the next adventure. I had told Frances about how much the grandkids enjoyed their ride on the Buena Vista Ferry on the Willamette River and she had said Raymond would love that! He was surprised when we pulled in line facing a river! The ride only lasts a few minutes but we decided to just turn around and ride it back. This time we all got out of the car and checked out everything. 

There were several float tube groups heading downriver and they looked like they were enjoying their day. We got back home and rested for a while before starting dinner. We had salmon with mac and cheese and a salad. After dinner, we all sat out on the front porch and had ice cream cones for dessert. 

My sister left and we came in and settled in and watched a bit of tv before calling it a night. Long day!

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