About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #88 – Dr’s Visit & Cleaning Up the Yard


Thursday, Sep 19th, 2019…… This morning we had a schedule. I got up and out with the Q and then monkey butt, and then went and got breakfast/coffee/tea. I worked a bit on the blog and got the last one posted. By then it was time to load up and head to Salem for my sister’s Dr’s appointment. I dropped them off and found a parking spot. The doctor removed her drain tubes and she was good to go. She can now shower and with some restrictions can get back to her life. After that, we headed over to the Salem Best Buy and I got two more car chargers for our phones. I had found one there when we got our stove that I liked. It is a fast charge 27-amp charger and really works well for us when we travel. That completed, we went just down the street and had lunch at Red Lobster, courtesy of my sister’s credit card.  They have all-you-can-eat shrimp going on right now so we all tried that. It was yummy! Thanks, Sis!  We got back home and rested from our outing. Later, Sis gathered up her stuff and Lydia took her back home. We kept Quincy here. So now Penny can relax and take a nice long shower and get some quiet time today and tonight. Once Lydia got home, we were in for the night.  No dinner tonight, just cheese and apples (I had grapes!). We watched our tv shows for a bit. Treasa texted me asking for the name of the campground we both stayed at in St Ignace in Michigan when we were there in 2012, going to tour Mackinaw Island. I found it in my 2012 trip book and sent it to her.  Of course, I had to keep reading and finished each logged-in report for the entire 3-month trip! That was some serious reading!  I went to bed but had a hard time falling asleep. Butthead got me up around 2:30 to go outside (forgot to let her out when I came to bed!) and I had to try hard to go back to sleep again. I’m sure tomorrow will be a slow day.     
Friday, Sep 20th, 2019…... Surprisingly, I was up before 7:00am! I showered and waited for sis to come over. She was going to take Quincy out her for her run/walk. So, in the meantime, I took Rylee for our usual walk and got our newspaper. She got here and they had their walk and Rylee went out to play with them a bit. Penny was told she wasn’t supposed to hold a leash so she fixed up two leashes and attached it to her waist. She doesn’t need it here but put it on to get Quincy out to her car!  She will try that out tomorrow when they walk at home. I went and got coffee/tea while Lydia made sausage and scrambled eggs for breakfast. No rains yet but it’s cloudy. The forecast is 10% chance of rain. The grass is still soggy but I think it’s ok for the mower to be on and the grass clumps should come right up. But I waited until the afternoon just to give it more time and then went out and got that job started. I did the area back of the garage by the grapes and then started on the west side of the driveway. But wait - after one pass I had to quit! The grass there was still way too soggy and made some serious tracks in the lawn as you can see in the pic below…

I went over to the grass area next to the garage and dumped the partial load I had which Lydia was quick to pick up while I put the tractor away. I think by the time the grass is dry, it will be time to just mow it again!  The way things are going, the lawn will probably need mowing a couple more times this season.  I think we will need just one more mowing of the ‘west 40’ so Chuck has been given the green light to come do that whenever he chooses. Next week we are supposed to have warmer days with no rain.
I didn’t have anything else planned today but I needed to do something. So, I got out the large ladder and moved the hanging plant brackets out closer to the front of the porch. That way, they can get more sunlight. We have already added the devices my sister gave us that will allow Lydia to pull them down to be able to water them easier.

Lydia fixed a casserole for dinner which was very good. We settled in and watched our own taped programs until it was time for bed.    
Saturday, Sep 21st, 2019…... Absolutely nothing on the agenda for me today. Sis wanted to go to the local car show in town but Lydia didn’t care to go and I just wasn’t interested this time. She sent me pics and it looked like they had some interesting cars but I still opted out. The weather was actually pretty good. Today was sunny all day (but still not enough to work in the yard). Lydia left later to go get some fabric for a quilting class she has signed up for at the senior center. I don’t think I went outside except to walk and play with Rylee. Just a lazy day. Lydia got home and got some white beans soaking. She had ham and potatoes and onions sliced and ready to get cooking with the beans and had that on the stove cooking for some time into the evening. She added some cornbread and we had a great dinner. More tv and finally bedtime.   

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