About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #89 – Cleaning House and More Stuff for the Shop


Sunday, Sep 22nd, 2019…… Another cloudy and rainy day. This is a small cell and is supposed to be gone this afternoon, with no rain for the next several days. Yaay! I did the breakfast/coffee/tea run this morning and settled in for the day. I did need to get up and do something so I vacuumed the house. Our central vac is out of order for now so I used the Dyson. We need to have the house vacuum system checked out. It works but with very little suction. I think it just needs service with a thorough cleanout. We each watched our own programs/races for the most part of the day. When Lydia makes soup or stew, she always makes a big pot, so we had leftover bean soup and cornbread again for dinner. I think it’s better the second day!  We watched tv and, for the most part, both of us caught up on our summer shows, so we are now ready for the new season to start!
Monday, Sep 23rd, 2019…... No rain this morning. I walked monster puppy. Both our local Wilco store and our vet sell Rylee’s dog food and we needed to restock. We took her with us and went to the vet’s office this time to get her food - but more to put her on the scales in the waiting room. She weighed in at 86 lbs. I thought it would be more but over the last month we have religiously restricted her diet to her food and her doggie treats. No more people food!  She’s a husky dog and definitely can handle the weight and looks good so we’re happy. We also have been putting ear drops in the last several weeks. She has an odor in one ear that the vet spotted last year and we think it came back. We already had the medicine and Lydia and Penny, with their sensitive noses, have been monitoring it and both say it’s getting better now.  Plus, we have put the pool away for the winter (actually, I will be cutting it up since it has a few cracks after two seasons), so that will keep her ears dry and clean for now.  Later, Lydia worked on cleaning the hardwood floors and wet mopping them. I had already vacuumed all of the bedrooms but went over everything again, this time I just worked around the furniture and Rylee’s toys!  I told her that since we had our ‘chores’ done for the day, we should go out to dinner. We chose The Skyline in Sweet Home and headed there and had a nice meal. We got back home, walked monster puppy and then settled in to watch tv until bedtime.   

Tuesday, Sep 24th, 2019…...  The weather is definitely better now! No rain is forecast for the rest of the week. It was a little cloudy and misty this morning when I walked Rylee but that would eventually go away (about 11:00am) and the skies would be clear and blue. I left and got myself some breakfast and then headed to Albany. I was heading to Lowes looking for five more clear light bulbs (for the other bathroom fixture) but stopped by Habitat for Humanity just to see what they had. I found another nice well-built cabinet that I asked the price on. It was $75. But the nice lady said that she thought it was priced too high and I could have it for $55. I also found a really nice rolling ladder for my rv garage. This one will definitely allow me to reach all the way to the top of the motorhome should I need to do that. It was priced at $75., marked down from $95. I also found some wheel chocks for the boat trailers. They were $5. for the pair.  It was their ‘Tuesday Spin and Win a Discount’ day so she asked me to spin the wheel.  And wouldn’t you know I got the highest discount on there – 40% off! Yaay! So, I got everything for $81 bucks! I had them load it all up and then went to Lowes and got the light bulbs and came home with all my new ‘stuff’. I got everything unloaded and stored the ladder in the rv garage and made plans in my head for the new cabinet. I will put wheels on it and put it in the rv garage as a rolling worktable as well as storage for the extra rv parts I currently have boxed up in the shop. Unloading that cabinet was a strain on my back so I came in the house and took some Aleve and rested for a bit.
Kirk was coming by later today. My plan was for us to go out to the back of the property and work there today. We have one tree out there that is growing pretty quickly and is now hanging down and drooping into the creek, so I want to get that removed and hauled away. Lydia went off to play mahjong, and the Aleve was working, so I took my chain saw and the truck back there. I was able to back the truck over the creek and into the tree so that I could reach the lower branches. I got 90% of that done and stacked up. Lydia got back and then had a quick lunch and then turned around and headed back to the senior center for the first of her quilting classes.  When Kirk got to the house, we went out with my ladder and he held it steady while I cut the remaining branches down. We didn’t take it all out but removed quite a bit of its branches and we got them all stacked up. The dump would be closing soon today so we plan on hauling them out there next week. I came in and showered and was done for today.  Lydia got home and later, started dinner. We had tacos and I helped with that. We settled in and watched our own taped shows and then went to bed.

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