About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #86 – Surgery Went Well and Mowing Between Rain Showers


Friday, Sep 13th, 2019…… Like I said in my last post, we had to get up early this morning. I had set my alarm for 4:00am but Miss Butthead woke me at 3:51am - because I didn’t let her out last night I guess – so I shut the alarm off and went in and showered and got dressed. I decided to go ahead and walk her even though it was still dark. I think I scared the paper delivery guy when he came down our street and saw this big white dog walking in the road!

We left Lydia and the dogs and got going - about 4:35am - and stopped for coffee (for me), and got there with plenty of time to park and go to the check-in desk and get the process started. She got to her pre-surgery room and got ready. They weren’t going to take her in until 7:30 so she told me to go on home. We will head back up there and be back in the waiting area around noon. We left about 10:30 because we needed to stop in at Best Buy and get a couple more car chargers for the cell phones. I had found and bought one there before that I liked that has quick charge technology (27 watt/5.4-amp power) and we wanted to have one in each car.  But the timing could have been better. The dr. had called me and said the surgery went well and that she was doing fine and would be in recovery for 1-2 hours. That meant that we needed to head over to the hospital and that put us back in the waiting room around noon. Well, it turned out we had plenty of time!  We sat in the waiting room until after 1:30 before they finally let us go back to her room.  It took some more time, but once she completed her recovery and was awake and pain free, she was ok to be released.  She was doing well on her meds and the jello they gave her didn’t cut it so she spent the time on the way home deciding where she wanted us to stop for dinner. She chose Tony’s Tacos and we were going to get it to go but changed to Taqueria Dos Arbolitos as we drove by it. We went in and took a booth and ordered to eat there. It is now my favorite Mexican restaurant in town! After a great meal, we got her home and back in bed so she could sleep off the last of the surgery meds. Lydia and I took her car back to her garage. We also turned on the sprinklers as she asked and also got her mail. We got back home and relaxed too and watched tv until bedtime. I went in to bed super early and I never heard her come in at all!    

Saturday, Sep 14th, 2019…… Except for butthead getting me up twice last night (once to pee and once to go out), I slept well. I was up and moving early today. I had been keeping track of the weather because I wanted to mow the lawn today.  Rains were in the forecast but the sun was out and the front was probably going to bypass us. That was good but the grass was still way too wet, so I killed time by watching tv and playing with the doggies. Lydia and sis left to head over to Albany to pick up our light fixtures, which had come in.  I did go out and test the grapes. They are ready. We will all go out after the rains let up to pick a bowl full. Finally, it was time to go out and mow. I got the mowers out and gassed up and we started out in the field, which was pretty dry. I left her out there and ventured over to the lawn and got that done and then went back out to help in the field. We got the mowers cleaned off and put away and then came in and showered and relaxed for the rest of the day. Lydia put in a Stouffers lasagna (which I do not like) as an easy meal. We finished up the day with all three of us watching our own taped tv programs before calling it a night.    

Sunday, Sep 15th, 2019…... I had planned on picking up the grass clippings today but that plan changed when it started raining even before we got up. Rain is forecast for the next several days but if/when I get a break, I will go out and get the grass swept up. Nothing else planned so I took off and got coffee/breakfast. Lydia texted that she was making bacon and eggs. Too late! I had already been to Jack in the Box for carryout.  But that could go into the fridge for tomorrow. We had a nice meal!  Penny is doing well but still moving slowly. She maintains a close watch on her drain tubes (no issues).  She has had some other issues with meds today but got most of that resolved after a trip to the store and after a few bathroom breaks.  While they were out, they also stopped by her house to turn off her sprinklers and get the mail.
It sprinkled and/or drizzled pretty much all day, so we stayed in and kicked back. Quincy is ok with short trips outside to pee but poor Rylee has enough energy for the both of them! I play with her around the house (she runs me ragged!) but she still needs her outside time. Hopefully tomorrow we can get out for a while.  We had leftovers (I made cheese quesadillas for me) and watched tv and that was about it for the evening.     

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