About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #83 – Recycling, and Exhaust Vent & Ordering New Bath Lighting


Wednesday, Sep 4th, 2019……  I slept in a few minutes later than usual this morning. Rylee has finally quit bugging us to be fed super early. With Quincy here for a lot of the mornings, I guess she is getting used to eating after they play and run around. That’s ok with me! I got dressed and walked her and then went out and got coffee/tea/breakfast. Once we ate, we added some more plastic bottles to the bags I already had loaded into the truck, and we took off to the recycle center in Albany. Each of us ran two bags through the machines, and we ended up with a total of $57.00. Not bad, but it is really our money that we originally spent when we bought the water/soda/beer bottles. But it goes back to our pocketbooks in cash and that’s cool! We came back home and rested for an hour or so, then Lydia went off to the senior center to play bingo. I worked on my blog and also did my monthly input on the bill spreadsheet. Once that was done, I rested for a bit then went out to the motorhome garage and started working on the exhaust plumbing that will exit out a vent pipe in the garage wall. It took a few minutes to get everything marked out but after that, it was pretty easy. Lydia was back from bingo and came out and helped align and push the vent pipe through the outside and inside walls. I was done in less than an hour and cleaned up and came back in to the house.

Lydia and I made tacos and we watched last night’s America’s Got Talent show and then the results show after that.  Lydia went to bed but I stayed up while longer and watched a couple of my taped shows before getting tired enough to go to bed. 

Thursday, Sep 5th, 2019…… Another beautiful day? It was supposed to be clear and sunny but we woke up to a light rain and cooler temps. But, after I got out of the shower and got dressed and went out with the monkey butt, the weather turned. It was sunny and getting warmer. By 10:00am it was really comfortable! We had nothing planned today so I watched some of the Thursday Mecum Auctions (they are in Dallas this week). Lydia was in her office catching up on some of her taped shows. But later, we got bored and took off to go run a few errands. First stop was Rife’s, where we got our dining room table. They haven’t contacted us yet about replacing the leaf that had some damage so we took our paperwork to them to complain. They will process it asap and hopefully by next week we will get a replacement. Next stop was J&J Lighting in Albany where we ordered two light fixtures for the master bath. These were a bit more than Costco but we decided that we both liked them better, given the décor we have now. Costco’s were a bit too modern for the room.  We headed back home and relaxed for the day. Oops, I relaxed. Lydia did several loads of laundry. She got a casserole put together and in the oven as well. Later, we ate and watched tv until bedtime. 
Friday, Sep 6th, 2019…...  I have been keeping up on the news up here with tv and the paper. The other day I spotted an article in the paper about a woman who drowned while rafting on the Willamette River near the Buena Vista Ferry crossing. It turns out that it was the same day that we took Raymond and Frances across the river on that ferry. We saw several groups of rafters going down the river in groups, like the woman did. They hit a tree snag in the river and she went under and was trapped in the snag and drowned. Makes you wonder if they were the ones coming by when we were there….
Nothing on the agenda today. Lydia worked some more on her laundry and I played with butthead. I had noticed that the exhaust vent I recently installed was glaring in the sun so I set out to fix that. I have extra house/garage paint so I put a couple of coats on it. Much better. Lydia made a trip to Walmart and got stuff for steak burritos for dinner. My favorite! After that, we watched our own programs until bedtime.

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