About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Oregon Living 2019 – Blog #85 – The Boat Fits! & Birthday Wishes from Friends and Family


Tuesday, Sep 10th, 2019…… Today I was excited! Today we were going up to Foster Lake to temporarily swap out the boat trailers. Problem was it was supposed to rain on and off all day! I waited a few minutes this morning until the morning drizzle stopped and I could walk Rylee. We made it but a bit later, it came down again. I took off and got coffee/breakfast and gas for the truck and when I got back it had stopped. Lydia had left to go play mahjong and I went out and got my floor jack and pulled one of the wheels/tire off the new/old trailer. It wasn’t holding the air I added just a day or so ago so I knew it had to be fixed. I dropped it off at the tire place and went on to the junk yard around on US20. I was looking for the front rim and the forks off a ten-speed bike for an art project I want to try. This guy has so much stuff, it was easy to find what I needed. I headed back and picked up the tire. It was only a valve stem and he didn’t charge to replace it. I got it and the bike rim home and got the tire back on the trailer and moved it around, facing down the driveway, ready for later. I also hooked up the boat to my truck and got everything I needed out and ready to go when Kirk and Caleb get here later in the afternoon.   My sister came by with Bill and Debbie and he and I waited for Kirk and Caleb and then helped them hook up the new/old trailer to Kirk’s truck and they followed us out to the lake. There was nobody else on the ramp (or on the lake either) so we were able to back both trailers down into the water at the same time. It only took a few minutes to move the boat onto the other trailer. I had Kirk move it back and forth until we had it where I wanted it. It fit perfectly!  

We reversed the process and loaded up again and left for home. Good thing too because right after we got on the road the skies opened up. I don’t think I have seen it rain as hard as it did today since we have been up here! It lasted a few minutes and then it was dry again until we got home. We unhooked both trailers and Kirk and Caleb left. Bill and I got the boat pushed back in the garage. The girls had gone back to Penny’s and would meet us at dinner (Pizza Schmizza) and they said they were on their way. But we had to change out of our wet shorts. I had to loan Bill a pair of mine and we left right after that. The rains caught up with us on the way in to town but stopped just as we were getting there. Lucky us!  We had a nice meal. 

They were heading out towards home early tomorrow so I lucked out that he was here to help today.  Once we said our goodbyes, we headed back home and went out with Rylee for a while and then came in and relaxed and each watched our own taped shows. Then I came in and watched America’s Got Talent which Lydia had on the living room tv. Once that was over, we both decided to call it a night. Busy day…..     

Wednesday, Sep 11th, 2019…… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!  The big 7 Oh!   Even though the weather was forecast for rain and gloom, it turned out to be a bright sunny day. Today started out with a text and the texts and the calls went on all day. I am so blessed that friends and family remembered and sent me their best wishes. Thanks to you all!   We didn’t have much planned, other than going to dinner tonight. I left to go get breakfast. Starbucks sent me an email saying I get a drink and a breakfast sandwich on them today, so I definitely took advantage of that!  Later, Lydia went off to play bingo and - between texts and calls, I relaxed and had nothing on the agenda. But later, I found I needed to get up and do something so I went out and started pulling parts off the trailer to bring it into my shop to clean and rebuild and prep for paint. I’m in no hurry but I also want to get into it already! I quit to come in and get cleaned up. Sis came by and we took off to go to The Point, across from Foster Lake. They have a nice menu and the food is pretty good. Thanks Lydia and Sis!   We now need to think about heading up there again soon to try their breakfast, which we keep forgetting to do. We got back home and relaxed and later watched the America’s Got Talent results show before calling it a night.          

Thursday, Sep 12th, 2019…... Today is my ex coworker, Barbara’s birthday. I think I mentioned this before but she and I are only about 6 hours apart in age. I was born late in the evening on 9/11 and she was born early the next morning on 9/12 - in Illinois - so we factored in the time zones.  Also, we discovered that she was born and raised about 15 miles from where my parents grew up in Illinois. Small world!  Wonder if our parents knew each other??? I sent her a text message and we invited her up for a visit whenever she can get away.
Today, it was nice and sunny even though the forecast was for rain. It was way too wet to mow today but I was able to get out and do all of the weed trimming, so at least that is done for now. My sister brought over the rest of her things today and later, brought Quincy as well. Her surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, and – until it gets postponed again – she will be here for a few days for recovery. We still need to go back and put her car in her garage but no hurry on that. Lydia fixed a new casserole recipe from an old cookbook. It was kind of like a version of a turkey dinner. I didn’t care for it as a regular item on her list, but it was ok and I can eat it again. After dinner, I did the dishes and we all relaxed and watched tv before turning in. We are getting up super early tomorrow morning and will be leaving for the hospital in Salem and we have to check in by 5:45am. So I turned in early.   

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