About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

2017 Trip – Blog #28 – Lydia Runs Amok and the Son Comes Up!

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017….. Today I got up rather early. The sun comes up at 5:45am plus I still have that habit (after 43 years of work and 5 years of retirement) of waking up early! Anyway, I got rolling. I showered and then I started on the drawer pulls in the bathroom and replaced all 11 of them. They look nice. I can’t mow until the dew gets off the lawn. I have all my tv programs still on the dvr in the rv so in the house and went out there and had a little breakfast and watched tv.  Then work on more boxes for a while, rest a bit and watch tv, then work a bit, rest a bit, etc. etc. It’s a tough life! I did watch the time trials on the Tour. Looks like Chris Froome has the yellow jersey sewed up. Tomorrow they do the last leg down the Champs-Élysées in Paris.  After that was over, it was close to 10:45am. I went out with the string trimmer and went around the sprinkler heads in the front and back yards.  Ready now for the mower! I needed Lydia for some extra help.  The internet cable is still lying across the yard from the street to the house.  It gets buried sometime down the road but for now I needed her to lift it up as I passed.  That all went well until I gave her a turn on the tractor. 

Now I had to lift the cable! She was like the energizer bunny on that mower – she just kept going and going! I think I made 2-3 passes – she made the rest and only got off when we were done!  No worries – it will grow again. I finished up with the string trimmer and wacked some more weeds and we were done!  Yaaay!  We took a break for lunch and rested for a while before working on more boxes.  I went back online for a bit to do some more updating of our address for magazines, campground memberships, etc. Most I could do online but some I have to call during the week.  We’ll get them all done eventually.

About 6:00pm Randy called and said he was around the corner!  He arrived a few minutes later and we unloaded the truck and rested a bit.  Mom showed him the house and grounds and then I showed him my workshop and tractor!  Lydia fixed pulled pork sliders and tator tots and we relaxed and watched a bit of tv then called it a night.

Sunday, July 23rd, 2017…..  Lydia had a rough night with acid reflux so she slept in this morning.  Randy and I took off and headed to town for breakfast and then went on to Albany and the Home Depot to pick up some storage cabinets for the garage.  On the way back I detoured by my sister’s future home to show him and then we returned home and assembled the cabinets.  With two of us it went pretty fast. Afterward, we took a break and watched the last day of the Tour de France.  Since it was Sunday, we didn’t plan anything else for the day.  Lydia showed Randy where the garage freezer was dripping.  He didn’t like the way it was cycling on and off. We unplugged it for a while and will check it later. Might have a bad compressor and if so we will scrap it and buy a new one. Stay tuned…  Later, Lydia fixed steak burritos for dinner (yummy!) and afterward we took a drive up to Sweet Home to show Randy Foster Lake and the area up there.  We returned and he took a look at our thermostat (the light stays on) and fixed it for us.  I watched Nascar, Lydia watched her programs and Randy watched tv and caught up on his texts/emails. 

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