About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Oregon Living 2017 – Blog #33 – Working On the Yard

Tuesday, August 1st, 2017…..  We slept in until 6:30am and got ready for the day.  Today’s plan was to put in reinforcement brackets on the hanging clothes bars in the master closet.  I had picked up some the other day at Lowes and within an hour had those in and now we can load up on the hangers in there! 

The weather here is taking a turn to the hot side!  Its 95° today and it’s supposed to hit 100° tomorrow thru Saturday. I did go outside for a while and work out by the workshop and fruit trees and bushes.  Walt had a planting bed out there that was framed in old wood.  It’s not been used for a long, long time and had gone to weeds so I cleared the junk and removed the wood.  

Now I can mow over it not worry about hitting obstacles.  I also fixed a drip line that was running out to the blueberries.  They’re in a caged area to protect them from animals and they are still looking good even though they were getting no water. The grapes and the apples are looking good as well. Grapes should be ripe by Sept/Oct. Not sure what kind they are – guess we’ll find out!  Also not sure yet about the apples so we’ll keep an eye on everything.  Penny did go in and pick a bunch of blueberries for breakfast and they are really sweet!  

She and Lydia also went out to the back corner of the property to check on the blackberries.  Some are turning now so we need to be prepared to go back in a few days and check again. We know we’ll get stuck on the sharp thorns so we’ll see how much pain they are worth!  Before I was done outside, Lydia and Penny went to get their mani/pedis. Once it got too hot I shifted back to work inside. I’m still working on unpacking the many boxes I filled for the office (/Quincy’s temporary bedroom!).  It’s coming along.  Thursday the DirecTV guy comes and sets up the cables in the house, including my office/den and the workshop. I finished up and rested. The girls got back and Lydia and I fixed tacos for a quick and tasty dinner. Earlier today, I got a call from Mike Myers.  He and Pat are in Florence, on the coast about 50 miles from Eugene.  They need repair on their motorhome’s slideout and they asked about REV.  REV is the company that is in Coburg that does repair work on Monaco and now Fleetwood products.  Hopefully they can come visit while they’re this close.    

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2017…..  Today Lydia and Penny went off to the nursery in Corvallis to meet with Kirk to pick out some plants for the yard.  They took pictures of several bushes, shrubs, and flowers that she wants to use.  

It’s in triple digits today (just made 105° a little after noon) so Kirk only did about four hours of bed clearing. He and Lydia walked the property and marked with little flags where the plants will be going.  He bought 50 flags and they used them all.  Boy, this is gonna cost me! I took off and went to the DMV and got new Oregon plates for the truck.  They told me to space it out since the tags on the other two vehicles are still good. We figure one in July, one in Aug. one in Sept. and one in Oct.  At least they are good for two years here for registrations! I left there and went and got gas in the truck and headed to Costco to pick up another storage unit for the office and a shelving system for the workshop.  I got those both assembled and the office was done.  I still have to move things around in the workshop plus get three more units.  I’ll take pictures when they are done and the stuff is on the shelves. Later, we went out to Ma’s Chinese, and my sister treated us to dinner.  Thank you!  We then went back to Costco and I bought a new tv for the office. I think I’ve figured out now which rooms the DirecTV boxes will go in.  We were all tired for the days errands so we relaxed and watched tv before turning in. 

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