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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Oregon Living 2017 – Blog #34 – More Work and More Visitors!

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017…..  Even though it’s been hot up here this week, the mornings always start out nice – in the 50s. So I put on long pants and boots and headed out early to the back of the property to weed whack some of the area on the other side of the creek.  The ‘creek’ is really just an empty gully that you can step over right now but we’re told it can fill up pretty full come rainy season. I did about 100 feet and said that was enough for the day.  My sister finished up her weeding project in the blueberry cage.  It looks great now!  I changed back to shorts and sandals and cut up cardboard for the recycle bin when the DirecTV guy came.  I pretty much had the living room tv all hooked up.  Ken ran cable to my office, the guest room, our bedroom, and the craft room.  I had a new dish on the install order so since the house already had one, I had him put it on the workshop plus wire it for a tv out there.  I still have one box in the motorhome and I will keep it in there until I get everything watched and then will use it in the workshop plus it will go back and forth to the rig when we travel. The box in Lydia’s craft room will be used in the rig as well. All of that work took the better part of the morning and even though I didn’t do any of it, I was tired! Hey, supervising is hard work! As Oregon residents now, we have the Portland feed via DirecTV and can see the news here now instead of the feed from LA that we had been getting. Later in the day, Gina and Paula came to visit. Paula is Penny’s ex sister-in-law. Her and Gina retired from SoCal (police and fire depts.) and moved up to Bend.  They, and their dog Morgan, were on a mini trip to the beach at Newport for a few days and stopped by on their way home. We showed them our place and we visited for a while. Then Penny took them by her place before they headed back over the Cascades.  Meanwhile, we are pretty much staying in the a/c in the house! I worked on the last of the boxes for the office while Lydia put away things in the master bedroom and closet.  I did go out to the rig for a bit to take a break.  The coach has a/c but it was so hot in there that running it now wouldn’t do any good.  I just turned on a couple of fans and kicked back and watched tv for a couple of hours.  Lydia fixed a teriyaki pork roast for dinner and we kicked back for the evening. She did go out and add 5 more flags for the new flower bed plan.  We’re up to 55 now! 

Friday, August 4th, 2017…..   Today I set out to do more weed whacking.  I got out to the workshop and started straightening things up and stayed there instead. I put some of my saw tables back together and moved some things out of boxes.  Still a lot of work to do in there! The steel shelving unit that I put together yesterday got moved into place. 

 It’s one of four I plan to assemble across the south wall.  Unfortunately since it’s got beams that attach to the previous upright I can’t load anything until I get the other ones bought and installed.  All I need is money!  But no hurry right now.  Penny worked on cleaning up dead grass in the flower beds and I picked up all of the stuff she cleared out of the blueberry enclosure.  Then it got hot!  I was planning on mowing this morning but I couldn’t because the grass was still wet (sprinklers go off at 4:00am).  I’ll probably have to learn to turn them off the night before!  While we were outside, Lydia worked on the last of the master bedroom boxes so that is now done. We also did work on hanging pictures. I had one bracket that needed a little trimming so the hanger could go over it.  I actually had to use a dremel tool to cut It.  

But soon we were done.  It  is starting to now look like a home!  

Later, I watched Mecum auctions I taped this morning and also talked a bit to Treasa who is in Ohio, visiting their kids and grandson.  They will hit the road pretty soon to make their way back to Calif.  I said goodbye as Lydia called me into dinner.  She fixed bbq pork ribs, w/baked potato and string beans.  Yummy! Afterwards, I went back to work breaking down Lydia’s empty boxes and also unpacked a few more in the shop before coming in for the night.       

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