About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #134 – Frost, an Estate Sale, and Guests for Dinner


Thursday, October 18th, 2018…...  Not much on the agenda for today. I did my usual street walk with Rylee. My sister was here and had Quincy out in the field at the same time and snapped a couple of long-distance shots of us walking…

I ran a few errands but for the most part it was just hanging around the house and not doing much. We had two frosts a couple of weeks ago and it looks like it wiped out a few shrubs and one small tree. Lydia thinks it’s in the honeysuckle/jasmine family. The leaves are all black now and it looks dead. I cleaned up the first bunch of leaves and we’re watching it closely now. The grapes are also wiped out. But it’s end of season so I should be able to trim it back and it should be fine for next season. I have two battery-operated irrigation timers out in the islands and one in the blueberry cage that I will need to bring in soon. Last year I had some out there and they froze and cracked and I want to save these from that fate.
Lydia is feeling a little better. Between the shingles relapse (no rash this time – just nerve pain in that area) and her diverticulitis, she has been suffering but with the antibiotics she’s on, it’s getting better each day.  
We ate a light dinner and settled in to watch our programs and then called it a night.
Friday, October 19th, 2018…... Nothing planned for today and Lydia was doing ok, so we decided to take a car ride and head up to Salem for the Home Improvement Show at the fairgrounds. We didn’t leave until about 11:15am so we fed Rylee early. It didn’t say dogs were allowed so we didn’t take her. We got up there about noon or so and parked at the entrance. We saw the entry sign but it said that they weren’t going to be open until 3:00pm today. Bummer! We had previously heard about it on the radio and they didn’t give hours. I checked the fairgrounds website but didn’t dig deep enough to check if hours were posted. Oh well, we will have to go another time. We headed back and stopped at a new Home Goods store in Salem and picked up a few things we were looking for. We decided that, on the way back home, we would go past a house in the Salem area that we had looked at back in January (2017) when we came up to check out winter in the NW. We only drove by back then but we had seen pictures of the inside layout on the web, and it looked promising. It had 4 acres and a nice red barn and was tucked away in a nice little community on Pudding Creek Rd. out in the country. Problem was we weren’t ready to seriously look at that time. But it would have been a contender had it been available when we came back in May to buy. We drove down the street and then turned around and stopped out front. The lady was leaving and stopped and walked up to our car to see what we were doing there (now that wouldn’t happen in SoCal!). We quickly assured her we weren’t stalking her, just that we had an interest in the house back when and that it really looked good since they moved in. They had painted the barn and added an rv structure to the end of it, like we would have done.  We continued on home but stopped at a bazaar in Lebanon that two ladies have every year. They make crafts and Lydia bought some of these homemade Oregon items to give as presents to her lunch ladies when we head south to California. We finally got home and rested until we left to go meet my sister at Tony’s Tacos for dinner. They were celebrating their first anniversary and combo plates were half price. Penny has befriended the owner and they were nice enough to give her and I Tony’s baseball caps. Very cool. The dinner was excellent and we went home full. Later, Penny came by and dropped Quincy off for a sleepover. She was leaving early tomorrow with her friend Janice, to go to Salem and hit a flea market and then the outlet mall. Quincy has no issues with being at our house, unless you call being constantly pestered by the monster mutt an issue! But they do eventually settle down and have figured out sleeping arrangements. Quincy uses the guest room and Rylee sleeps with us so everyone gets a good night’s sleep.       

Saturday, October 20th, 2018…...  I got up right at 7:00am with a nose in my face telling me it was time! I let both dogs out one at a time and then fed Rylee. Quincy has her walk, then eats breakfast so I followed that routine.  I follow the same example that my sister does. Quincy walks and runs around in the west forty and does her business. We finished that walk and I signaled to Lydia to ‘release the kraken!’ and Rylee runs out and harasses Quince until she will run and play with her. Once they are tired, I bring them in and feed Quincy. Then I took off to go to Linda’s estate sale. She works for a service that handles your entire estate sale. They come in, sort through and set out everything and mark it for the 3-4-day sale. They have staff (like Linda) who takes money and keeps track of everything. I got there and parked way down the street. This was a seven-acre property with barns and sheds and tons of stuff. Problem was everything was in terrible shape and all of it was overpriced. Even when they have the last day sale and mark everything at ½ price, it was still too high. I passed on everything and came home.  Then we set out to clean up the house a bit because Penny, Linda, and Chuck were coming over later for dinner. Lydia went to the store and got everything she didn’t have to make lasagna. Penny brought the salad and Linda brought an apple pie. We had a nice meal and set around and relaxed. The Dodger game was on so we kept an eye on that throughout the evening. The Dodgers scored mid game and held on to take the win. They will now go against the Red Sox in the World Series starting Tuesday. It was a nice evening!  

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