About Us

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Lebanon, Oregon, United States
We are Terry & Cathye Kinkelaar. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know that Lydia, my beautiful wife of 52 years, and I made the lifestyle choice to move to Oregon in 2017. You've seen my posts about losing her in May 2020 to cancer. Although I was left alone, I am pleased to say that I have found happiness again. In April 2021, I met Cathye, who also lost her longtime husband in 2020. Well, we fell in love and were married in April 2022. So, if folks are still interested, I will continue to post here as we move forward with our lives and adventures!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Oregon Living 2018 – Blog #135 – Getting a Few Projects Done..

Sunday, October 21st, 2018…... It was a quiet night last night. Rylee was pooped from her houseguest and crashed early and slept through the night. Lydia got up and fed Rylee and I slept a few minutes longer. She eats then comes looking for me to play with her. We do that for a few minutes then I shower and get dressed and then I take her out for our walk. I came back and Lydia had fixins out for omelets so I headed off to Starbucks to get her chai tea and my coffee. We had a nice breakfast and while I cleaned up, Lydia went off to shower. My sister was coming over later with Janice, who wanted to see our place. Penny will be staying here after her surgery and Janice wants to come visit her.  They did stop by and Penny gave her a tour. Afterward, we went back to our lazy day, watching tv and kicking back. Lydia made dinner and we watched tv until bedtime.    
Monday, October 22nd, 2018…...  I had a few things on my plate today. I got up with Rylee again at 7:00am and let her out then fed her. I showered and went out to get breakfast. I went to Albany because I was looking to go to Burcham Metals to see if they had some angle iron in stock that I could use to make shelving beams for the three uprights I didn’t use from the Costco shelves I put up last year. I saw them on Craig’s List yesterday but they weren’t posted today so I just passed on that. I went to Roger’s for breakfast then went over and checked in with Habitat For Humanity to see what they had new. By the time I got home, it was time for the next project I had planned. I hooked up the cart behind the tractor and put on my lifting belt and went out to the woodpile out in the field. Walt had felled a tree way back when and since the logs were too heavy to move, he just left them there. My sister wanted some of them to use for seating and flower pots at her house but when we when to get some, they showed signs of rot, probably from termite damage. Walt added pallets and other misc. debris to the pile and I just wanted to clean it all up.  I decided that I would just try to dispose of the logs by throwing them into the woods and then bringing out the pallets to cut up and use as firewood. My sister was over the other day and we threw all of the smaller pieces over the creek so I only had about 25-30 to do. The trailer was perfect for that!

One more load!

I was able to load up 3-4 logs and then take them out close enough to dump. Some I could chuck out but some had to be rolled. It took some time and labor, but, with a few breaks, I got it all done. I stacked up the pallets and other lumber to bring back in close to the electrical plug in the back of the rv garage so I could use my circular saw and cut them down a bit. I will come out tomorrow with the truck and load those up. That was enough for today. I came in and took some Aleve and rested for the day        

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018…...  Today was another day with a few tasks. We ate breakfast in and then I sat down and got my voting done. They don’t have voting polls here. Everything is mail-in. The ballots came in last week and we have until election day in November but I wanted to get it over with. I got that done and then got Lydia’s enveloped stamped and ready for when she votes. She ended up doing that later in the day so we had both of those ready for tomorrow’s mail. I went out and got my circular saw going and made quick work of the pallets and other misc. junk that I will probably end up just throwing in the trash when I have room. It all got piled up and that task was done.  Kirk came by and, among other things, finished up my dead leaf pickup project. So, that was done.  Later, Tim and Dana brought by a 12-ft. pressure-treated 2x8 to affix to the transition area where the cement approach meets the asphalt driveway. I told him the cement is cracking in that area, and he wanted to put a temporary fix in there for now.  He has asked a local welder, my buddy Scott, to make up a steel plate to attach there.  They will get that going and get back to me. Later, we took off to go to James Gang Pizza for dinner. They had the Dodger/Red Sox game on, so we watched that while we ate. When we got home, I watched the rest of it before changing to my taped shows. We lost tonight. I know the Red Sox are going to be tough – I don’t think it will be easy, but maybe we can pull it out. Go Dodgers!     

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